Agenda - Development Plan Meeting - 17th June 2021

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17/06/2021 15:30
Virtual Meeting

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Hazel Craigie
H-I (2)
Submitted by:

Chief Executive's Proposed Amendments to Draft Plan

H-I (3)
Submitted by:

Resolution to the next stage



Introduction, Strategic Vision & Climate Action


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 1 - 1.0 Introduction. Second Paragraph: at the end of this paragraph insert "and integration with each other"

Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy


Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That an area beside No. 36 Monastery Crescent (known around as The Little Green) is zoned as residential I am asking to rezone as a public amenity and public green space in the new Development Plan, to copper-fasten its protection for public use

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - 2.6.6 Amend the final sentence of the final paragraph by inserting the words "and Affordable" between the words Social Housing.

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - Policy 3. To amend CS3 Objective 3 to replace the word "Shall" with the word "Must" on line 5 between the words "Applicant" and "Demonstrate".

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - Vacant Sites. To Amend the final paragraph to read from line two "The the council will investigate 'and prioritise' reports of dereliction and take relevant and 'stringent' action......"

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Add a new objective, CS5 Objective 6: To ensure that a section of any lands zoned EE or REGEN are set aside for local enterprise hubs for developing businesses or for shared workspaces serving people who are unable to work from home but who want to carry out their work close to where they live.

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2:Core Strategy - Policy 4. CS4 Objective 3: Amend by removing the word "Seek" at the beginning of the Objective.

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy: To amend CS6 Objective 5 as follows: Design future development in a manner that facilitates sustainable travel patterns, with a particular focus on increasing the share of active modes (walking and cycling) and public transport use and creating a safe, attractive, universally-accessible street environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

In support of Executive summary 2.4, 2.6.1 (Land Capacity Study) table 9 & 10; This Development Plan will ensure that no further lands will be rezoned in Map 8 bounded by the Naas Road, Garter Lane & Mill Road.

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 43, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 3, add new objective 'CS3 Objective 5: Create and maintain a data base of land zoned for residential development that has not yet been developed including information on why this land has not been developed so as to inform future zoning and de-zoning decisions'.

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 54, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 8, insert in Objective 1 'and increased open space amenity' after 'active travel'

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 56, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 9, insert in Objective 3, ', open space amenity' between 'retail' and 'and'

Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - 2.2, 2.4.1, 2.6.7, Table 9 & 10, Map Sheet 5 (+Chapter 3) That the Plan protects and enhances where possible the Unique Lands known as Newlands Farm Located between the Belgard Rd, Ballymount Road and the Naas Rd N7 found on Map/Sheet 5. These lands are zoned RU and are a unique wildlife Habitat in an Urban setting between two major settings of Human Population of Clondalkin and Tallaght and are the lungs of Tallaght or the 'Stepping stones' for the purposes of Natural infrastructure mentioned in Chapter 3 NCBH 2 Objective 3 which states 'To protect and conserve the natural heritage of the County, and to conserve and manage EU and nationally designated sites and non-designated locally important areas which act as 'stepping stones' for the purposes of green infrastructure and Article 10 of the Habitats Directive'. These Lands with their rich abundance of Flora and Fauna including large numbers of animals offset the enormous carbon Pollution created by the vehicular traffic on the Belgard Road but more specifically the N7 - THE busiest Road in the Country and therefore must be protected. Section 2.2 Clearly states that we have more than enough Residential zoned lands within the County to meet our Ministerial targets of 17,817 and even the top tier target of 23,730 as we currently have enough zoned land to deliver 44,472 Housing units which could cover two development plans over 12 years under current population projections. In addition to the above 2.4.1 states 'The NPF's number one strategic objective: Compact Growth, sets a clear development outcome to grow our existing urban areas creating a priority to build on brownfield / infill development first, before considering greenfield lands.' This statement further supports the argument to protect the current zoning on the aforementioned Lands. Furthermore, 2.6.7 continues to support this zoning by stating 'As set out in Table 9, South Dublin has a physical excess of zoned lands to meet the population and housing targets set out under national and regional policy. These lands are located, for the most part, within existing built-up areas in Dublin City and Suburbs and will, therefore, support compact growth. Lastly, with all of the above in mind, this are of rich Biodiversity must be protected now in this Plan and into the future by ensuring its zoning is enshrined in the plan to ensure the important functions its serves to both the wildlife and the human population that surrounds it and also to ensure we create a plan that is strictly in line with current ministerial targets and National and Local targets, guidelines and Policy's some of which are set out above.

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2 That this council does not rezone the green belt at Newlands Cross and it remains zoned agricultural

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

CS3: Add: Objective 6: Facilitate as far as possible the development of homes for owner-occupiers over institutional investors.

Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Population and plot density should be sustainable

Mot (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy: CS3 Objective 1: To add in at the end of this objective the words “and to ensure that brownfield sites are prioritised for development over greenfield sites in line with the regional strategy”.

Mot (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy: CS6 Objective 5: To add in at the end of this objective “and to ensure that adequate transport links are in place, or will be situated, close to new developments and to existing developments which need them.

Mot (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2 Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy CS4 Obj 1 That the long term vacant houses in St Maelruins park no longer be left vacant and allowed to go into a state of disrepair

Mot (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

To add a new objective, CS5 Objective 5: To ensure an even geographical spread within the county for intensive employment expansion so that varied local employment opportunities exist to cut commute times for residents in the county's major population centres, even along public transport nodes.

Mot (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - Policy 3. To amend CS3 Objective 2 by adding at the end of the sentence - "Whilst ensuring overdevelopment does not occur in any particular area".

Mot (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS6 Objective 4 to read: Promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines, subject to community facilities, retail, usable open space or any infrastructure deemed necessary being included as part of the initial application.

Mot (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS6 Objective 6 to read: Support, through the compact growth model in the Core Strategy and settlement strategy, the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity-rich, environmentally sustainable and carbon neutral economy before 2050.

Mot (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - CPO's. To Amend this by reading - Where the context so requires "and once identified", the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO's) will be pursued "immediately" under the relevant Legislation,....

Mot (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS8 Objective 1 to read: To facilitate the commencement and completion of development on zoned residential lands within and contiguous to the settlement boundary facilitating connections to the village core and other areas to provide for active travel and the provision of necessary community amenities in close proximity.

Mot (27)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS9 Objective 1 to read: To ensure that development proposals provide for the front-loading of infrastructure, community buildings, sports pitches and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.

Mot (28)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS9 Objective 3 to read: To proactively support and promote the highest levels of services, social infrastructure, facilities, retail and economic activity to meet the needs of current and future growth in line with scale and function of Newcastle within the settlement hierarchy.

Mot (29)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS10 Objective 1 to read: To facilitate the commencement and completion of development on zoned residential lands within and contiguous to the settlement boundary of Rathcoole facilitating connections to the village core and other areas to provide for active travel opportunities, while preserving biodiversity and by protecting and enhancing hedgerows and established/developing native woodlands.

Mot (30)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS10 Objective 3 to read: To proactively support and promote the highest levels of services, social infrastructure, facilities, retail and economic activity to meet the needs of current and future growth in line with scale and function of Rathcoole within the settlement hierarchy.

Mot (31)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2 - CORE STRATEGY AND SETTLEMENT STRATEGY - Policy 7 (Page 54) CS7 Objective 4: Amend From: To promote and facilitate development at the Strategic Development Zones at Adamstown and Clonburris, in accordance with their planning scheme and associated phasing requirements. Amend To: To promote and facilitate development at the Strategic Development Zones at Adamstown and Clonburris, in accordance with their planning scheme and associated phasing requirements, whilst adapting and facilitating emerging transport service level pattern needs.

Mot (32)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this council rezone the Rathcoole woodlands from RES-N (residential) to OS (to protect and preserve open space

Mot (33)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

Housing Policy: H5 Ref Map 6 (242) The Lands south of the Templeogue Road between Hillcrest and Corrybeg Estates, owned by the Cheeverstown Charity, as outlined in red on map attached To insert a SLO to support a volume of residential development that equates to the existing floor space of the site for the purpose of Elderly and Supported living.

Mot (34)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy Motion: To amend CS6 Objective 6 as follows: Support, through the compact growth model in the Core Strategy and settlement strategy, the just transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity-rich, environmentally sustainable and carbon neutral economy by 2050.

Mot (35)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

To amend CS1 Objective 2 as follows: Support continued collaboration between infrastructure providers, state agencies and local authorities to inform cross sectoral investment plans and capital spending plans to accelerate the development of strategic development areas and secure the best use of public lands in the Dublin Metropolitan Area - consistent with RPO 5.1. This includes but is not limited to supporting increased rail capacity under DART+ or any succeeding plan, increased capacity on the Luas Red Line, and development of a metro rail link serving the south of the county.

Mot (36)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

To rezone lands (map attached) in Rathcoole, Co. Dublin from RES-N to OS 'To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities" in the County Development Plan. 

Mot (37)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy CS Policy 7 To amend Section CS7 Objective 1: Promote more intensive population & employment uses, to add the following: 'that focuses on good community, civic and school facilities, good quality streets & spaces & that existing & new neighbourhoods are knitted together alongside essential infrastructure & amenities that are required to develop sustainable communities & employment' within key urban centres, consistent with RPO 4.3

Mot (38)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

CS3: Add Objective 5: Prioritise the building of social and genuinely affordable housing to meet the housing needs of the citizens of South Dublin.

Mot (39)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

CS3: Add 'Objective 7: In line with NPF, Appendix 3, development in areas in which SHDs have been granted permission will be kept under constant review to ensure that the delivery of necessary infrastructure is possible to ensure the sustainability of communities.

Mot (40)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

SM4: Add SLO: With regard to the land zoned yellow RES between Stocking Avenue, Ballycullen Rd and the M50 (map 10 relates) to ensure that development is delivered in tandem with necessary infrastructure.

Mot (41)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

Tallaght densities in recent SHDs exceed the LAP and the CDP. There needs to be a clear planning objective for the County Town to be sustainable, and not see densities that exceed those of Central London - whose public transport system is far more developed than that in Tallaght ( underground, 24 hour buses, over ground rail).

Mot (42)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor K. Egan, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

''The Greenogue and Aerodrome Business Parks at Rathcoole/Newcastle, Clondalkin Industrial Estate and Fonthill Industrial Estate are large industrial campuses comprising a mix of largely warehousing and manufacturing facilities, providing potential for new jobs or any displacement of jobs from the Naas Road or Tallaght REGEN lands over the coming years. Other smaller industrial estates throughout the County can also offer space for employment throughout the lifetime of the plan.'' (Ref Chapter 9- Economic development and Employment. Section 9.1)

Motion:  ‘To rezone the land outlined in red on the attached map, (extending to 129 acres), from its current ‘RU’ Objective, (to protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for agriculture), to Objective ‘EE’, (to provide for enterprise and employment related uses) to allow the existing industrial estate to expand.’

Mot (43)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor K. Egan, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

'To rezone the land outlined in red on the attached map, (extending to 129 acres), from its current 'RU' Objective, (to protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for agriculture), to Objective 'EE', (to provide for enterprise and employment related uses) to allow the existing industrial estate to expand.'

Mot (44)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

To rezone the land outlined in red on the attached map, (extending to 129 acres), from its current 'RU' Objective, (to protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for agriculture), to Objective 'EE', (to provide for enterprise and employment related uses) to allow the existing industrial estate to expand The Greenogue and Aerodrome Business Parks at Rathcoole/Newcastle, Clondalkin Industrial Estate and Fonthill Industrial Estate are large industrial campuses comprising a mix of largely warehousing and manufacturing facilities, providing potential for new jobs or any displacement of jobs from the Naas Road or Tallaght REGEN lands over the coming years. Other smaller industrial estates throughout the County can also offer space for employment throughout the lifetime of the plan.'' (Ref Chapter 9- Economic development and Employment. Section 9.1)

Mot (45)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor A. Hayes
Stephen Willoughby

'That South Dublin County Council consider making amendments to the Draft Development Plan 2022-2028 to change the 'Rural and Agriculture' (RU) zoning of land located at Cooldrinagh Lane (See Figure 1 below) to 'Existing Residential' (RES), to facilitate land use which is consistent with the existing and established settlement pattern in this particular area. Figure 1: Current RU zoned land to be rezoned RES (boundary highlighted in red

Mot (46)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Insert an SLO to following section of land (map attached) Given the established residential settlement located in the northern portion of Cooldrinagh Lane, it is considered that the existing 'RU' zoning is not reflective of the existing settlement pattern and should be amended to replicate this. We recognise the zoning objective of the RU zone is 'To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture', however, it is considered that the 'Existing Residential' (RES) zone which provides zoning objective 'To protect and/or improve residential amenity' is more appropriate in terms of considering the existing development pattern.

Mot (47)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

'That South Dublin County Council consider making amendments to the Draft Development Plan 2022-2028 to change the 'Rural and Agriculture' (RU) zoning of land located at Cooldrinagh Lane (See Figure 1 below) to 'Existing Residential' (RES), to facilitate land use which is consistent with the existing and established settlement pattern in this particular area. (map to be included)

Mot (48)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy Motion: That this Development Plan will provide for the rezoning of the lands at Rathcreedan, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin outlined in red on the attached map from their current Objective 'RU' use to Objective 'RES-N' and will extend the boundary of the Newcastle Local Area Plan to the east to encompass this 10.5 Ha site and the Newcastle cemetery. In addition, the lands shall be subject to a Site Specific Local Objective to provide a minimum of 3.2 Ha of the site for the development of recreational and leisure facilities. The land and the facilities must be provided before any development can take place on the remainder of the site.

Mot (49)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2023 -2029 will provide for the rezoning of the lands at Rathcreedan, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin outlined in red on the attached map from their current Objective 'RU' use (to protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture) to Objective 'RES-N' (to provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and will extend the boundary of the Newcastle Local Area Plan to the east to encompass this 10.5 Ha site and the Newcastle cemetery. In addition, the lands shall be subject to a Site Specific Local Objective to provide a minimum of 3.2 Ha of the site for the development of recreational and leisure facilities. The land and the facilities must be provided before any development can take place on the remainder of the site.

Mot (50)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly
Stephen Willoughby

That the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2023 -2029 will provide for the rezoning of the lands at Rathcreedan, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin outlined in red on the attached map from their current Objective 'RU' use (to protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture) to Objective 'RES-N' (to provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and will extend the boundary of the Newcastle Local Area Plan to the east to encompass this 10.5 Ha site and the Newcastle cemetery. In addition, the lands shall be subject to a Site Specific Local Objective to provide a minimum of 3.2 Ha of the site for the development of recreational and leisure facilities. The land and the facilities must be provided before any development can take place on the remainder of the site.

Mot (51)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon, Councillor A. Hayes
Stephen Willoughby

To rezone lands at Newlands Farm, Red Cow comprising: 53 Ha from Objective 'RU' (Rural Amenity) to Objective 'RES-N' (New Residential Communities in Accordance with Approved Area Plans); and 5.7 Ha from Objective 'EE' (Enterprise and Employment) to Objective 'REGEN' (Enterprise and/or Residential-led Regeneration), to allow for the delivery of an area plan-led mixed-use sustainable development quarter that incorporates housing, offices, community and recreational uses on lands that are located adjacent to infrastructure and services and easily accessible to major public transport nodes.

Mot (52)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

That lands at Cheeverstown House, Kilvare, Templeogue Road, Dublin 6W owned by the Cheeverstown charity outlined in red on Map attached of approximately 3.2 hectares in area be rezoned from 'HA' (High Amenity) to RES (Residential) 'to protect and/or improve residential amenity'

Mot (53)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Stephen Willoughby

That the 'Proposed Primary School' Specific Objective be removed from the 1.9 hectares of lands at Stocking Avenue [Site A],

Mot (54)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Stephen Willoughby

That 8.09 hectares lands off Ballycullen Road / Gunny Hill (R113) [Site B] be rezoned from 'Objective RU' to the following zonings and with the following Specific Local Objectives applied: ? Parcel A: from Objective RU to Objective OS ('to preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned open space to be provided as a playground for Abbot's Grove. ? Parcel B: from Objective RU to Objective RES-N ('to provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned new residential land to be provided as step down housing. ? Parcel C: from Objective RU to Objective OS ('to preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned open space to be provided as playing pitches.' map 10

Mot (55)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

I propose that South Dublin County Council amend Chapter 9 of the Chief Executive's Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 as set out below. Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment (EDE) Policy 10 Liffey Valley Major Retail Centre Support the Level 2 Major Town Centre retail function of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre EDE10 Objective 1: To support Liffey Valley as a Major Retail Centre (MRC) and allow for the growth of the existing shopping centre and complementary leisure/entertainment, retail warehouse, residential and commercial land uses.

Mot (56)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

I propose that South Dublin County Council amend Chapter 9 of the Chief Executive's Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 as set out below. Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment (EDE) 9.5.2 Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, remove Shopping and Insert Major Retail to read "Liffey Valley Major Retail Centre" And to add in the following text at the end of the 1st paragraph under section 9.5.2 Building on its existing context and existing and proposed utilities and transport infrastructure, it is considered that Liffey Valley has the potential to act as an urban centre for the north of the County, reinforcing the existing network of urban centres, and be an appropriate location for additional mixed-use development, ensuring that the existing context including identified built and natural assets, urban design, integration and potential for connectivity fully inform development.

Mot (57)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

I propose that South Dublin County Council amend Chapter 13 of the Chief Executive's Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 as set out below. Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.8: Zoning Objective 'MRC': 'To protect, improve and provide for the future development of a Major Retail Centre' USE CLASSES RELATED TO ZONING OBJECTIVE To add in the following under Permitted in Principle - Community Centre, Housing for Older People, Residential, Residential Institution, and remove 'less than 100 sq.m' under Offices. And to remove under Open for Consideration 'Offices 100 sq.m - 1,000 sq.m' And to remove under Not Permitted Community Centre, Housing for Older People, Nursing Home, Offices over 1,000 sq.m, Residential, Residential Institution, Retirement Home,

Mot (58)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this Council rezones green space including football pitches at Moyle Park College to open space from current residential.

Mot (59)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

To ensure compliance with, COS 5 Objective 4, with regard to Institutional Lands/'Windfall' Sites, to change the zoning of the eastern garden and car parks of the Church of the Immaculate Conception and St Killian off New Road in Clondalkin, marked in red on the attached map, to amenity.

Mot (60)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS3 Objective 3 to read: To provide for flexibility in achieving the housing supply targets and meeting housing demand, the Council will consider the re-distribution of housing and population figures within the settlement and Neighbourhood Areas. In this regard, where a site greater than 0.25ha has the potential to exceed the allocation for a particular Neighbourhood Area as set out under Core Strategy Table 10, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Authority that the necessary social and physical infrastructure is in place or can be provided in advance of the application to accommodate the proposed development.

Mot (61)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS6 Objective 2 to read: Promote compact growth and support high quality infill development in existing urban built-up areas by achieving a target of at least 50% of all new homes within or contiguous to the built-up area of Dublin City and Suburbs (Consistent with NSO 1, RSO 2, NPO 3b and RPO 3.2), and to ensure that the provision of any required community and retail infrastructure for the lands in question is included as part of any housing application.

Mot (62)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend CS6 Objective 3 to read: Promote compact growth and support high quality infill development in existing urban built-up areas, outside Dublin City and Suburbs, by achieving a target of at least 30% of all new homes within or contiguous to the CSO defined settlement boundaries (Consistent with NPO 3b and RPO 3.2) and to ensure that the provision of any required community and retail infrastructure for the lands in question is included as part of any housing application.

Mot (63)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy Motion: To insert a new objective in CS1 - To Develop Local Area Plans for the self-contained settlements of Rathcoole and Saggart.

Mot (64)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 54, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 7, insert in Objective 4 'with a particular emphasis on public transport infrastructure' after 'phasing requirements'

Mot (65)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Motion : Need a proactive SLO for the lands zoned regeneration in Central Tallaght - a strong mix of land uses that intensify enterprise, industry and emnployment is needed. The LAP and rezone has not delivered regeneration - unprecedented SHDs only have flooded in - no new jobs to regenerate or transform these lands for Tallaght. A proactive strategy and program for these lands is required to deliver intensive industry and employment into these areas as well as the SHD apartment applications.

Mot (66)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Land Development Agency, insist on mixed tenure and adherence to national plans, this is not happening in Tallaght.

Mot (67)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

That the section highlighted on the map (Sheet 2) at St Ronan's Crescent be zoned Open Space.

Mot (68)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor A. Hayes
Stephen Willoughby

That South Dublin County Council pursuant to Section 11(5)(c) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) resolves to amend the Chief Executive's Draft Development Plan 2022-2028 as follows:- • Identify lands at Aderrig, as identified in red in the aerial view and map below, for an 'Objective RES-N' land use zoning 'To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans' on Map 1 of the Draft County Development Plan. • currently zoned agricultural [objective RU].

Mot (69)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

That the section of Cherry Orchard Industrial estate in South Dublin County Ownership be zoned from EE to REGEN with an SLO inserted to develop the area as a 'Non-residential creative enterprise hub' so as to gradually revitalise the area and, over a period of time, vary the usage of buildings from a community and employment perspective.

Mot (70)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy CS Policy 7 To amend section CS7 Objective 2: Promote & support the regeneration of underutilized industrial areas designated with zoning objective REGEN (to facilitate enterprise, to add the following: that in addition addresses the needs of the low skilled workforce and/or that provides for social and affordable residential led regen subject to a development framework or plan for the area incorporating phasing and infrastructure delivery)

Natural, Cultural & Built Heritage


Mot (71)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - Pg 63 Motion: To amend NCBH 1 Objective 3 as follows: To pilot an assessment of the County's natural and built heritage assets including Council owned protected structures and archaeological features; to identify and safeguard these assets from the potential impacts of climate change; and to explore possible uses as part of climate change mitigation.

Mot (72)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 2 Objective 4:  “To protect our rivers and in particular to avoid overdevelopment which could have an adverse effect on the biodiversity and ecosystems of the river”

Mot (73)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.3.3 Objectibe NCBH 3 Objective 2 1st sentence, to add in the word "adverse" to read..... will not have a significant adverse effect on a European Site.....

Mot (74)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.3.3 Objectibe NCBH 3 Objective 3 1st sentence, to add in the words "adverse" (2 places) and "Site" to read..... will not have a significant adverse effect on a European Site, or where such development proposal is likely or might have such a significant adverse effect.

Mot (75)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Council investigates the feasibility of extending the current Liffey Valley Special Amenity Order Area with particular regard to incorporating the lands known as the Demense in the Special Amenity Order Area

Mot (76)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 , recommended in the Liffey Valley SAAO, to bring the lands within the SAAO into public ownership either through land swop, purchase or some other means.

Mot (77)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3. P 72. Amend NCBH 7 Objective 6: Consider the extension of public owned lands, either by direct purchase or land swap within and adjacent to the Liffey Valley Special Amenity Area to create a linked series of park land and open spaces. Amend to replace the first word from consider to actively pursue: Actively pursue the extension of public owned lands, either by direct purchase or land swap within and adjacent to the Liffey Valley Special Amenity Area to create a linked series of park land and open spaces.

Mot (78)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 7 Objective 6 to read: To actively pursue the extension of public owned lands, either by direct purchase or land swap within and adjacent to the Liffey Valley Special Amenity Area to create a linked series of park land and open spaces.

Mot (79)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Council reaffirms its commitment to the protection of the Liffey Valley and directs the Chief Executive where possible to designate lands within the area as publicly owned parkland and to make efforts to acquire lands which could be incorporated into such parkland.

Mot (80)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

That South Dublin County Council will take the lead role and involve Dublin City Council, Fingal and Kildare County Councils and the Office of Public Works in developing A Liffey Valley Park during the lifetime of this Development Plan, along the lines of the Lagan Valley in Belfast (i.e. incorporating both public and privately owned land) as envisaged in the 2006 ERM Report “Towards A Liffey Valley Park”.


Mot (81)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

To amend NCBH Objective 3 to read: To facilitate and support the development of the Liffey Valley (Zoning Objective 'HA-LV') as an interconnected green space and park in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council a, Kildare County Council, the OPW, existing landowners and community groups to include the identification and designation of possible future new pedestrian routes and footbridge locations, including the Silver Bridge/Farmleigh Bridge, in accordance with Towards a Liffey Valley Park (2007) or any superseding plan. Universal accessibility for all should be balanced with ensuring that environmental and built heritage sensitivities are not negatively impacted upon.

Mot (82)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Add 'Paddle Boarding' after 'Rowing' in NCBH 9 Objective 2 (Page 75).

Mot (83)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert: To review the number of Tree Preservation Orders within the County and maintain the conservation value of trees and groups of trees that are the subject of any Tree Preservation Order.

Mot (84)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 11 Objective 2: To regularly evaluate and identify trees of amenity value within the County with a view to making them the subject of TPOs or otherwise protecting them and further, to furnish information to the public in this regard.

Mot (85)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 11 Objective 3 to read: To protect existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity and/or biodiversity and/or carbon sequestration value and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management taking into account Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council's Tree Management Policy (2015-2020) or any superseding document.

Mot (86)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

NCBH13 Objective 2. Delete 'that is of significant interest'.

Mot (87)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 6: Objective 6 delete the words 'as appropriate' and add the phrase 'and support alternative methods of stock control on the commonage.' to read: 'To enhance and protect our rural traditions by preserving traditional common grazing grounds in Bohernabreena and to encourage the grazing of such areas by local farmers and support alternative methods of stock control on the commonage'.

Mot (88)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Add at end of NCBH 6 Objective 6: To enhance and protect our rural traditions by preserving traditional common grazing grounds in Bohernabreena, as appropriate, and to encourage the grazing of such areas by local farmers, in an environmentally sustainable way.

Mot (89)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: To Amend NCBH 17 as follows: NCBH 17 Objective 1: To promote the use and visibility of the Irish Language. 

Mot (90)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

To Amend NCBH 17 Objective 2: To support the preparation and implementation of an Irish Language Plan for Líonra Gaeilge Chluain Dólcáin / Clondalkin Irish Language Network Area, consistent with RPO 9.28 of the RSES.

Mot (91)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

To Amend NCBH 17 Objective 4: To promote local heritage by supporting names for new residential developments that reflect the local and historical context of their siting and include the Irish Language.

Mot (92)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 88 Motion: To amend NCBH 16 Objective 2 as follows: To conduct a field survey of sites of industrial heritage within the County to identify structures, features and their related artefacts and plant, and to actively seek the addition of industrial heritage structures or complexes, or elements of significance, to the Record of Protected Structures.

Mot (93)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 100 Motion: To amend NCBH 26 Objective 2 as follows: To protect, preserve, maintain and promote industrial heritage features including weirs, millraces, and mills along the River Dodder and River Liffey.

Mot (94)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 90 Motion: To amend NCBH 18 Objective 1 as follows: To establish an environment for promoting cross cultural awareness, racial harmony, mutual understanding and appreciation of all religious and ethnic traditions within the County, including development of public spaces with cross-cultural appeal and relevance.

Mot (95)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Insert, 'River Camac' after 'River Dodder', in NCBH 26 Objective 2. (Page 100)

Mot (96)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: (P88) Section 3.4.5 Industrial Heritage First paragraph, insert "Mill Race" amongst mills, weirs, bridges.

Mot (97)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 26 SLO1: To carry out sympathetic improvements to the area around and including the Mill Race Bridge in Rathfarnham.

Mot (98)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

NCBH15 Objective 2 - delete the word 'considerably'.

Mot (99)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

• Page 91 Objective 4 To amend NCBH 19 To support alternative uses for Protected Structures including former institutional sites in order to provide continued security of the heritage value of these buildings, attendant grounds and associated landscape features. And add in the following: To this end, the relaxation of site zoning restrictions may be considered in order to secure the preservation and conservation of the protected structure where the use proposed is compatible with the existing structure and where the proposed development is consistent with best practice conservation policies and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. 

Mot (100)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.5.2 NCBH 19 Objective 5 To insert the word "very" to read To prohibit demolition and inappropriate alterations of Protected Structures unless in very exceptional circumstances.

Mot (101)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 95 Policy NCBH 20 To ensure proposals for shopfronts and retail signage within ACAs adhere to best practice and achieve high quality designs which respect the character of the area. In this regard, applicants shall have regard to South Dublin's Shopfront Design Guide. Replace with To ensure proposals for shopfronts and retail signage within ACAs adhere to best practice and achieve high quality designs which respect the character of the area. In this regard, applicants shall be required to have regard and adhere to the principles laid out in South Dublin's Shopfront Design Guide.

Mot (102)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Insert '(including walls)' after word, 'treatments' in NCBH 20 Objective 1. (Page 94)

Mot (103)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3. P62 Section 3.1: Heritage in South Dublin County The County's rich built heritage assets contribute to our understanding and appreciation of the past and make a valuable contribution to the character and visual amenity of the County as well as to sustainability and climate action through their continued use and adaptation. It is therefore essential to safeguard for future generations the many and varied components of our built heritage including our protected structures, architectural conservation areas, country houses and estates and vernacular buildings. Amend to include the words "review and" in the second sentence as shown below. The County's rich built heritage assets contribute to our understanding and appreciation of the past and make a valuable contribution to the character and visual amenity of the County as well as to sustainability and climate action through their continued use and adaptation. It is therefore essential to review and safeguard for future generations the many and varied components of our built heritage including our protected structures, architectural conservation areas, country houses and estates and vernacular buildings.

Mot (104)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 3, Policy NCBH 21 to be amended to replace 'encourage' with 'ensure'

Mot (105)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 3, pg 64 to insert a sentence 'South Dublin County Council also declared a climate and biodiversity emergency in 2019'

Mot (106)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 1 Objective 3 to read: To carry out an audit and assessment of the County's natural and built heritage assets including Council-owned/protected structures and archaeological features and to safeguard these assets from the potential impacts of climate change.

Mot (107)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 65 Motion: To amend NCBH 2 Objective 2 as follows: To ensure the protection of designated sites and local biodiversity at non-designated sites in compliance with relevant EU Directives and applicable national legislation.

Mot (108)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Council reaffirms its commitment to the protection of the Liffey Valley and directs the Chief Executive, at a strategic level: - to retain the existing 'I' zoning objective in the new Development Plan: - to ensure the ongoing restriction of any inappropriate developments or land-use.

Mot (109)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 7 Objective 3 to read: To improve and extend the Liffey Valley Special Amenity Area Order along the Liffey Valley area in South Dublin from the border with Dublin City administrative area to Kildare County and promote its tourism potential subject to the protection of its biodiversity and ecological value.

Mot (110)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly
Siobhan Duff

Motion 'It is considered appropriate that South Dublin County Council amends the Draft Development Plan 2022- 2028 to include a single, overarching objective that provides for the consolidation and implementation of the objectives mentioned above regarding the future of the Liffey Valley area, in the form of the following: - To carry out a study for the lands that comprise Liffey Valley inclusive of the Special Area Amenity Order (SAAO) and adjacent lands so as to investigate and determine viable and appropriate uses to support and facilitate the development of a Regional Park (Liffey Valley Park), with particular emphasis on enhancing the recreation, amenity value and accessibility of the area, in accordance with the Council's published document Towards a Liffey Valley Park (2007). This new Regional Park will serve the needs of existing communities of Lucan as well as the wider Greater Dublin area. The study will be carried out in consultation with the surrounding Local Authorities, State Agencies, existing landowners, sectoral, community and commercial interests.

Mot (111)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan

That this Council reaffirms its commitment to the protection of the Liffey Valley and directs the Chief Executive, to include a core aim to create a regional park on the existing Liffey Valley lands.

Mot (112)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan

That this Council reaffirms its commitment to the protection of the Liffey Valley and directs the Chief Executive to include relevant policy objectives to facilitate the delivery of a Liffey Valley greenway - to seek to identify and mark preferred new pedestrian routes and footbridge locations on Development Plan maps, including on private-owned lands which could be developed as 'permissive routes' 

Mot (113)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 3, NCBH SLO 1 to be amended to include 'and to incorporate its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County'

Mot (114)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Development Plan commit the Council to the development of an inter-country greenway via the Silver Bridge, which would enable connection between Fingal and South Dublin and Dublin City.

Mot (115)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3. P92. Natural Cultural and Built Heritage. To amend NCBH 19 SLO 1: To support the refurbishment of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council. Amend to read: To support the refurbishment and reinstatement of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council.

Mot (116)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 19 SLO 1 to read: To support the refurbishment of the 'Silver Bridge' in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to actively seek direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use.

Mot (117)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to work with Fingal County Council to restore the Silver Bridge and to open it up to pedestrians, cyclists and tourists.

Mot (118)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 73 Motion: To amend NCBH 8 Objective 1 as follows: To restrict development within areas designated with Zoning Objective 'HA - DV' (To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Dodder Valley) and ensure that new development; - does not negatively impact on cultural heritage assets, on sensitive habitats, species, and ecosystem services, - is related to the area's amenity potential - is designed and sited to minimise environmental and visual impacts - and enhances the County's green infrastructure network.

Mot (119)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 74 Motion: To amend NCBH 8 Objective 4 as follows: Within areas designated 'High Amenity - Dodder Valley', non-residential development will only be permitted where it; - relates to the area's amenity potential or to its use for agriculture or recreational purposes, including recreational buildings; or - comprises the redevelopment of or extensions to existing commercial or civic uses or development of new commercial or civic uses within an existing established area of commercial or civic activity; and - preserves or improves the amenity value of the river valley including its landscape value, views or vistas of the river valley, accessibility and its biodiversity value.

Mot (120)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 75 Motion in the names of Cllrs. Donaghy, Kavanagh, McEneaney and Sinclair To amend NCBH 8 Objective 5 as follows: To protect the upper Dodder Valley from Old Bawn Bridge to Fort Bridge as an ecological network free from intrusive lighting, facilitating the protection of light-sensitive species availing of the river corridor, and providing an appropriate urban/rural transition experience for all users including walkers and cyclists.

Mot (121)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Holohan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: New objective NCBH 8 objective 6 To explore the feasibility in harnessing the energy from the Dodder river

Mot (122)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Holohan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: Amend objective 2 ...water based activity's including fishing, canal boating , rowing and canoeing kayaking and SUP (Stand up paddle boarding ) subject to environmental safeguards and assessment.

Mot (123)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Siobhan Duff

To amend HCL11 Objective 7:To seek the extension of the Grand Canal Way Green Route from the 12th Lock to Hazelhatch in partnership with Waterways Ireland and Kildare County Council - to include a timeline of delivery within 3 years.

Mot (124)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 11 Objective 5: To require developers as a condition of their planning permissions, to retain existing trees and hedgerows on the property being developed where possible, or where not so possible, to furnish replacement trees and hedgerows with an equivalent or improved amenity or biodiversity value as soon as practicable.

Mot (125)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after NCBH Policy 9, a new policy named as Policy 10, renumbering all existing policies and related objectives afterwards, eg 11, 12 etc, this new Policy 10 to read as follows: NATURAL, CULTURAL AND BUILT HERITAGE (NCBH) Policy 10 Rathcoole Woodlands

Mot (126)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 1: To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network.

Mot (127)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Cllr P. Gogarty, L. O'Toole, G. O'Connell Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 2: To protect and preserve Rathcoole Woodland for present and future generations by seeking: i. Its designation as a Nature Reserve ii. Obtaining a Special Amenity Area Order iii. To examine it for nomination as a candidate Special Area of Conservation or as a Natural Heritage Area

Mot (128)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 3: To extend the public owned lands containing Rathcoole Woodlands, either by direct purchase or land swap to incorporate the Woodland in adjacent land, the historical 170-year-old double-hedged passage to the west, and transitional zone from Woodland to managed parkland to the east.

Mot (129)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 4: To designate Rathcoole Woodlands as a space for Nature and Biodiversity in relevant sections of the Development Plan and to determine and establish a zone of protection around the perimeter of the Woodlands.

Mot (130)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 5: To work in collaboration with the owners of lands along the perimeter of Rathcoole Woodlands for its protection and that of the wildlife using it and the ecological services it provides.

Mot (131)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert after renamed Policy 10 (or where appropriate in this section): NCBH 10 Objective 5: To develop Rathcoole Woodlands as part of a wider nature/walking trail from Saggart to Lugg Woods subject to the protection of its biodiversity and ecological value.

Mot (132)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council sets a new land use zone, overarching policy and supporting policies for the preservation and protection of Rathcoole Woodlands by incorporating the following into the County Development Plan: • Set NATURAL, CULTURAL AND BUILT HERITAGE (NCBH) policy for Rathcoole Woodlands: to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network. 

Mot (133)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: This Council agrees to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network.

Mot (134)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 10 Objective 2:  “To ensure that the Council immediately and appropriately, treats invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed where notified by residents that such species pose a potential threat to their property”.

Mot (135)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To map and capture the stories of the lost Tallaght townslands, farms and large houses to capture these stories and document them. A focus on the farms, the field names, the old buildings etc would help deepen the awareness of Tallaght and pride of place among those residents here for the first or second generation.

Mot (136)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

A project to map and capture the stories of the lost Tallaght townslands, farms, large houses needs to be established and supported to capture these stories and document them. Good work was done by the library doing something similar before. A focus on the farms, the field names, the old buildings etc would help deepen the awareness of Tallaght and pride of place among those residents here for the first or second generation

Mot (137)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

propose a project to research and produce a map of the County Town that shows the field names and farmlands in 1920 over the 2020 map of Tallaght.

Mot (138)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage Carry out a project to research and produce a map of the County Town that shows the field names and farmlands in 1920 over the 2020 map of Tallaght.

Mot (139)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council agrees that the Development Plan conserves /preserves /protects the Slí Mór (also known in later times as: The Pilgrim Path , The Green Road and Knockmeenagh Lane.) (It is vital that this ancient roadway is not updated or modernised, but maintained in a archaeologically sympathetic way. It dates back to at least 500 BC (much older than the Round Tower). It was part of the Five Great Roads of Ireland. It went from Dublin City to Galway City, and was important for trade and communication. It is possibly the last part of it still extant in a village setting. Much of it has already disappeared in the rest of the country because people have ploughed it, mined it for gravel etc or put houses on it.)

Mot (140)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That an Objective be included in the Development Plan to record heritage/pilgrim pathways in South Dublin County - such as the Slí Mór (aka The Green Road, St Bridget’s Pilgrim Path, Knockmeenagh Lane) in Clondalkin village, to have this record collated in a comprehensive manner, and that SDCC develop a mechanism to initiate cultural heritage discussions regarding such pathways.  Such a record would help to facilitate a formal quantification, assessment, sympathetic maintenance and protection of these routes as potential features of important local heritage interest.  The record would also be a valuable resource for local people, researchers and visitors to the County.

Mot (141)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

NCBH 17 New Objective: To ensure signage in the County includes the Irish Language.

Mot (142)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert Policy NCBH 14 SLO: To further develop the area at the top of Esker Hill as a viewing location for views over Lucan Village and the Liffey Valley.

Mot (143)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert Policy NCBH 22 SLO: To facilitate provision of both a viewing area and more attractive backdrop to St. Johns Bridge in Griffeen Valley Park, concurrent to restoration works being completed.

Mot (144)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Add new NCBH 15 Objective 3: To create a viewing platform in the vicinity of Woodford Hill to allow panoramic views from this which is the highest point in Clondalkin. (Page 88)

Mot (145)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Add and map reference additional location to Table 3.5: Prospects to be Preserved and Protected: 19. The River Liffey from Lucan Weir to Lucan Bridge

Mot (146)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Appendix 3A - Record of Protected Structures (RPS) To include in the RPS the old "Mile Stone" on Templeogue Road at the junction of Fortfield Road.

Mot (147)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Appendix 3A - Record of Protected Structures (RPA) To include "Callaghans Bridge over the River Dodder" in Bohernabreena on the Record of Protected Structures.

Mot (148)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Add the bridge located in the SIAC Quarry on the Monastery Road in Clondalkin to the Register of Protected Structures. See attached photo.

Mot (149)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council includes the cottages on Main Street, Clondalkin, in the Protected Structures List.  One of our local poets lived there.  His name was Patrick Gogarty (c. 1849-91) – “the quiet shoe-maker”.  He was a literary colleague of Katharine Tynan, another local poet and author.  She described Patrick Gogarty in two of her published works.  Gogarty was part of the important Irish literary circle which included W.B. Yeats.  Gogarty was also Secretary of the Clondalkin Branch of the Land League.

Mot (150)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council, recognising the historic importance of St Cuthbert’s Church in our County’s history, agrees to give St Cuthbert’s Church high priority and develop and preserve it for future generations as an important historical and heritage building in the new County Development Plan.

Mot (151)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Council includes an appropriate objective to secure the preservation and enhancement of the Mill Lane heritage and amenity area in Palmerstown.

Mot (152)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert Policy NCBH 22 SLO: To secure the preservation and enhancement of the Palmerstown Lower (Mill Complex) ACA, to actively promote the restoration of industrial heritage including the former mills, mill races and other buildings on Mill Lane and surrounds and to explore their use for residential, tourism/outdoor recreation and/or commercial purposes related to public enjoyment of this amenity.

Mot (153)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to secure the preservation and enhancement of the Palmerstown Lower (Mill Complex) ACA, to actively promote the restoration of industrial heritage including the former mills, mill races and other buildings on Mill Lane and to explore their use for residential, tourism/outdoor recreation and/or commercial purposes.

Mot (154)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to include a new ACA to cover all stone walls within the Mill Lane Palmerstown and to include Stewarts Hospital outer wall as it bounds the R148

Mot (155)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council sets an objective to preserve and classify? Newcastle village as a village that represents one of the last remaining villages in Ireland that still retains a vestige of its Norman heritage. This is reflected in the layout of the village lands within a manor setting, set on either side of Main Street in long, linear fields known as burgage plots. A small remnant of this landform exists in Rathcoole also and that this plan protects both

Mot (156)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 94 Policy NCBH Insert SLO It shall be a specific local objective to extend the scope and physical area of the Clondalkin Architectural Conservation Area to incorporate the RC church and convent including its grounds from New Road across to Convent Road and to extend out to include the site of St Bridgids Well.

Mot (157)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this County Development plan extends Clondalkin's Architectural Conservation Area (ACA). Attached map of roadways in areas to be included in upcoming SDCC Development Plan in preparation. List of roadway names is also included. Other buildings and curtilages outside the proposed new ACA are also listed.

Mot (158)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to that the houses 1 to 8 in Red Cow Cottages and 1 to 8 Woodfarm Cottages Palmerstown (that were designed by the famous Dublin Architect Brown, who also designed those in Rathfarnham) be protected and preserved by an ACA.

Mot (159)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage 3.5.3 Architectural Conservation Areas To ensure greater awareness and sense of pride in our ACAs - Pilot a direct mail campaign with Tallaght Village and Balrothery ACAs to measure awareness and compliance with ACA guidelines - less than 250 residents / landlords to contact, so a concise project.

Mot (160)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That SDCC include a SLO to ensure that boundary walls of premises in Clondalkin will be made of local limestone. This applies to all planning permissions in the village of Clondalkin and surrounding area concerning new-builds and refurbishments where boundary walls already exist. There are not to be any more walls made of imported stone. Reasons: to maintain the heritage character of Clondalkin village and surrounding district, to support local employment to enhance the overall look of Clondalkin, thereby helping to increase its status as a tourism-destination centre when the pandemic eases and tourists are allowed into the country again.

Mot (161)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That SDCC adopt a SLO in our County Development Plan that in future the remaining old stone walls of Clondalkin be protected and maintained. See map attached and list of road names.

Mot (162)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert Policy NCBH 25 SLO: To support and enhance the historic character and distinctive visual setting of Manor Road, Palmerstown as a typical mid-century neighbourhood hub.

Mot (163)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage That all of the SDCC Traditional village centres should be kept as vibrant and sustainable centres and follow a consistent design statement befitting their historic character and origins

Mot (164)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: P98. NCBH 23. Insert new objective: NCBH 23 Objective 7: To improve the streetscape of the historic Villages with the removal of unnecessary poles on footpaths and overhead cables to emphasise the visual impact of shopfronts and building features.

Mot (165)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

To add the following to NCBH 7 Objective 9: To collaborate with Fingal County Council to carry out a feasibility study on the use of Shackleton Mills in Lucan for this purpose.

Mot (166)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council recognise the buildings of Thomas J Byrne (Builder) and that the council set an objective to protect the buildings he built, Many spread out throughout SDCC and are of historical importance to our history and heritage , these houses should be categorised and listed (Reference SDCC Libraries published book Nation Builder (2013)

Mot (167)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey
Siobhan Duff

Page 63 CE draft plan Policy NCBH 1 Objective 3 To pilot an assessment of the County's natural and built heritage assets including Council owned protected structures and archaeological features and to identify and safeguard these assets from the potential impacts of climate change. replace with To pilot an assessment of the County's natural and built heritage assets including Council owned protected structures and archaeological features and to identify and safeguard these assets from the potential impacts of climate change and any other environmental or development impact.

Mot (168)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.2 Objective NCBH 1 Objective 3. To add in at end of objective 3 "and of development"

Mot (169)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert NCBH 5 Objective 3: To ensure that in the interests of protecting biodiversity and sequestering carbon in line with stated climate mitigation and carbon neutrality objectives, no established or developing native woodlands in residential, REGEN or EE areas shall be removed for the purposes of building housing, industrial units or other structures.

Mot (170)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend NCBH 7 Objective 1 to read: To restrict development within areas designated with Zoning Objective 'HA - LV' (To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley) and to ensure that new development: - does not impact on built or cultural heritage assets, on sensitive habitats, species, or ecosystem services, - is solely related to the area's amenity potential, - is designed and sited to avoid environmental and visual impacts, - and enhances the County's green infrastructure network.

Mot (171)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: (P82) 3.4.3 Landscapes Under heading Urban - include in the last sentence "the River Liffey".

Mot (172)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon

Section 3.3.4 - NCBH 8 Objective 4 To include the words "working mills" under 1st bullet point to read ....or to its use for agriculture, working mills or recreational purposes.

Mot (173)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.3 Tree Preservation Order To put a Tree Preservation Order on the large Sycamore tree at the junction of Fortfield Road and College Drive

Mot (174)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

To re insert the following TPO South Dublin County Council (Coolamber Site) Tree Preservation Order 2015 Newcastle Road, Lucan 

Mot (175)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

 To add in the following TPOs: Total of 13 trees (marked on the plans as hedge 6 & 7) located between Somerton Development and Fairways as mapped out in the attached document:

Mot (176)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

The mature trees around Kiltalawn house, TUD Tallaght, The Priory, Kiltalawn House, Horan's Lane, the hedgerow on the N81 through Jobstown, the hedgerows on the Kiltipper Road, Bohernabreena Road and Ballymanna Lanes all need to be protected by preservation orders to preserve the rural character and heritage in these rural parts of Tallaght.

Mot (177)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that there be an TPO on the two trees (planted in 1964) at the same side and close to the Ulster Bank and the Coach House Old Lucan Road.

Mot (178)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Tree preservation orders: Specific local objective: That this Development Plan be amended to include a Tree preservation order to apply to lands located east of Bohernabreena Road & South of Old Court Road and within the lands that were formally Cloghogue House that will maintain and conserve the existing trees, additionally the protection of hedgerows.

Mot (179)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey
Siobhan Duff

Page 77 CE draft plan Policy NCBH 11 Objective 2 To identify trees of amenity value within the County and use whatever mechanism is available for their protection. Replace with To identify trees of amenity value within the County and to establish a defined mechanism that can provide for their protection.

Mot (180)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3: Policy NCBH 4: Add new objective NCBH 4 Objective 3: To ensure that intact hedgerows/trees will be maintained above the contour line within the County ensuring that the strong rural character will not be diluted; important heritage features & potential wildlife corridors are protected.

Mot (181)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.3.7 Geological Sites for Protection To include the Mass Rock (ITM co-ordinates 708415, 720958) on Ballymorefinn Hill on the list of Sites for Protection - Table 3.4

Mot (182)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage - pg 79 Motion:To amend NCBH 12 Objective 1 as follows: To ensure that development is designed to avoid impacting on identified County Geological Site and to promote the importance and potential of such sites through the County's Heritage Plan.

Mot (183)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That the County Development Plan includes an Objective clearly stating that the Joe Williams Archive will be preserved as a distinct unit and accommodated properly in Clondalkin village, and made available to local people, students and university researchers who are interested in our rich heritage, culture and history.  It is necessary to keep the Joe Williams Archive together as an entity because of its unique, internal cross-referencing potentials through various media: books, photographs, slides etc.

Mot (184)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

Go ndéanfadh an Plean Forbartha ráiteas faoi leith ar na tacaí gur féidir cur ar fáil d'iarratais ó phobail i gcentracha eile sa Chontae do stádas mar Líonraí Gaeilge. That the Development Plan make specific mention of the supports that it would put in place for other areas to enable application for Líonra Gaeilge status for communities in the County.

Mot (185)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to restore the Mill Race from where it leaves the Liffey to where it enters the Mills area at Palmerstown.

Mot (186)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council sets an objective to preserve and develop the Fairview Oil Mills at Cherrywood Crescent in Clondalkin as the remains of the mill are a good example of functional industrial architecture and are an important reminder of the industrial heritage of the Clondalkin area.

Mot (187)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to develop the area at the top of Esker Hill as a viewing location for views over Lucan Village and the Liffey Valley.

Mot (188)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It  shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to facilitate provision of both a viewing area and more attractive backdrop to St. Johns Bridge in Griffeen Valley Park.

Mot (189)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To amend: NCBH 19 Objective 3: To urgently address dereliction through the use of CPO powers under the Derelict Sites Act 1990 and to welcome, encourage and support the rehabilitation, renovation, appropriate use and sensitive re-use of Protected Structures consistent with RPO 9.30 of the RSES.

Mot (190)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 That the former Cuckoo's Nest pub on the green hills road be added to the list of protected structures - as it was not listed

Mot (191)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Siobhan Duff

• To change listing 246 of the Record of Protected Structures to read Firhouse Weir

Mot (192)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council sets an objective that Omars Lough keeper House at the 11 Lough be preserved and restored,

Mot (193)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That there is an SLO for SDCC to place a Compulsory Purchase Order on the old RIC Barracks on Old Nangor Road, and that it be converted into a museum.  It is a Protected Structure within the present Architectural Conservation Area (ACA). 

Mot (194)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage 3.5.3 Architectural Conservation Areas Extend the ACA area in Tallaght village to include St Mary's schoolhouse - which was cut off from the traditional village streetscape by the creation of the new road & crossroads at Main Road & Main Street & New Greenhills Road.

Mot (195)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage 3.5.3 Architectural Conservation Areas Create a new ACA to the South to include Goose Park & TJ Burns cottages on the Old Bawn Road

Mot (196)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 94 Policy NCHB Insert SLO It shall be a specific local objective that Saggart Village be designated an Architectural Conservation Area with specific emphasis on preserving the streetscape and scale of the village and its environs including the protection of the old mills.

Mot (197)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That SDCC adopt a policy in our County Development Plan that in future all new-builds in the Clondalkin ACA should be low-scale. New-builds to be designed sympathetically outside the proposed Clondalkin ACA.

Mot (198)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 95 Policy NCHB 20 To address dereliction and to welcome, encourage and promote appropriate and sensitive reuse and rehabilitation of buildings, building features and sites within Architectural Conservation Areas. Replace with To address dereliction by providing for penalties where necessary on those responsible and to welcome, encourage and promote appropriate and sensitive reuse and rehabilitation of buildings, building features and sites within Architectural Conservation Areas.

Mot (199)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

Motion: (Consult with local Clondalkin stake-holder groups re heritage/historical buildings and items) Request that SDCC adopt a decision in our County Development Plan that in future, before any planning permission is considered in the Clondalkin ACA , all relevant SDCC departments must consult with local stake-holder groups in Clondalkin (e.g. Clondalkin History Society, Clondalkin Tidy Towns, Friends of the Camac, etc.), and that SDCC relevant departments must include the wishes of the local people regarding heritage architecture, heritage items and amenity areas when granting planning permission.

Mot (200)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that the façade of the Ulster Bank (in danger of closure as a Bank) on the Old Lucan Road Palmerstown, be preserved.

Mot (201)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 100 CE draft plan Policy NCBH 25 To retain existing buildings that, while not listed as Protected Structures, are considered to contribute to historic character, local character, visual setting, rural amenity or streetscape value within the County. Replace with - To retain existing buildings that, while not listed as Protected Structures, are considered to contribute to historic character, local character, visual setting, rural amenity or streetscape value within the County and endeavour to appropriate such buildings that are otherwise endangered by neglect.

Mot (202)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 3.5.4 - NCBH 24 Objective 2 Change the word "discourage" with "prohibit" to read "To prohibit demolition of new build, where there are re-use options for historic or traditional buildings in order to promote a reduction in carbon footprint."

Green Infrastructure


Mot (203)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

GI 5 Objective 3: To add in as a new bullet point “To plant “pocket forests” in tracts of open grassland to act as an oasis for biodiversity”.

Mot (204)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Motion: To amend GI 1 Objective 3 to as worded below: To facilitate the development and enhancement of sensitive access to and connectivity between areas of interest for residents, wildlife and biodiversity, and other distinctive landscapes as focal features for linkages between natural, semi natural and formalised green spaces where feasible and ensuring that there is no adverse impact (directly, indirectly or cumulatively) on the conservation objectives of Natura 2000 sites and protected habitats outside of Natura 2000 sites.

Mot (205)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GI 2 Objective 5, Add the phrase, 'and to take a proactive approach to protection and enforcement.' To read: 'To protect and enhance the county's hedgerow network, in particular hedgerows that form townland, parish and barony boundaries recognising their historic and cultural importance in addition to their ecological importance and increase hedgerow coverage using locally native species including a commitment for no net loss of hedgerows on any development site and to take a proactive approach to protection and enforcement.'

Mot (206)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GF4 appendix 4, p148 Add: 'and open spaces within residential areas'. To read: 'To promote biodiversity friendly parks and open spaces within residential areas'.!

Mot (208)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That a SLO be put in that the current green wildlife corridor between Saggart and Rathcoole be maintained and the need to preserve this wildlife corridor be incorporated into the design and development plans for Rathcoole park.

Mot (209)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy. Motion:That this Council sets a new land use zone, overarching policy and supporting policies for the preservation and protection of Rathcoole Woodlands by incorporating the following into the County Development Plan: New zoning objective, Zoning Objective High Amenity-Rathcoole Woodlands, 'HA - RW', to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network and implement specific objectives developed in line with preserving and protecting Rathcoole Woodlands recognising the priority Annex Habitat and its high biodiversity value within the lifetime of this Plan.

Mot (210)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: (Cross reference with Green Infrastructure): This Development Plan sets objectives relating to the protection and preservation of Rathcoole Woodlands in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including: 1. To protect and preserve Rathcoole Woodland for present and future generations by seeking:

i. its designation as a Nature Reserve

ii. obtaining a Special Amenity Area Order

iii. and if appropriate to nominate it as a candidate Special Area of Conservation

iv. or as a Natural Heritage Area 2. 

Mot (211)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: This Development Plan supports working in collaboration with the owners of lands along the perimeter of Rathcoole Woodlands for its protection and that of the wildlife using it and the ecological services it provides.

Mot (212)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Motion: South Dublin County Council will seek to extend the public owned lands containing Rathcoole Woodlands, either by direct purchase or land swap to incorporate the Woodland in adjacent land, the historical 170 year old double hedged passage to the west, and transitional zone from Woodland to managed park land to the east.

Mot (213)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

To incorporate all of Rathcoole Woodlands as is, into the Green Infrastructure Strategy as a pivotal GI Core with Rathcoole Park along the Camac Valley GI Corridor linking to Slade Valley and Crooksling Glen pNHA, Lugg Woods and the Rural Fringe Corridor, with text to be amended to reflect this.

Mot (214)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

In section Corridor 5: Camac River Corridor, under section 'Stepping Stones', amend Rathcoole Park to read: Rathcoole Park and Rathcoole Woodlands

Mot (215)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

In section Corridor 5: Camac River Corridor, under section 'Objectives associated with the Core Areas / Stepping Stones', amend 'To support the development of a masterplan for the zoned lands at Rathcoole and implement the recommendations' to read: To develop a masterplan for the zoned lands at Rathcoole aimed at preserving and protecting the Rathcoole Woodland area, part of which forms the Rural Fringe Corridor, and implement the recommendations.

Mot (216)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

To set a new zoning objective, Zoning Objective High Amenity-Rathcoole Woodlands, 'HA - RW', to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network and implement specific objectives developed in line with preserving and protecting Rathcoole Woodlands recognising the priority Annex Habitat and its high biodiversity value within the lifetime of this Plan.

Mot (217)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

To change the zoning in the area marked on the map to OS, so as to further protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network and implement specific objectives developed in line with preserving and protecting Rathcoole Woodlands recognising the priority Annex Habitat and its high biodiversity value within the lifetime of this Plan.

Mot (218)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: (Cross reference with Green Infrastructure): This Development Plan sets objectives relating to the protection and preservation of Rathcoole Woodlands in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including:

To determine and establish a zone of protection around the perimeter of the Woodlands.


Mot (219)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: (Cross reference with Green Infrastructure): This Development Plan sets objectives relating to the protection and preservation of Rathcoole Woodlands in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including

 To designate Rathcoole Woodlands as a space for Nature and Biodiversity

Mot (220)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Motion: (Cross reference with Green Infrastructure): This Development Plan sets objectives relating to the protection and preservation of Rathcoole Woodlands in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including:

To incorporate Rathcoole Woodlands into the Green Infrastructure Strategy as a pivotal GI Core with Rathcoole Park along the Camac Valley GI Corridor linking to Slade Valley and Crooksling Glen proposed Natural Heritage Area, Lugg Woods and the Rural Fringe Corridor.

Mot (221)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

That this Council sets a new zoning objective - Zoning Objective High Amenity-Rathcoole Woodlands, 'HA - RW', to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of Rathcoole Woodlands, including its landscape, visual, recreational, ecological, educational and historical heritage value, as a key element of the County's Green Infrastructure network and implement specific objectives developed in line with preserving and protecting Rathcoole Woodlands recognising the priority Annex Habitat and its high biodiversity value within the lifetime of this Plan.

Mot (222)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

That this Council sets objectives in relating to its protection and preservation in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including: 1. To protect and preserve Rathcoole Woodland for present and future generations by seeking: i. its designation as a Nature Reserve ii. obtaining a Special Amenity Area Order iii. and if appropriate to nominate it as a candidate Special Area of Conservation iv. or as a Natural Heritage Area. 

Mot (223)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To determine and establish a zone of protection around the perimeter of the Rathcoole Woodlands.

Mot (224)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To designate Rathcoole Woodlands as a space for Nature and Biodiversity

Mot (225)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To incorporate all of Rathcoole Woodlands as is, into the Green Infrastructure Strategy as a pivotal GI Core with Rathcoole Park along the Camac Valley GI Corridor linking to Slade Valley and Crooksling Glen pNHA, Lugg Woods and the Rural Fringe Corridor. 'GI Cores serve as anchors within the network. They are ecological resources of regional / national importance, and / or high levels of outstanding amenity and act as points of origin / destination for wildlife at which essential ecological processes occur'. (Council presentation)

Mot (226)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To extend the public owned lands containing Rathcoole Woodlands, either by direct purchase or land swap to incorporate the Woodland in adjacent land, the historical 170 year old double hedged passage to the west, and transitional zone from Woodland to managed park land to the east.

Mot (227)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To work in collaboration with the owners of lands along the perimeter of Rathcoole Woodlands for its protection and that of the wildlife using it and the ecological services it provides.

Mot (228)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff, Anne Hyland

To develop Rathcoole Woodlands as part of a wider nature/walking trail from Saggart to Lugg Woods with due regard to the biodiversity and wildlife therein which is of primary importance.

Mot (229)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment Motion: To develop Rathcoole Woodlands as part of a wider nature/walking trail from Saggart to Lugg Woods with due regard to the biodiversity and wildlife therein which is of primary importance.

Mot (230)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GI 5 Objective 3 Add: '- Recognise the value of mature trees over saplings and prioritise the preservation of existing woodlands over the replacement of felled trees'

Mot (231)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Anne Hyland

To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees such as in the Dublin 12 area of the County.

Mot (232)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Anne Hyland

SLO: To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees such as in the Dublin 12 area of the County.

Mot (233)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend GI 1 Objective 1 to read: To establish a coherent, integrated and evolving GI network across South Dublin County with parks, open spaces, hedgerows, Miyawaki-style native mini-forests, grasslands, protected areas, and rivers and streams and other green and blue assets forming the strategic links and to integrate the objectives of the GI Strategy throughout all relevant land use plans and these measures to be incorporated into all development in the County. { }

Mot (234)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Add GI 1 Objective 7: To develop linked corridors of small urban 'Miyawaki' forests no bigger than a tennis court to capture carbon in suitable existing built-up areas, in low grade parkland, on REGEN brownfield sites and selected areas of EE lands otherwise designated as landscaped grassy areas.

Mot (235)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend GI 5 Objective 3 to read: To ensure compliance with the South Dublin Climate Change Action Plan and the provisions of the Council's Tree Management Strategy; - Increase the County's tree canopy cover by promoting annual planting, maintenance, preservation and enhancement of trees, woodlands and hedgerows within the County using locally native species and supporting their integration into new development, while ensuring that any new developments does not lead to the cutting down of existing or developing woodlands - Identify suitable sites for new urban trees, with an emphasis on rapidly-growing pocket Miyawaki urban forests. - Support the implementation of a co-ordinated regional approach to the maintenance of trees and support the work of the Regional Steering Group on Tree Management to which South Dublin County Council is a participant. - Promote the establishment of tree trails in public parks across the County - Promote the planting of new woodlands and forestry within appropriate open space and park locations within the County.

Mot (236)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

 Chapter 4 - GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE - Policy 2 - Biodiversity (Page 107) Insert New Objective To exploit the full potential of existing underutilised perimeter and border park spaces, to locate wildflower meadows that facilitate and enhance local area biodiversity in support of the National Pollinator Plan 2021 - 2025.

Mot (237)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GI 1, Add Objective 7 : 'To increase over the lifetime of this plan the percentage of land in the county managed for biodiversity including low-mow and pollinator-friendly areas both in open green space and within residential areas and to ensure that this planned increase is properly resourced.'

Mot (238)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council has an Objective that rivers and river beds in the County are to protected and that SDCC work in co-operation with Irish Waterways and Friends of the Camac and other interested/relevant groups in the County on this.

Mot (239)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GI 2 Objective 4, add the phrase 'including areas managed for biodiversity'. To read: 'Integrate GI including areas managed for biodiversity as an essential component of all new developments in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter 13 Implementation and the policies and objectives of this chapter'.

Mot (240)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Anne Hyland

Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure - Corridor 2 M50 Corridor Core areas and Stepping Stones: Where the areas of Ballymount Park and Collinstown Park are identified as 'Stepping Stones' to amend to either incorporate the adjoining Lands of Newlands Farm (Area Zoned RU - Map 5) into the stepping stone identified here as Ballymount park or create a third stepping stone in this section named Newlands Farm (Area zoned RU - Map 5) taking into account its importance as an area of rich biodiversity and a decarbonisation zone.

Mot (241)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Chapter 4 - GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE - Policy 6 - Human Health and Wellbeing (Page 116) Insert Objective To support the provision of outdoor public water drinking fountains along all new and future dedicated cycleways, promoting reusables and actively incentivising transition from single use plastic.

Mot (242)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

SLO - A desire to have the river Dodder central and more visible to the valley parkland - much is masked and hidden behind a strong, deep barrier of trees and brambles depriving park visitors of an opportunity to view, appreciate or interact with the river from the M50 upwards. Regular 'viewing' spots along the river side that might require sensitive and selctive pruning of riverbank growth, particularly at the Old Bawn bridge and waterfall and Balrothery Weir and watercourse.

Mot (243)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

GI 6 Objective 8: To plant hedgerows along busy roads including Dodder View Road in Rathfarnham, which are adjacent to estates, to mitigate noise and air pollution, increase visual amenity and enhance biodiversity – to move this to human health and wellbeing and put it in as a new objective GI 6 Objective 8.

Mot (244)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

GI 6 Objective 9: To provide for more allotments to meet the considerable demand for them, the resultant public health benefit, and their role in improving local biodiversity. 

Mot (245)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

This motion is submitted as a group motion in the names of Councillors E. O'Brien, C. O'Connor, E. Murphy, T. Gilligan, D. O'Donovan, T.Costello, Y.Collins, S. Moynihan That this Development Plan commits actively encouraging the incorporation of Green Roofs (additions made to the roof of existing buildings for growing flora) on all new Apartment / Industrial builds where possible

Mot (246)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

Chapter 4, GI Obj6 to be amended to include 'providing a yearly report to the Council on actions taking to encourage such collaboration'

Mot (247)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin, Councillor C. Bailey
Anne Hyland

To insert a new objective GI 2 Objective 8, which aims to enhance biodiversity and the health of pollinator species by banning the use of glyphosphate in or close to public parks, public playgrounds, community gardens/allotments and within residential estates, whether by directly employed Local Authority staff or private contractors. 

Mot (248)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That this Council adopt a SLO that a third-party reputable company will carry out a tree survey in the next 2 years of all mature trees in the County and to impose Tree Preservation Orders on trees considered by local representatives or the County Council to be under threat for any reason.

Mot (249)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That SDCC adopt a SLO, as advised by SDCC's Environmental Officer in conjunction with local Environmental groups, to adopt in our County Development Plan that a suitable number of native broad-leaved trees to replace any tree(s) that have to be removed or have fallen down. Where mature trees have to be felled (due to developments, old age, inappropriate original placement, danger to people or property), SDCC to hire a reputable, qualified third-party to do so if none exists already in SDCC. A publicly-available report, photographic evidence and expert opinion regarding the age of the tree to be made available on SDCC's website and other publications. On the same or other publicly-owned land, a number of native broad-leaved saplings are to be planted, the number of new saplings to be the same as the age of the tree that fell down or had to be felled.

Mot (250)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Page 111 Green Infrastructure GI 4 Objective 3 To require multifunctional open space provision within new developments to include, as additional space, provision for ecology and sustainable water management, where such a need has been identified. (see page 219 COS Objective 1, in reference to the amendment of 'additional space')

Mot (251)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

Re. L10 Tallaght - Dublin Mountain Link, appendix p131: To mitigate the impacts of dumping and pollution by ensuring greater access to large item waste removal in key areas and the provision of trash traps in waterways to protect river habitats, amenity and water quality.

Mot (252)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GF1 Ballycullen, p148: Add SLO: To promote the benefits of local produce through the provision of space for a regular farmers market in OS in the Firhouse area'

Mot (253)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Chapter 4 Green Infrastructure To pilot using newly developed asphalt / tarmacadam which is made using non recyclable waste plastic which would have been destined for landfill ( 1 tonne of the mix contains the equivilant of 80000 plastic bottles) in the product when laying new roads or carparks in the county - examples where this has been rolled out successfully A709 Dumfries & Galloway UK / Jeffery's Bay South Africa/ QE2 WaterBridge London / Smizany Forest Slovakia/ Gleneagles Hotel / Narva Road Estonia

Quality Design & Healthy Placemaking


Mot (254)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5 - QUALITY DESIGN & HEALTHY PLACEMAKING - Policy 1- Successful and Sustainable Neighbourhoods (Page 133) Insert New Objective: To build residential neighbourhoods in a manner that aims to provide for adequate numbers of affordable homes in line with provisions set out in Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy toward delivery of long-term sustainable communities.

Mot (255)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5 - QUALITY DESIGN & HEALTHY PLACEMAKING - Policy 3 - Neighbourhood Context (Page 136) QDP3 Objective 3: Amend From: To promote design standards and densities in village centres that are informed by the surrounding village and historic context and enhance the specific characteristics of each town or village in terms of design, scale form and external finishes. Amend To: To promote and adhere to design standards and densities in village centres that are informed by the surrounding village and historic context and enhance the specific characteristics of each town or village in terms of design, scale form and external finishes.

Mot (256)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking - pg 133 Motion: To amend QDP1 Objective 5 as follows: Promote the re-development of underutilised Local Centres within the County as new mixed use neighbourhood hubs continuing to provide for local retail and services in a manner which respects and consolidates the existing urban character of these areas ensuring quality of design, integration, accessibility and connections to the surrounding areas.

Mot (257)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking - pg 136 Motion: To amend QDP4 Objective 2 as follows: Promote a high standard of building and urban design, creating public spaces that are distinctive, safe, universally accessible and facilitate social and cultural diversity and interaction.

Mot (259)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy Motion: To insert a new Strategic Local Objective (H3 SLO1) Any future development should have regard to the boundary with and protection of the amenity and function of Edmondstown Golf Course.

Mot (260)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan to include a new objective in Chapter 5 - QDP 6 Objective 6 "to ensure that the installation of utility or juncion boxes will not be adjacent to boundary walls which enable unauthorised access to sites or properties and that all utility or junction boxes installed in the county shall have slanted roofs"

Mot (261)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan to include a new objective in Chapter 5 - QDP 6 Objective 7 "to ensure that the installation of utility or juncion boxes in the county shall have slanted lids/tops"

Mot (262)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Strong design guidelines are needed to protect the residential public realms where above ground utility boxes and masts are being sought to be installed on public land, particularly in established residential areas - they need to place the residential aesthetic at the heart of the design process.

Mot (263)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

Strong design guidelines are needed to protect the residential public realms where above ground utility boxes and masts re being sought to be installed on public land, particularly in established residential areas - they need to place the residential asthetic at the heart of the design process

Mot (264)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That a SLO is introduced to have a Clondalkin LAP or to update the Clondalkin Framework plan and that either involves full public consultation with the local Community (

Mot (265)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Stephen Willoughby

It is an objective for the Council to prepare a Local Area Plan for Clondalkin with particular focus on Clondalkin Village.

Mot (266)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to continue to improve the environment and public realm of Palmerstown village in terms of environmental quality, urban design, safety, identity and image.

Mot (267)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of the traditional village of Palmerstown and ensure that a full understanding of the archaeological, architectural, urban design and landscape heritage of the village informs the design approach to new development and renewal, in particular in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) and to provide more weight to this objectives than to the policies of third parties and/or to provide that where third party policies are to be given priority the implementation of such policies should identify how this CDP objective is being prioritised and accommodated in the implementation.

Mot (268)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

To promote design standards and densities in the traditional village of Palmerstown, that are informed by the historic context and enhance the specific characteristics of the village in terms of design, scale and external finishes and to provide more weight to this objectives than to the policies of third parties and/or to provide that where third party policies are to be given priority the implementation of such policies should identify how this CDP objective is being prioritised and accommodated in the implementation..

Mot (269)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that SDCC must co-ordinate the development of the private and public space in Palmerstown Village by ensuring that any project works by third parties are used as an opportunity for SDCC to improve and enhance the streetscape and that SDCC liaise with utility providers so that all unnecessary footpath poles are removes and all Electrical and other overhead cables, currently a blight on the Village landscape, are put underground at the earliest opportunity.

Mot (270)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to support and promote the redevelopment of the business premises on Lower Kennelsfort Road Palmerstown Village and in doing so to reinforce the village centre as a priority location for new mixed use development and to promote and support new development that consolidates the existing Heritage and Urban character with quality of design, integration and linkage as important considerations.

Mot (271)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

South Dublin County Development Plan 2016 - 2022 CS6 SLO 3: To support Brittas as a sustainable community and rural village of outstanding natural beauty and to prepare a planning study and study boundary for Brittas Village, in consultation with local residents, landowners and local representatives, having regard to the implications of the proposed Natural Heritage Area designations, the future protection and enhancement of the village, the development of tourism potential in the area with a view to the long term viability of the local community. The planning study to commence within 6 months of the adoption of this County Development Plan in May 2016 and to include an analysis of population and housing data. That the current Specific Local Objective CS6 SLO3 pertaining to Brittas Village be expanded to include a further Specific Objective: 'to facilitate the development of a tourist & leisure facility to include accommodation, associated services and activities at Brittas Ponds and surrounding lands thereby guaranteeing the conservation, upkeep and enhancement the area's amenity potential. This will enhance the tourism potential in the area with a view to sustain the long term viability of the local community and will include permissive access routes and heritage trails under the present HCL16 Objective 2 along with access to historic sites in the county under the present HCL16 Objective 4' This tourist based project submission will be supported by a master plan and a biodiversity study of the ponds and immediate area.

Mot (272)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Insert Policy NCBH 22 SLO: To support, enhance and protect Brittas as a rural village of outstanding natural beauty and to develop its tourism and recreational potential in a sustainable way that will secure the long-term viability of the local community.

Mot (273)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Draft County Development Plan to provide for a Tourism Study for Brittas

Mot (274)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson, Councillor F. Timmons, Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor E. Ó Broin, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

That the current (2016 - 2022) Specific Local Objective CS6 SLO3 pertaining to Brittas Village be expanded to include the following: 'to facilitate the development of a tourist & leisure facility to include accommodation, associated services and activities at Brittas Ponds and surrounding lands thereby guaranteeing the conservation, upkeep and enhancement the area's amenity potential. This will enhance the tourism potential in the area with a view to sustain the long-term viability of the local community and will include permissive access routes and heritage trails under the present EDE23 Objective 4 along with access to historic sites in the county under the present EDE23 Objective 6 and public rights of way'. This tourist-based project submission will be supported by a master plan and a biodiversity study of the ponds and immediate area. South Dublin County Development Plan 2016 - 2022 CS6 SLO 3: To support Brittas as a sustainable community and rural village of outstanding natural beauty and to prepare a planning study and study boundary for Brittas Village, in consultation with local residents, landowners and local representatives, having regard to the implications of the proposed Natural Heritage Area designations, the future protection and enhancement of the village, the development of tourism potential in the area with a view to the long term viability of the local community. The planning study to commence within 6 months of the adoption of this County Development Plan in May 2016 and to include an analysis of population and housing data.

Mot (275)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5 - QUALITY DESIGN & HEALTHY PLACEMAKING - Policy 7 - Adaptability and Inclusivity (Page 142) Insert New Objective: To support and facilitate local need for adequate numbers of accessible and affordable childcare facilities that promote the '10 Minute Town Concept' providing for services to meet local community need, whilst reducing car dependency and encouraging active travel.

Mot (276)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Quality Design and Placemaking (5.2.8) to add a new objective QDP10 Objective 3: To recognise the urgent need for increased provision of social and affordable housing to ensure that all residents in South Dublin County have access to a home.

Mot (277)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to .have a Local Area Plan drawn up for Palmerstown during the first three years of the plan.

Mot (278)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking Motion: Further to a Council Motion passed in July 2017 (Item ID: 54375) this Development Plan reaffirms South Dublin County Council's commitment to a Wood-First policy on publicly-funded buildings and will ensure that new buildings funded or part-funded by the Council will adhere to said policy

Mot (279)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5. P136. Section 5.2.2: Include an objective: QDP3 Objective 4: To ensure that project works by third parties are used as an opportunity to improve the streetscape through joined-up thinking and collaborative approaches on land use, transport and climate action in an effort to maximise benefits with minimum duplication and disruption.

Mot (280)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5: Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking - 5.2.2 To amend to include new objective QDP3 Objective 4: "To ensure that higher Buildings in established areas respect the surrounding context and take account of Heights and their impact on Light and the negative impact that may have on existing Communities and their mental Health to ensure we are consistent with regard to Healthy Placemaking (5.2.3)".

Mot (281)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Amend to include additional Objective: QDP6 Objective 5: To ensure that all new Developments but particularly Apartment Developments were gardens don't form part of the home, make provision for sufficient Public Realm space to enable the Community to enjoy a healthy living environment outdoors but within the boundaries of the Development and that no new Development whether it be private or social creates a Development that downgrades the Public Realm to an extent that it is insufficient to serve as a Healthy place to live mentally and physically.

Mot (282)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

All 9 Traditional village centres should be vibrant and sustainable neighbourhood centres. Request for a village design statement for Tallaght village, in the County Town.

Mot (283)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

SLO in the County Development Plan to ensure that high quality design is deployed in all County Town projects (public and private). The design should acknowledge the historic profile of Tallaght and it's geography. The design should not become overly monotonous and uniform rows of overly urban massed block buildings. It should be broken up by use of materials, shapes, architectural features and interest.

Mot (284)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

Re Height Guide Appendix 10: In respect of any proposed development in which this Council is not the planning authority but is invited to prepare a report, any departures within the proposed development from the guidance set out in Appendix 10 shall be clearly highlighted in the report.

Mot (285)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

QDP 8 Objective 2 Noting that there is no longer a numerical restriction on height, the criteria now being what is “contextually appropriate” to be decided on a case by case basis, that what is contextually appropriate in terms of height should not be determined or affected in any way by the location of a nearby SHD – to take this out and move it to Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking QDP 8 as a new objective 2, with the rest of the objectives there renumbered accordingly.

Mot (286)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

Any development on the two yellow RES lands abutting the Rural Zone at Map 9 shall be designed, located, scaled and serviced in a manner that does not detract from the character and landscape of the receiving environment bearing in mind it's proximity to the HA DM zone.

Mot (287)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

That the portions of those lands zoned yellow RES between Stocking Avenue, Ballycullen Rd and the M50 (Map 10) which lie above the 120m contour be considered not suitable for high density development.

Mot (288)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 5, QDP1 to include a new objective 'Audit the existing urban centres and neighbourhoods in the County with a view to ensuring that they meet the eight key design principles outlined in this Chapter'

Mot (289)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 5: 5.5.2 Context: New Objective QDP3 Objective 4: To ensure that the naming of any new residential development will reflect the local & historical area while also incorporating the Irish Language.

Mot (290)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan to include a new objective in Chapter 5 - QDP 6 Objective 7 "to ensure that all boundary walls will be of similar height where they are bordered on either side by a public footpath or an area that is taken-in-charge"

Mot (291)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan to include a new objective in Chapter 5 - QDP 6 Objective 9 "to ensure that all Public Realm works planned or undertaken consider an Anti-Social behaviour Audit (understanding current patterns of anti-social behaviour and how this will be impacted by proposed works) before work commences and that the results of that audit are included in the planning of said works"

Mot (292)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

To amend QDP11 Objective 2 as follows: Promote the use of structural materials that have low to zero embodied energy and CO2 emissions, such as CEM-III eco-cement and promotion of a wood-first approach.

Mot (293)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To begin the process of a statutory plan such as an LAP for the areas that fall under the Naas Road Framework, once the masterplan phase. which should include public consultation, has been completed.

Mot (294)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

That the SDCC County Development Plan will ensure the front loading of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure for all new housing developments and will able to respond quickly as communities needs change over time.

Mot (295)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey, Councillor E. Ó Broin
Stephen Willoughby

QDP7 Objective12: To develop a network of pedestrian footpaths and public spaces, which include public toilets, accessible outdoor seating and facilities for people with disabilities and/or mobility impairments, and based on the principles of universal design.

Mot (296)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

SLO for all areas where higher density residential living is deemed appropriate in SDCC region - that new measures are adopted to enable periods of 'stay at home', 'work at home' and safe individual outdoor exercise is designed into all schemes of >50 apartments.

Mot (297)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6 Add H7 objective 6 that for villages there be guidance provided for developments within villages and taken into account in relation to planning applications for developments in those villages the objective of which is to reflect local character of villages, such as that outlined in the Lucan Village Design Statement 2006.

Mot (298)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Specific local Objective: This Development Plan will support the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that promotes & facilitates the development of the Citywest/Fortunestown area in accordance with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan that ensures that phasing is not contravened and appropriate levels of services, social & sports infrastructure, facilities & economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current & future population growth.

Mot (299)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this County Development plan commits to an LAP for Saggart

Mot (300)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Draft County Development Plan to include the provision of a Local Area Plan for Saggart

Mot (301)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this County Development plan commits to an LAP for Rathcoole

Mot (302)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Draft County Development Plan to include the provision of a Local Area Plan for Rathcoole

Mot (303)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this council agrees that there be a reasonable height restriction in our heritage villages and that this is in line with current buildings and is sympathetic to the make up of these heritage villages

Mot (304)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

That any future development in Palmerstown Village and environs (i.e. all north of the R148 down to the River Liffey including Lower Kennelsfort Road and the Old Lucan Road from the cul de sac at Holliville to the Service Station) not exceed three stories in height and architecturally be in keeping with the existing built environment and in terms of design quality must prioritise and promote the special character of the Village..

Mot (305)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That SDCC adopt an SLO in our County Development Plan that shop fronts and other business premises (including commercial and industrial premises) in Clondalkin ACA be of wood, be properly maintained by the business owners, and be of a limited number of sympathetic designs; the same to be applied to over-the-door shop signs; that SDCC ask Clondalkin History Society for their input when drawing up the limited number of sympathetic designs and SDCC to take into account such input.

Mot (306)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Stephen Willoughby

Insert,'outside of Architectural Conservation Areas that are' between words,'lands' and 'zoned' in QDP8 Objective 2. (Page 144)

Mot (307)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

That the Manager amends Chapter 5, QDP10 Objective 2 to include: 'Through the introduction of a minimum of 10% 'Step Down' housing units in all future housing developments.'

Mot (308)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

QDP13: SLO: To prepare a new Local Area Plan for Ballyboden.

Mot (309)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan to include a new objective in Chapter 5 - QDP 6 Objective 5 "to ensure that waste or derelict ground or unused ground in the ownership of the Council is secured and restricts access to prevent anti-social and criminal behaviour"

Mot (310)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H13 Objective 4: To promote and encourage 'Living-Over-The-Shop' residential uses on the upper floors of appropriate buildings located in Town, District, Local and Village Centres within the County save for public houses and nightclubs and other inappropriate places where similar business is conducted and to provide incentives to property owners that will translate in rent reductions to tenants that take up such tenancies.



Mot (311)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Housing - pg 158 Motion:  To amend H1 Objective 1 as follows: To ensure adequate and appropriate land is zoned to facilitate and implement the aims of the Core Strategy, to deliver sustainable development, and to meet forecast future housing need in the County over the life of the Plan as identified by the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.

Mot (312)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Motion: To amend H1 Objective 4 as follows: To provide for social and affordable housing accommodation through a range of delivery mechanisms including new builds, acquisitions, renovations and acquisitions of vacant homes, leasing, and housing supports including RAS and HAP or any other mechanism promoted under Government Housing Policy, with priority given to new builds and renovations whenever available.

Mot (313)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Housing - pg 162 Motion: To amend H3 as follows: H3 Objective 1: To support housing that is designed for older people in residential and mixed-use areas, at locations that are proximate to existing services and amenities including pedestrian paths, local shops, parks and public transport. H3 Objective 6: Promote 'ageing in place' and opportunities for right sizing within communities and to minimise where possible the development of nursing homes in areas already well served by these facilities.

Mot (314)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Housing - pg 163 Motion: To amend H4 Objective 2 as follows: To ensure that Traveller Accommodation is located in proximity to services, including public transport, schools, GPs, shops, playgrounds and sports clubs.

Mot (315)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H4 Objective 5, add 'refuse collection and sanitation'. To read, 'To ensure that every halting site has basic amenities such as water, ESB, refuse collection and sanitation and are situated to enable as much integration with local communities as possible, i.e. access to schools, GPs, shops, playgrounds and sports clubs.'

Mot (316)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H19 Objective 1: Add at the end the following text:'The above criteria to be considered alongside the need to sustain and renew established rural communities and to ensure the viability of amenity, including local schools & the need to accommodate genuine rural housing needs where they arise.'

Mot (317)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

This motion is submitted as a group motion in the names of Councillors E. O'Brien, C. O'Connor, E. Murphy, T. Gilligan, D. O'Donovan, T.Costello, Y.Collins, S. Moynihan To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 6, HI Obj16 to include 'and to incorporate consultation with other homeless support services in supporting this service'

Mot (318)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the word "elderly" to "older" in H1 Objective 5 (page 159) and in second last paragraph under 6.3 second last paragraph (page 161) of the Written Statement

Mot (319)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H1 Objective 3: To ensure that adequate and appropriate housing is available to meet the needs of people of all incomes and needs including older persons, single people, those with large families, people with disabilities, and the homeless, through an appropriate mix of unit types and tenures provided in appropriate locations and in a manner appropriate to their specific needs.

Mot (320)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H1 Objective 11: To work with Central Government and relevant State Agencies Office in responding to requirements to support those in need of refuge and long-term housing, as well as ensuring the consistent application of the 'Policy and Procedural Guidance for Housing Authorities in Relation to Assisting Victims of Domestic Violence with Emergency and Long-term Accommodation Needs'or any alternative policy or legislation that is enacted over the lifetime of this Development Plan.

Mot (321)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H3 Objective 5: To actively encourage and directly support the provision of specific purpose-built accommodation, including assisted living units and lifetime housing and adaptation of existing properties as a matter of urgency.

Mot (322)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H5 Objective 2: To facilitate and support Túsla, the Child and Family Agency, local Domestic Violence Service Providers and other relevant agencies in the development of a women's refuge within the County to include accessible emergency accommodation, safe houses and transitional units.

Mot (323)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H6 Objective 1: To support the development of affordable and sustainable student accommodation in and near to the campus of a recognised Third Level Institution or at other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links.

Mot (324)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H3 Objective 3 (page 162) "nursing home accommodation" to "long term care accomodation"

Mot (325)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

Section 6.9.3 Rural Housing in HA - H19 Objective 1 To change the wording "all of the criteria below are met" to read "three of the four criteria below are met:"

Mot (326)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Stephen Willoughby

• That Sections 25.3 and 25.4 of the Draft Development Plan be amended to include Persons who have grown up or spent substantial periods of their lives, (12 years), living in the area, who have moved away and who now wish to return to reside near to, or to care for, immediate family members, seeking to build on the family landholding or on a site within 5 km of the original family home, and that immediate family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister or guardian. 

Mot (327)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

That Sections 25.3 and 25.4 of the Draft Development Plan be amended to include Persons who have grown up or spent substantial periods of their lives, (12 years), living in the area, who have moved away and who now wish to return to reside near to, or to care for, immediate family members, seeking to build on the family landholding or on a site within 5 km of the original family home, and that immediate family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister or guardian.

Mot (328)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H1 Objective 1: To ensure adequate and appropriate land is zoned to facilitate and implement the aims of the Core Strategy, to deliver affordable, sustainable development, to meet likely future housing need in the County as identified by the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.

Mot (329)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H1 Objective 4: To provide for social and affordable housing accommodation that will focus on direct provision of housing through the Local Authority, AHBs and Co-Operatives and through a range of delivery mechanisms including new builds, cost rental, acquisitions, renovations and acquisitions of vacant homes.

Mot (330)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Housing - pg 159 Motion:  To amend H1 Objective 6 as follows: To ensure the selection of land or housing units to purchase or lease by the Council, including Part V, counteracts any segregation by persons of different social backgrounds

Mot (331)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, In Objective 6, replace 'counteracts undue segregation by persons of different social background' with 'promotes the development of sustainable and mixed income communities'

Mot (332)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Retain following from 2016, H1 Objective 6: To facilitate the development of emergency accommodation, including hostels for homeless individuals and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County and not concentrated in any particular area.

Mot (333)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing - 6.1 H1 Objective 6: amend by removing the word 'undue' and replacing it with the word 'any'.

Mot (334)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Chapter 6 Housing to add the following sentence to H1 Objective 9: The Council shall pursue the Compulsory Purchase of long term vacant sites and units.

Mot (335)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 6, H1 Obj9 to include 'ensure that vacant units are reactivated within 18 weeks of being vacated, except in exceptional circumstances which require structural work where this may not be possible'

Mot (336)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, in Objective 14, insert 'whether private owner occupier, private rental, social rental or affordable purchase and rental' between 'single tenure' and 'within any'

Mot (337)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, insert new objective, 'H1 Objective 16, To ensure that all public land and in particular Local Authority lands, are used exclusively for the delivery of social, affordable cost rental and affordable purchase homes.

Mot (338)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

H2 Objective 1: To add in at the end of this objective “and to promote and prioritise the return of voids to suitable housing stock”. 

Mot (339)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6 - HOUSING (Page 160 Policy 2 - Supply of Housing) H2 Objective 1: Amend From: H2 Objective 1: To maximise the use of existing housing stock, facilitating and promoting upgrade/retrofit of existing stock reducing energy demand and addressing Climate Change. Amend To: To maximise the use of existing housing stock, facilitating and promoting upgrade/retrofit of existing stock reducing energy demand and addressing Climate Change, prioritising window and door replacement programme impacted by Covid 19, and in line with the Energy, Efficiency and Retrofitting Programme 2021-2030

Mot (340)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 6, H2 Obj 3 to include 'and will not diminish existing amenity to such communities'

Mot (341)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: H2 objective 3: Amend: To promote & facilitate the development of infill schemes throughout the County where it has been identified; Add "ensuring an even spread across all LEA's" that such schemes will contribute towards the enhancement of; remove "disadvantage" communities within the County.

Mot (342)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby


H2 Objective 3: To add in at the end of this objective “whilst ensuring that sufficient and appropriate public spaces and amenities are preserved in our residential estates and any overdevelopment avoided which could be detrimental to the community”. 

Mot (343)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H3 Objective 7: To add the words 'and people leaving Direct Provision'.

Mot (344)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H3 Objective 7: To ensure that those with specific housing needs, such as older persons, persons with disabilities, homeless persons and Travellers, are accommodated in a manner appropriate to their specific needs and in a timely fashion.

Mot (345)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Chapter 6 Housing to add a new objective: H4 Objective 6: To provide transient sites in accordance with legislation.

Mot (346)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that it be a priority for SDCC to secure a location for, and to develop a Transient Traveller Halting site within two years of the approval of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028.

Mot (347)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H4 Objective 3: To provide long term sustainable Traveller Accommodation developments, while ensuring proper provision of infrastructure and in consultation with the Travelling Community and their advocates.

Mot (348)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H2 Objective 4 to read: Promote lifetime housing standards in new homes built in the County in accordance with best practice and ensure that all new housing is built to A1 insulation and energy efficiency standards.

Mot (349)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H7 Objective 2 to read: To ensure that all new residential developments to A1 rated (SAP) standard, incorporate energy efficiency measures and promote innovation in renewable energy opportunities.

Mot (350)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H13 Objective 6: To support the subdivision of houses in suburban areas that are characterised by exceptionally large houses on relatively extensive sites where population levels are generally falling and which are well served by public transport, subject to the protection of existing residential amenity and the refurbishment of the completed units to at least A2 standard.

Mot (351)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

H3 Objective 6: Promote 'ageing in place' and opportunities for right sizing within communities and to minimise where possible the development of nursing homes in areas already well served by these facilities.

Mot (352)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

That this Council commit to investigating all vacant houses and over-shop premises as a way of dealing with the housing crisis

Mot (353)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 158, Housing (H) Policy 1, in Objective 3, insert 'Traveller households' after 'older persons'

Mot (354)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, in Objective 5, replace 'a reduced percentage requirement' with 'in addition to the percent'

Mot (355)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 169, Housing (H) Policy 14, insert a new objective 'H14 Objective 3: To review and update the South County Dublin House Extension Design Guide, 2010 to facilitate the provision of mid terrace extensions in Local Authority housing stock where such extensions are being funded through the housing adaptation grant.'

Mot (356)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Stephen Willoughby

That this Council being aware of the growing number of individuals with special needs in the County currently living in inappropriate nursing homes or other settings, or more commonly at home with ageing parents or family members,  who are eligible and to go on the Council Housing List, agrees to identify and source along  with  other approved voluntary housing bodies appropriate safe locations for new housing  accommodation each year as part of the Development Plan, with a view to  supporting a greater number transitioning towards their goal of independent living

Mot (357)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing (H) Policy 5: Other housing provision New Objective: H5 Objective 4: To provide short-term emergency housing to persons who are unable to return to their homes because of domestic violence on a humanitarian basis without having to assess their eligibility for social housing support or include them on the authority's waiting list for housing supports in line with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government Policy and Procedural Guidance for Housing Authorities in Relation to Assisting Victims of Domestic Violence with Emergency and Long-term Accommodation Needs.

Mot (358)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

RETENTION of 2016 Policy H1 Objective 4: To promote social integration and facilitate a diverse range of dwelling tenures within housing developments, including social housing in a balanced way in all Local Electoral Areas of the County.

Mot (359)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing (H) Policy 15: Family flats Amend: To favourably consider family flat development where the Council is satisfied that there is a valid need for semi-independent accommodation for an immediate family member; Add 'or family members in cases of overcrowding' (Such as an older parent or dependant; Add '/dependants partner & children', subject to design criteria outlined in Chapter 13: Implementation and monitoring. Add 'Which will be monitored ensuring that the use of flat developments will not be exploited within the current rental market'

Mot (360)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing - 6.1 H1 Objective 13: Amend the first Bullet point to read 'there are unique site constraints that would make it impossible to make such provision or'

Mot (361)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing - 6.2 - Additional Objective H2 H2 Objective 7: That the areas of focus for the provision of Social Housing shifts to areas of population decline instead of continuing to develop infill and larger projects in areas of population increase and population pressure like Tallaght and Clondalkin where green space is becoming more sparse by the year as a result. This objective will promote integration of all tenure types within Communities and break down barriers and stigmas that unfortunately exist and promote the repopulation of declining Communities.

Mot (362)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H2, add Objective: 'To use all means available within the existing statutory framework and any superseding legislation to prioritise the development of homes for owner-occupiers over institutional investors.'

Mot (363)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H3 Objective 4, to delete the text as drafted and amend as follows: 'To preserve lands designated OS save in exceptional circumstances where a community led housing development for older people in an established area is proposed and (I) there is no alternative brownfield or other serviced or serviceable site available in the area and (ii) where the quality and quantum of remaining public open spaces is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved'.

Mot (364)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H3 Add Objective: 'To examine within the context of Housing policy 3  the future accommodation needs of older members of the LGBT+ community.'

Mot (365)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H8, Add Objective: To ensure that the requirements for high quality open space are met in respect of each development separately and individually in cases where a particular development is envisaged as a phase of a larger development.

Mot (366)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

This motion is submitted as a group motion in the names of Councillors E. O'Brien, C. O'Connor, E. Murphy, T. Gilligan, D. O'Donovan, T.Costello, Y.Collins, S. Moynihan To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 6, H7 Objective 3 to include 'to discourage the termination of cul-de-sacs in developments'

Mot (367)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

That this Development Plan commit to a review of the requirement of an addition women's refuge in the county to ensure there is a sufficient access to places of safety available to local women and children at risk of the most extreme violence

Mot (368)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Stephen Willoughby

In view of the governments and this Councils commitment to a more neutral carbon footprint that every effort will be made through planning and other conscious quality enhancing measures to eliminate materials and design in new and existing housing and other developments in order to eleminate the need for the most basic repairs, maintenance or even replacement within a short time span of being built.

Mot (369)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

To amend the development plan - Chapter 6, H8, Obj 3 to remove 'as appropriate'

Mot (370)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H1 Objective 16: To support the provision of homeless accommodation and/or support services in a balanced way located throughout the County and not concentrated in any particular areas, to ensure adequate provision of appropriate and accessible accommodation for families, women, women and children, couples, young people (especially those leaving care), members of the LGBTQ+ community, ethnic minorities, disabled people and those experiencing intimate partner violence, familial violence and/or addiction. To further ensure that anyone experiencing homelessness, for whatever reason, will be treated with respect and will not be left in emergency accommodation that is unsuitable for their needs or for long periods of time.

Mot (371)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H2 Objective 6: To ensure an adequate and appropriate provision of social housing across the County, particularly in relation to 1 bed and 4 bed housing units, through the building up of public landbanks, facilitation of the transfer of lands and other appropriate mechanisms with third parties (only where necessary) to ensure an appropriate number of and distribution of new social housing, and to avoid additional concentration of social housing above that already in existence.

Mot (372)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To amend: H5 Objective 1: To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation, and to apply a gendered lens to such provision, including hostels for homeless individuals of all genders and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.

Mot (373)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Stephen Willoughby

To consider the need for housing units to provide enough space to allow for individuals to work from home, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed upon the working population.

Mot (374)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

To amend Chapter 6 - 6.7.1. add H7 Objective 5 that there be a very high standard for landmark buildings and that the Planning Department devise a standard for that. 

Mot (375)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Stephen Willoughby

Housing Motion: To amend H1 Objective 2 as follows: To require that at least 10% of lands zoned for residential use, or for a mixture of residential and other uses for development of 9 or fewer houses or development of houses on land less than 0.1 hectares (or relevant figures as may be revised by legislation) be reserved for social and affordable housing in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 and the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Mot (376)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 158, Housing (H) Policy 1, in Objective 2 replace '10% of lands' with '25% of private lands'

Mot (377)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 158, Housing (H) Policy 1, in Objective 2, insert 'an even distribution' between 'reserved for' and 'social and affordable'

Mot (378)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

H1 Objective 2; replace '10%' with 'a minimum of 20%'

Mot (379)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H1 Objective 2 to read: To require that at least 30% of lands zoned for residential use,

Mot (380)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Gogarty
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H1 Objective 13: Proposals for residential development shall provide a minimum of 50% 3-5 bedroom units, including units that are designed in such a way as to facilitate extension as required unless it can be demonstrated that: • there are unique site constraints that would mitigate against such provision or • that the proposed housing mix meets the specific demand required in an area, having regard to the prevailing housing type within a 10-minute walk of the site and to the socio-economic, population and housing data set out in the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.

Mot (381)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, replace all of 'H1 Objective 13' with 'H1 Objective 13: Proposals for residential development shall provide an appropriate mix of one, two, three and four bedroom units as determined by the Housing Needs Demand Assessment for that area in order to ensure that housing delivery is based on need above all other considerations.'

Mot (382)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H1 Objective 10 to read: To implement the policies, objectives and unit target set out under the South Dublin Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP) 2019-2024, and review the programme as required, with an additional specific objective to identify and provide at least one transient site within two years of this plan being adopted.

Mot (383)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Add H4 Objective 6: To ensure that a short-term, properly serviced transient site is provided in the County within two years of this plan being adopted.

Mot (384)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Chapter 6 Housing to remove H1 Objective 5 from the plan: "To encourage the development of elderly persons/assisted living accommodation, where it is proposed that a site or a portion of site is to be developed for elderly/assisted living accommodation a reduced percentage requirement in respect of social housing may be considered."

Mot (385)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Chapter 6 Housing to remove the words 'or lease' from H1 Objective 6: "To ensure the selection of land or housing units to purchase or lease by the Council, including Part V, counteracts undue segregation by persons of different social backgrounds."

Mot (386)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Amend H13 Objective 2 to read: To maintain and consolidate the County's existing housing stock through the consideration of applications for housing subdivision and backland development on smaller sites in established areas, or limited infill development on sites greater than 0.8 ha, subject to appropriate safeguards and standards identified in Chapter 13: Implementation and Monitoring.

Mot (387)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King, Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing Policy 6: Amend To support the development of student accommodation in the campus of a recognised Third Level Institution or any other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links; Add "excluding Tallaght Village, ensuring the protection of the historical value & integrity of the village"

Mot (388)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

That the Manager retains H3 SLO3: 'To support the development of St. Brigid's Nursing home at Crooksling as a centre that provides for the care of elderly people in nursing home accommodation', as per the current Plan.

Mot (389)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 170, Housing (H) Policy 15, insert new objective 'H15 Objective 2: To favourably consider single story free standing units in back gardens of existing residential developments where the Council is satisfied that there is a valid need for accommodation for an immediate family member, subject to appropriate design criteria and planning approval.'

Mot (390)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 6: Housing (H) Policy 5: Other housing provision New Objective: H5 Objective 3: To monitor Women's refuges capacity & usage & provide monthly stats/data to PASS (Pathway Accommodation & Support System) that will facilitate effective responses & support applications for funding under the Capital Assistance Scheme in collaboration with TUSLA for the provision of accommodation for victims of domestic violence that can be managed by approved housing bodies and or Women's Domestic Violence Services that already exist within the County.

Mot (391)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Stephen Willoughby

DRAFT DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2022 - 2028 Friday, 28 May 2021 MOTION NO. MOTION: Councillor D Richardson Housing: Residential Consolidation South Dublin Development Plan 2016 - 2022 H17 Objective 4: To promote and encourage residential uses on the upper floors of appropriate buildings located in Town, District, Local and Village Centres within the County save for public houses and nightclubs and other inappropriate places where similar business is conducted. Due to the ongoing housing crisis employers are finding it impossible to recruit skilled workers into the county because of a complete lack of accommodation and more importantly affordability in the county. Therefore the proposed motion is that the current objective H17 Objective 4: be expanded to included 'residential accommodation onsite in commercial or industrial settings in full compliance with building, fire, health & safety regulations'

Mot (392)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Stephen Willoughby

DRAFT DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2022 - 2028 Friday, 28 May 2021 MOTION NO. MOTION: Councillor D Richardson & Cllr Francis Timmons   Housing: Community Housing     A motion to include a Community Housing Initiative were by the Council identify sites in the county for local housing. An application based local housing scheme that offers affordable housing to those born and raised in the area. Lands at Boherboy Rd, Saggart, Co Dublin have been identified as suitable for such an initiative with its proximity to Saggart Village, the Luas and schools. This motion will allow direct community access to affordable homes in a local setting. A successful planning application in S99A/0771 was made on behalf of Saggart Community Housing Initiative for 22 houses to be know as Fairgreen, Saggart, Co Dublin. This initiative was managed by South Dublin County Council who received applications from the local community and allocated housing under specific criteria, the initiative was hugely oversubscribed.

Sustainable Movement


Mot (393)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 7, SM2 Obj 4 to be amended to include 'while also taking account of existing patterns of anti-social behaviour and other unintended consequences of removal of such barriers'

Mot (394)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

Sustainable Movement: at the end of SM2 Objective 10: “and to ensure that cycle paths are consistently and properly maintained to a high standard to ensure that cyclists use them"

Mot (395)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

SM2 SL02: To consider an offroad shared cycle and pedestrian path from Stocking Lane to the Hellfire Club to provide a safe alternative to cars, to access this amenity.

Mot (396)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

To amend paragraph in Chapter 7 - 7.6.2. under heading 'Luas to Lucan' (page 96) amend last sentence to include words "serving Lucan village" so that the sentence ends "serving Lucan village, Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along this route.

Mot (397)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 183 Sustainable Movement Chapter 7 That the following figure re train capacity of 11 trains (capacity for up to 11 trains per hour in each direction) in paragraph below be updated with figures presented at a recent presentation. Transition to public transport will be aided by improvements in the pipeline including the roll-out of BusConnects which will includes proposals for six new bus dedicated bus routes through the County. BusConnects will provide a redesigned more efficient bus network with high frequency spines, new orbital routes and increased bus services. Similarly, heavy rail services within the County are scheduled for significant upgrade and improvement including proposals for DART+ that will see increased train frequency on the Heuston to Hazelhatch line with capacity for up to 11 trains per hour in each direction with stops at Adamstown, Clonburris and Park West in the Naas Road area, along with the opening of the rail station at Kishogue in Clonburris. In addition, there is scope for increased capacity on the existing Luas lines to Tallaght and Saggart, as well the potential benefits that new Luas lines to both Lucan and the southern part of the County would bring.

Mot (398)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

31. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell • To insert new objective: To support a review of bus Corridor in the N4 environs to expand into the commuter belt towns of bordering county Kildare with a view to meeting future demand of surrounding Lucan and Adamstown area.

Mot (400)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In table 7.5 Six Year Road Programme add: Enhance and upgrade right hand turn onto N4 westwards at bridge on R136 as part of revised traffic management solution in Lucan village, engineered to facilitate a cycleway into village as part of NTA proposals

Mot (401)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

Amend Chapter 7 Table 7.6 Western Dublin Orbital Route to add in last sentence "and Lucan Village" (purpose of this is that Lucan Village should not be a thoroughfare.

Mot (402)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That the Development Plan will make provision for a grade-separated junction between the R148 and Kennelsfort Road, in the interests of maximising the effectiveness of the Lucan Core Bus Corridor and connecting the communities of Palmerstown.

Mot (403)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 7, insert new objective under SM3 'To work with the NTA and other state agencies to facilitate the delivery of the Kennelsfort Road-R148 grade separated junction or an equivalent solution to maxmise the efficacy of the Bus Connects Project'

Mot (404)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7 - SUSTAINABLE MOVEMENT - Policy 6 - Traffic and Transport Management INSERT SLO : 'In recognising significant forecast for local population growth, to undertake a detailed traffic study that determines a programme of works that aims to alleviate the existing traffic 'bottle-neck' between Supervalu roundabout on the Newcastle Road, Lucan and the N4 junction.'

Mot (405)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

3. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell • To reinsert the following SLO: 'Provide for visitor parking spaces, along with a turning point, on any primary access roadway off Mount Bellew Way so as to provide for future development of these zoned lands, and to facilitate the better management of drop-offs and pick-ups at the neighbouring Lucan Educate Together NS.'

Mot (406)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert under SL5 a new SLO: Provide for visitor parking spaces, along with a turning point, on any primary access roadway off Mount Bellew Way so as to enable future community development of these lands and to facilitate the better management of drop-offs and pick-ups at the neighbouring Lucan Educate Together NS.

Mot (407)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend SM7 Objective 7 to read: To design and manage parking to ensure the efficient turnover of spaces within town, district and village centres and higher density development areas by applying the following measures: - Ensuring that car parking is predominantly provided on-street and within communal and undesignated spaces, except in areas identified as tourist and food destination locations where additional widening of pedestrian areas is desirable necessitating the removal of on-street parking to facilitate - Placing restrictions on longer term parking.

Mot (408)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

SM4, Add Objective: Where feasible the incorporation of wildlife crossings including bridges and underpasses into the designs for new road infrastructure & where possible incorporation of such measures into the existing road network.

Mot (409)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Sustainable Movement - pg 198 Motion: To amend SM4 Objective 1 as follows: To work closely with transport agencies including the Department of Transport, the National Transport Authority and Transport Infrastructure Ireland to protect capacity and deliver improvements and extensions of the strategic road network, where necessary and in line with national, regional and local climate action plans.

Mot (410)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend SM2 Objective 12 to read: To support the implementation of the Council's adopted County-wide signage strategy (2020) that accords with the National Traffic Signs Manual and the Failte Ireland 'Dublin Visitor Orientation Strategy' (2020) and takes into account the local heritage and history of an area, particularly in a village context.

Mot (411)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To amend: SM2 Objective 4: To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced in existing built-up areas, by removing barriers (such as kissing gates and providing alternatives to deter scrambler bikes) to movement and providing active travel facilities in order to increase access to local shops, schools, public transport services and other amenities.

Mot (412)
Submitted by:
Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor K. Egan, Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

That South Dublin County Council include an install guidance strips for future footpath programme of works in our main village thoroughfares to include but not limited to, main street Lucan, Palmerstown, Rathcoole, Saggart, Newcastle, Clondalkin Tallaght, Templeogue to ensure improved accessibility for visually impaired in our communities.

Mot (413)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend SM2 Objective 7 to add the following section: Making existing pedestrian routes zones near schools and pre-schools safer for parents and children through the creative use of flexible poles that actively prevent vehicles from mounting kerbs and otherwise encroaching into pedestrian spaces, while also facilitating the movement of emergency vehicles if necessary; this to be extended county-wide following an audit within two years of the Development Plan being passed.

Mot (414)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To ensure the provision of sufficient, safe bike parking/storage facilies at all new residential and commercial developments.

Mot (415)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

SLO: To provide for safe cycling infrastructure to the schools situated in the Dublin 12, Rathfarnham/Templeogue LEA.

Mot (416)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To amend: SM2 Objective 10: To further develop a footpath and cycle path repair and assessment system where members of the public can report maintenance issues and instigate repairs, and to implement a public lighting renewal, improvement and maintenance strategy that provides more public lighting and puts the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, women and minority groups at the heart of this strategy.

Mot (417)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 191 Policy 2 - Walking and Cycling Insert new objective 15 "To include North Clondalkin, Clondalkin Village, Grange castle and Clonburris in cycleplath connectivity."

Mot (418)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

With a population of 4000 (and rising) Newcastle needs safe cycle and walking lanes. A Greenway link to Rathcoole and to Hazelhatch and the Canal and that this CDP comits to including above in the new plan

Mot (419)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 7 Sustainable movement to ad to SM2 Objective 6: To promote the use of off-road cycle lanes as far as possible.

Mot (420)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Siobhan Duff

• That the Draft Development Plan be amended to provide for a LUAS through Firhouse to provide greater access to the Dublin Mountains

Mot (421)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch7 7.6 That the County Development Plan explores the feasibility of the extension of the LUAS to Firhouse, Ballycullen, Knocklyon and Ballyboden.

Mot (422)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch7 - 7.6 That the County Development Plan provides for the accommodation of the Metro South West and is supportive of a feasibility study for the Metro South West Project.

Mot (423)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

SM3 Objective 7: To actively promote and assist the NTA with providing a metro for Dublin South West serving areas including Rathfarnham, Templeogue and Knocklyon, to address rapidly worsening traffic congestion and pollution and to incentivise residents to use public transport.

Mot (424)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7. Sustainable Movement, page 193. To amend SM3 Objective 7 to read the following: To support and encourage the NTA in investigating high- capacity public transport solutions including a "Dublin South West Metro system" for Dublin south west, serving areas including Kimmage, Terenure, Rathfarnham, Knocklyon, Firhouse, Ballycullen/Oldcourt and South Tallaght.

Mot (425)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Siobhan Duff

• That the Draft Development Plan be amended to provide for a Metro to Rathfarnham

Mot (426)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That a SLO is put in to include a metro that serves Clondalkin and Clonburris

Mot (427)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7 - SUSTAINABLE MOVEMENT - Policy 1 - Transport & Movement (Page 182) Insert New Objective: To engage with the National Transport Authority and Irish Rail directly to facilitate and promote local public consultations in determining local service level needs, along existing and planned future network, with emphasis on areas of forecast population and housing growth as part of and during the phasing stages of the Clonburris and Adamstown SDZ's. Particular attention to DART, LUAS and Bus extension programmes, in addressing rail underutilisation and meeting forecast target increases for improved rail usage and carbon reduction in improving service levels to meet strategic objectives.

Mot (428)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement 7.6.1 to add a new objective: SM3 Objective 16: To ensure that all new bus stop infrastructure includes a shelter and bin.

Mot (429)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

To amend SM3 Objective 13 as follows: To support new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines as a means of providing new public transport links, where rail options are demonstrated by the NTA not to be achievable in the short-term, including for the planned Metro (Metrowest) and along the Outer Ring Road and Adamstown-Citywest corridors.

Mot (430)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To prioritise traffic calming measures and works needed to improve safety at road crossings and for such work to be decided by experienced staff, evidence, and data.

Mot (431)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That the Manager amends Chapter 7, Table 7.5 to include Ballyboden Road/Stocking Lane (R115) upgrade.

Mot (432)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch7 - 7.7.2 (Addition to Table 7.5) That this Council will include an indicative 6-year transportation objective in Map 10 where a DMURS compliant link road with associated pedestrian and cycle paths be provided from the College Road/ Whitechurch Road junction to the Edmondstown Road parallel to the northern boundary of the M50, extending the existing College road in the DLRCC County area to Edmondstown Road as a 6-year transport objective, to support the sustainable residential development of lands at Whitechurch/Edmondstown in tandem with the necessary transport infrastructure to facilitate such development and to extend active travel networks through this area.

Mot (433)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Upgrade of existing junction at Kennelsfort Road and the R148 with the provision of a grade separated junction, to be initiated during the first two years of the 2022 to 2028 County Development Plan to enhance the efficiency of the junction, particularly for buses on the N4/Lucan Road QBC, to ensure safe crossing facilities are provided for all users and to reconnect the Heritage Village of Palmerstown with the newer residential areas of the community.

Mot (434)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That this Development Plan mandates the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Palmerstown to address connectivity and traffic management issues in the area, and to ensure the protection and promotion of Palmerstown Village as a heritage village.

Mot (435)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7 - SUSTAINABLE MOVEMENT - Policy 4 - Strategic Road Network INSERT SLO : 'To plan and support the delivery of an underpass at Palmerstown Village as a practical solution to the traffic delays on the N4.'

Mot (436)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the development plan - Chapter 7, SM6 Obj 7: to include 'and to develop plans, following community consultation, to install road features to disincentivise movement of HGVs In particular zones'

Mot (437)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Draft County Development Plan to provide for a traffic management plan for Newcastle that deals appropriately with HGVs Co-sponsor: Cllr Brian Lawlor

Mot (438)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert under SL5 a new SLO: To design a new traffic management system in Lucan village so as to facilitate the optimum one-way vehicular route between Sarsfield Close and the Liffey Bridge roundabout incorporating a new two-way cycleway, potentially part of the Canal Loop, whilst also providing associated local use, heritage and tourism benefits as a result of wider pedestrian spaces and room for seating areas, especially in proximity to food outlets; this to be ready to implement within 12 months of the plan being passed.

Mot (439)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert under SL5 a new SLO: To seek to reconfigure the road layout, parking and traffic management arrangements so as to improve flow around Lucan Village Green and also make it safer for pedestrians to cross, including at the junctions of Lucan/Celbridge Road with Adamstown (Lock) Road and Main Street.

Mot (440)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert under SL5 a new SLO: To secure permanent off-street parking at a suitable location in the East End of Lucan village so as to facilitate access while also being able to reduce on-street parking in favour of wider pavements and seating areas for pedestrians.

Mot (441)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7. P205. Sustainable Movement. Insert the following: SM6 - SLO 2 To prepare a traffic master plan for Palmerstown that builds on the school street initiative.

Mot (442)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7 Sustainable Transport Policy 7 Obj Roads: Review and seek to improve the issue of on-street car parking in housing estates to eliminate the road safety and social issues they present

Mot (443)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council agree a SLO that private paid parking is relocated out of Clondallkin village and the area pedestrianised. Pedestrianised area to include Main Street and Tower Rd. Tuthills car park area if purchased could be generated as a Plaza for Community use such as a Farmer's Market and festivals. The area also includes 'cycle points such as Dublin Bikes' That funding is budgeted and invested in Streetscaping - seating; signage; notice boards; - highlighting Clondalkin's rich heritage. Improved planting structures including trees, Roads to include solar bins.

Mot (444)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To ensure the sufficient roll out of public electric charging points for EVs across the county, near to residential homes, including for those living in apartments and in terraced houses.

Mot (445)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

Amend Table 7.4 'Park and Ride Proposals' page 197 to add at end of sentence "including potential for Park and Ride at location on N4 immediately exit 4A

Mot (446)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

GI 2. Add Objective: To reduce the degree of habitat fragmentation caused by road construction with the incorporation of green bridges and wildlife underpasses where feasible.

Mot (447)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend SM6 Objective 9: To ensure that appropriate design and mitigation measures are applied to all existing and proposed transport schemes to reduce the impact of noise and air pollution within residential communities in accordance with the EU directive on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise with special priority given to the M50, N4 and N7 where it has already been highlighted as impacting on the quality of life of residents living in adjoining housing.

Mot (448)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

SLO insertion: On land border at Castleview site (formerly known as Coolamber) To maintain a complete unbroken natural boundary comprising railings or other permanent structure along the perimeter of the site (with the exception of an entrance off the Newcastle Road and pedestrian and cyclist permeability with the Finnstown Neighbourhood Centre to the north of the site). The above notwithstanding any other related policies or objectives outlined in this Plan.

Mot (449)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Carey Chapter 7 - SUSTAINABLE MOVEMENT - Policy 3 - Public Transport - General (Page 193) SM3 Objective 1: Amend From: To achieve and monitor a transition to the County mode share targets of 20% Bus and 5% Rail Amend To: To achieve and monitor a transition to the County mode share targets of 23% Bus and 7% Rail

Mot (450)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

Amend SM3 Objective 16 (page 197) to add at end of sentence "with a terminus at Lucan Village"

Mot (451)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

26. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell Map's index To amend the legend 'Road Proposal-Long Term' which is identified by OOOO on the maps, to insert a timeline of planning and development within 2 years of adopting this plan. This would ensure consistency with other 'Road Proposals'.

Mot (452)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In table 7.5 Six Year Road Programme add: Tandy's Lane/N4 Junction re-opening and upgrade Re-opening of former junction to provide access to the N4 as part of enhanced traffic management in Lucan village with measures to further slow down traffic entering the county at 120kph to 80kph. The junction will include upgrade works to ensure that safe access/egress can be made.

Mot (453)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In table 7.5 Six Year Road Programme add: Carry out a study of the impact of re-opening traffic access from Esker Lane along a dedicated slip towards the Newcastle Road interchange, identifying scenarios where this would be acceptable to TII and implement only on the provision that such a plan would have a neutral impact on Esker Lane South taken as a whole.

Mot (454)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that SDCC actively pursue the development of Exit 8 on the M50 to alleviate pressure on the adjacent community of Clondalkin, and by implication on Exits 7 and 9, and to facilitate the commercial life of Park West and Clonburris as well as the existing local industrial estates..

Mot (455)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

Add a new SM6 SLO 2: To acquire the land necessary to improve the safety of the junction between the Kilteel Road (L2003) and Calliaghstown Lane (L6008) marked in red on attached map.

Mot (456)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Siobhan Duff

To reduce the use of the Fitzmaurice Road to access Greenogue Industrial Estate and thus alleviate traffic congestion in Rathcoole, move the 'Aylmer Road Upgrade' from 'Medium to Long Term Road Objectives', to, 'Six Year Road Programme' to allow access to Greenoge from the R136 (outer ring road).

Mot (457)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives, amend Western Dublin Orbital to Read: New road from N81 to the Link between the N81, N7 and the N4 with a Route Leixlip Interchange by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart. The need for this route, further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTAs GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect the scenic Liffey Valley parklands and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered.

Mot (458)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Siobhan Duff

To relocate the Western Dublin Orbital Route (south) from Table 6.6 (Medium to Long Term Road Projects) to Table 6.5 (Six Year Road Projects)

Mot (459)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

'That the new County Development plan commit to designing and fixing the location of the first phase of the Western Dublin Orbital Route from Tallaght to Newcastle to address the on-going chronic commuter through traffic issues in Saggart ,Rathcoole and Newcastle villages and to set out appropriate land reservation corridor widths that will take cognisance of the needs for sections of the route to be elevated due to land topography and proposed N7 Flyover, with such corridor widths being sufficient for natural tree screening to reduce noise and visual impact on proposed new housing developments adjacent to the route.'

Mot (460)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 7. P200-201. Sustainable Movement To change the proposed junction upgrade of Kennelsfort Road / R148 from table 7.6 "Medium to Long Term" into table 7.5 "Six-Year roads programme"

Mot (461)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

To move the proposal 'Kennelsfort Road and the R148' from Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives and insert instead in Table 7.5 Six Year Road Programme.

Mot (463)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Sustainable Movement - pg 205 - To amend SM6 Objective 8 as follows: To require all traffic generating development to submit a Mobility Management Plan/Workforce Plan and/or Traffic and Transport Assessment.

Community Infrastructure & Open Space


Mot (464)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 212 COS Objective 1: To amend the objective by adding in 'comprising of a fast-growing young population and' To provide appropriate and accessible community facilities to meet the needs of all citizens of the County, comprising of a fast-growing young population and an ageing population, consistent with NPOs 28 and 30 of the NPF.

Mot (465)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8: Policy COS 1 New Objective, COS 1 Objective 4 To support the improvement, maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of existing community based facilities within the County to meet current and future needs.

Mot (466)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 215 Motion: To amend COS 2 Objective 1: To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in communities in tandem with new housing development, and in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.

Mot (467)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPEN SPACE - Policy 2 - Community Infrastructure Open Spaces (Page 215) COS 2 Objective 1: Amend From: To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new communities in tandem with housing development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes Amend To: To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new and existing communities in tandem with housing development, with special consideration for period of review to adapt to the needs of an increasingly multi-cultured and diverse community in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes

Mot (468)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 215 COS 2 Objective 4 and in 'childcare facilities' after schools To support the clustering of community facilities such as community centres, sports and leisure facilities, schools, childcare facilities, and open spaces to create multi-purpose community hubs.

Mot (469)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 213 8.4 Social / Community Infrastructure Line 6: add in arts after cultural.

Mot (470)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 213 8.4.1 Social / Community Infrastructure Audit amend Community Centres, 1 large multifunctional centre of approximately 1,200sq m - 1,800sq m per 9,000 population or smaller local community centres (350-650 sq m) as may be identified by the local authority to meet local need. to - Community Centres, 1 large multifunctional centre of approximately 1,200sq m - 1,800sq m per 9,000 population and / or smaller local community centres (350-650 sq m) as may be identified by the local authority to meet local need. (inserting 'and')

Mot (471)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS3 Objective 4: "including our teens and young people”.

Mot (472)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That a SLO is written in that provides Newcastle Village with community areas and space to hold community events , a Village plaza

Mot (473)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 225 COS 5 Objective 13 Remove word 'regardless' in this objective and anywhere else its mentioned in plan in this context. To replace with word 'irrespective'

Mot (474)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To amend: COS 4 Objective 6: To facilitate the provision of appropriately scaled children's play facilities and teen space facilities at suitable locations across the County within existing and new residential development.

Mot (475)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 227 COS Objective 4 Add in 'and other relevant agencies' after HSE.

Mot (476)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 227 Motion: To amend COS 6 Objective 3 as follows: To support the provision of appropriately scaled healthcare facilities within existing settlements, in locations that are accessible by public transport and safe walking and cycling infrastructure.

Mot (477)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 8, COS8, Obj8 to include 'and to promote this using the council's land management and ownership policy'

Mot (478)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Siobhan Duff

Section 8.10.1 Urban Schools COS 8 Objective 2 To insert the words "the re-development of existing schools" to read as follows "To facilitate the development of new schools, the re-development of existing schools and extensions planned as part of the Governments School Building Programme"

Mot (479)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 8 Objective 1, insert the words 'identify early on' and 'of sufficient size and are' To read: 'To reserve and identify early on sites for primary and post-primary provision in developing areas though the Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are of sufficient size and are accessible, pedestrian, cycle and pedestrian friendly locations, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.

Mot (480)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 13 Objective 1: Add 'including green cemeteries' To read: 'To facilitate the development of new or extended burial grounds, including green cemeteries, and crematoria, having consideration for the burial preferences of multi-faith and non-religious communities, at suitable locations in the County, subject to appropriate safeguards with regard to environmental considerations, noise and traffic Impacts.'

Mot (481)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 235 Motion: To amend COS 13 Objective 1 as follows: To facilitate the development of new or extended burial grounds, eco-burial grounds and crematoria, having consideration for the burial preferences of multi-faith and non-religious communities, at suitable locations in the County, subject to appropriate safeguards with regard to environmental considerations, noise and traffic impacts.

Mot (482)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPEN SPACE - Policy 2 - Community Infrastructure Open Spaces (Page 215) COS 2 Objective 2 Amend From: To promote provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan. Amend To: To promote and meet the necessary provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan.

Mot (483)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Page 215, (COS) Policy COS2, in Objective 1 insert 'and existing' between 'provided in new' and 'communities'

Mot (484)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

SLO That the Citywest/Fortunestown areas are provided (from within their own community), public, purpose built and suitable amenities including a library, community centre, accessible playgrounds/playspaces, teenspaces and youth amenities (such as a skate park), well designed green spaces including a managed public park with adequate accessible public seating and that can host festivals and community events and encourage greater biodiversity in the area and more tree coverage, adequate numbers of pitches and clubhouses/pavilions for sports, a community café as well as adequate public childcare and afterschool facilities and school sites.

Mot (485)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS, Add SLO: 'To examine the need for increased community infrastructure for the growing populations of Kiltipper, Killinarden, Marlfield, Ellensborough, Aylesbury and Old Bawn in light of recent population growth'.

Mot (486)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Add COS 3 Objective: To support and facilitate the provision of at least two public toilets in every town and village in south Dublin during the lifetime of this plan, at least one of which shall be wheelchair accessible.

Mot (487)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That the Development Plan makes a specific objective of including 'Changing Places' facilities in all community and county buildings being newly constructed or refurbished during the lifetime of this Development Plan.

Mot (488)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Add COS 3 Objective: To ensure that all Council-owned community buildings, sports centres and arts centres, whether they are managed directly or outsourced, allow full public access to toilets at all hours of opening.

Mot (489)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend COS 2 Objective 6 to read: To ensure that social, community, cultural and recreational facilities are provided in a manner which reduces climate impact by supporting. promoting and requiring the following measures:

Mot (490)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS2 New Objective: To include sensory play units and accessible changing units in our public buildings, particularly our libraries.

Cllr Collins requested change to New objective?

Mot (491)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council sets out a SLO to aim to facilitate a one stop site for Quarryvale Family Resource Centre

Mot (492)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPEN SPACE - Policy 3 - Community Centres (Page 216) COS 3 Objective 2: Amend From: To support the provision of new community centres in new development areas, in proximity to the population they serve and in accordance with the standard of one centre per 9,000 population with a size of approximately 1,200-1,800 sqm, or dependent on specific local demographic or other needs, smaller centres at a more local level, generally between 350-650sqm in size at the discretion of the Council, or as may be updated by any future community centre strategy carried out by the Council. Amend To: To support the provision of new and existing community centres in new development areas, in proximity to the population they serve and in accordance with the standard of one centre per 9,000 population with a size of approximately 1,200-1,800 sqm, or dependent on specific local demographic or other needs, smaller centres at a more local level, generally between 350-650sqm in size at the discretion of the Council, or as may be updated by any future community centre strategy carried out by the Council.

Mot (493)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this county development plan sets an objective to look at current community centres and how SDCC provide community centres over the life time of the plan and how they are funded and to look at models from other Local Authorities and this plan recognises the huge contribution community centres play in the leisure and learning of our communities

Mot (494)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8, Policy COS 3 Objective 4 or 5 to include 'combined with an annual usage and utilisation survey providing an overview of the user base of community floorspace, with regard to age, locality and other characteristics of interest'

Mot (495)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

All community centres applying for and receiving SDCC grants should outline what intergenerational facilities, teen facilities and local registered groups they engage with and directly support through their premises and activity programmes each year. Centres should be encouraged to extend their programmes meaningfully to cater for all ages in their community

Mot (496)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 215 8.5 Community Centres Paragraph two first sentence amend. Community resource centres provide service and supports to local communities, including by delivering services to families in diverse settings that exists across the County.

Mot (497)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8. 8.5 To make provision for an expanded community centre for the Ballyowen area of Lucan (east of the R136)

Mot (498)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 COS8 Specific Local Objective: To identify, set aside and rezone an area of land to ensure the delivery of a Community Centre/Community facilities within Citywest as identified as part of phasing in the Fortunestown Local Area Plan.

Mot (499)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8: COS 3 Objective 2: To amend To remove 'support' and replace with 'ensure' the provision of new community centres in new and add 'existing' development areas add 'or where provision is the responsibility of Developers, the Council will ensure they provide', in proximity to the population they serve & in accordance with the standard of one Centre per 9;000 population with a size of approximately 1,200-1,800 sqm, or dependant on specific local demographic or other needs, smaller centres at a more local level, generally between 350-650sqm in size at the discretion of the Council, or maybe updated by any future community centre strategy carried out by the Council.

Mot (500)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Siobhan Duff

That the park on Esker Hill (between Brookvale and Esker Lawns) be the subject of an objective to develop as an open space/public park for the benefit of all surrounding estates including the aforementioned.

Mot (501)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

That smaller, local parks will be provided with a biodiversity plan in consultation with local community groups and residents.

Mot (502)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To provide for more seating throughout our public parks and green spaces. This is to encourage more social interactions between members of the community and to enable those with mobility or other health issues, that require taking regular rests, the confidence to be able to exercise in their local area.

Mot (503)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Siobhan Duff

To amend: COS 5 Objective 19: To support the provision within new residential developments and parks and public open spaces, of formal and informal play areas with appropriate equipment and facilities, incorporating nature-based play opportunities where appropriate, ensuring that the needs of differing age groups including young children, older children and teenagers are catered for and that different abilities and needs are accommodated to be able to access and participate in play, and to take account of all kinds of disability including those that are physical, intellectual and sensory in nature.

Mot (504)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch8 - 8.7.5 That SDCC policy as part of this Development Plan will include provision whereby new play parks in the County will be designed to include equipment and or facilities for children with disabilities.

Mot (505)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 8, COS 5 Objective 16 to include 'reducing use of gravel or similar materials in provision of open space and considering deployment of CCTV systems where patterns of anti-social behaviour have been identified'

Mot (506)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Add COS 3 Objective: To support and facilitate the provision of public toilets in every regional park and larger neighbourhood parks, separate to those located within community buildings.

Mot (507)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS 5 Objective 14: To include sensory play areas and play trails in our parks, and to ensure that all play spaces have communication boards and designated play hours for children with additional needs. 

Mot (508)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

To clearly signpost the Poddle river in Bancroft Park and Tymon Park. To also signpost the bridge at The Priory and Bancorft Park where the Poddle flows under ground - the existing wall's design does capture the bridge shape.

Mot (509)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

"SLO - Access points to the Dodder valley need park info boards, with by laws, nature info. SLO - Signpost our rivers clearly, at regular intervals on the rivers to help embed a greater awareness and value of the river."

Mot (510)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 5 Objective 3, Add 'and expansion' To read: 'To support the implementation and expansion of the Council's TeenSpace Programme (2021) and Sports Pitch Strategy (2020) or any superseding documents.'

Mot (511)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Siobhan Duff

That the Draft County Development Plan be amended to include the provision of an astro-pitch strategy for the County 

Mot (512)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

That the Draft Development plan & map no 8 be amended that a specific local objective be included to apply to lands bounded by Boherboy Road, Carrigmore, Verschoyle & Corbally & for part of the land zoned for objective RES-N 'To require the provision of public open spaces and to include at least one full size playing pitch that will be managed by the Council and local sports clubs prior to any residential development is permitted on these lands.

Mot (513)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King, Councillor L. Dunne, Councillor P. Holohan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - 8.7.1 - Environmental Sustainability - SLO COS 5 - 2 (Map/Sheet 9) That the area on both sides of Whitestown Stream/Jobstown Stream inclusive of the Stream itself between Cloonmore Estate on one side and Bawnlea and Dromcarra Estates on the other and from the Jobstown Rd to the N81 be designated a Local Park/Open Space as defined in Table 8.1 of Chapter 8 and it be considered as an area of High amenity and recreation with a hierarchy emphasising the regreening of the area and the protection of the water course running through it but also with an option of the inclusion of intergenerational uses of the space such as outdoor exercise equipment. The regreening of the area be in line with the 'May 24th 2021 report on 'Whitestown Stream' presented at the Tallaght area Committee which includes the largescale planting of mature trees and largescale planting of wildflower meadows. That the SLO incorporate any such amendments to the aforementioned report agreed at the Tallaght ACM between now and the drafting of the Plan. This SLO's objective is to empower the local Community to take control of this open space back from the dumpers and other anti social elements and to broaden our biodiversity Plan and encourage the Community and particular the next generation in the area to be actively involved in this regreening project to ensure they feel a sense of ownership and thus protect the area into the future. 

Mot (514)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 8, COS7, Obj 1 to include 'making similar provision to encourage sustainable transport as for school settings'

Mot (515)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open Space under 8.6 Sports Facilities and Centres to add a new objective: COS 4 Objective 10: To support and identify a location for the development of a Motocross track, and to support any applications for national funding available for this purpose.

Mot (516)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open Space COS 4 Objective 7 That this council identifies and sets aside land for a motocross track in the county.

Mot (517)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8. (P 217). Community Infrastructure and Open Space. Policy 4, insert an SLO for Glenaulin Park: Insert the following: COS 4. SLO 1 - To work with local sports clubs using Glenaulin Park in Palmerstown, to enhance the co-located facility to meet the growing need with a high quality, multi functional sports and recreation hub that provides appropriate equipment for sports clubs, children and teen space.

Mot (518)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 5 Add Objective: To facilitate as far as possible all sports played by the citizens of South Dublin including rugby, recognising the growing numbers taking part in the sport and the particular requirements of the game in terms of pitches'.

Mot (519)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

To amend the development plan - Chapter 8, COS 4 Objective 8 to include 'aspiring to the standards and conditions met for such playing areas by National Governing Bodies'

Mot (520)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS 4 SLO: To provide space for boxing training and tournaments for an established local club on Lucan Swimming Pool and Lucan Leisure Centre campus

Mot (521)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS4 Objective: To make available suitable unused Council-owned brownfield sites and buildings to sport, arts and community groups on a temporary or long-term lease basis.

Mot (522)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS 4 Objective 3:  add in the following words at the end "and to consider providing facilities for skateboarding and BMX tracks”.

Mot (523)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 4. Add SLO: 'To commit to providing an indoor sports facility within the Whitechurch estate.'

Mot (524)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 4. Add SLO: To promote actively the provision of indoor sports facilities to meet the needs of the growing population of Knocklyon-Ballyboden.

Mot (525)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch9 - 9.9 EDE21 Ob2 That this Development Plan commits to providing a dedicated sporting centre in Whitechurch Estate which could be used by local sports clubs including Whitechurch Boxing Club, Wanderers GAA Club, Ballyboden and other local clubs. Ideally it would comprise a boxing ring, changing and shower facilities and storage facilities for local clubs.

Mot (526)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Siobhan Duff

COS 4 Object 4 add SLO to commit to providing a Sports Hub in the Kingswood Heights area.

Mot (527)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

To add in objective: 'To support the development of a sports Hub in the Griffeen Park, Lucan, that' continues to serve the growing population of the surrounding area. Such hub should incorporate supporting the upgrade of the club house, all-weather playing pitches, multi-use pitches and teen play space facilities.'

Mot (528)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure & Open Space (Policy COS 4) That any sportsclub established for over 5 years in the community be provided with proper facilities (changing rooms/ toilets) to ensure they can continue to operate and grow within our community.

Mot (529)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8: COS 4 Objective 7: To amend: To support the provision of permanent space for well-established add '/minority sports' & recreational activities at appropriate locations within the County.

Mot (530)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That there is a SLO for Development of Rathcoole Park to allow further sports & recreational areas for the young people of Saggart, Newcastle and Rathcoole. (In particular to look at two basket ball courts, large modern playground, skate park, enclosed dog run, coffee dock/small retail unit for the purposes of making available tea/coffee, confectionary/ice cream together with plenty of outdoor seating, BBQ area & benches, outdoor amphitheatre type facility incorporating a retractable roof structure and raised concreted flooring to allow outdoor performances together with weather proofed electrical supply points and non grass surface for spectators.)

Mot (531)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch9 - 9.9 EDE21 Ob 1 That this County Development Plan provides for a running track and athletics facility for the use by local athletics clubs in Tymon Park to support the increased number of people within the county taking up running and athletics.

Mot (532)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

To set a SLO that SDCC will engage with the Four Districts Day Care Centre and the HSE in providing senior accommodation on the Green site at the Four Districts Day Care Centre

Mot (533)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

A SLO that a second primary school and a post-primary school is included in the plan for Newcastle

Mot (534)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 231 COS 8 Objective 6 Bullet point 3 add in 'school bus transport'.

Mot (535)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

COS 8 SLO: To identify an emerging site for the appropriate location of an additional post primary school in the north west of Adamstown SDZ to provide for future needs identified for the catchment area by the Department of Education and Skills following on from updated census data in 2023.

Mot (536)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS 8 Objective 7: To add in at the end of this objective “and to ensure insofar as possible, that such provision does not result in parking for schools spilling over into, and blocking, access for residents in neighbouring estates”

Mot (537)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPEN SPACE - Policy 9 - Higher Level Education and Further Education Facilities Insert New Objective To support, promote and facilitate planning toward a South Dublin County University Campus within the Masterplan of the Naas Rd/Ballymount/Parkwest development lifetime.

Mot (538)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council set an objective for a 3rd level College in the Clondalkin area. In view of the New Towns and a lot of apartments built being, and the further explosion In population it is imperative that we have a Third Level College. New industries coming to Clondalkin require a Third Level Education.

Mot (539)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 225 That the plans insert an SLO on the lands earmarked for the Esker Community Initiative as mapped out in the attached document, to ensure the any development on this land is for community recreational purposes.

Mot (540)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

9. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell • Page 225 That this council supports the development of the Esker Community Initiative and commits to commence delivery of the facility within two years of adoption of the plan.

Mot (541)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS 11 SLO: To proactively engage with the Esker Community Initiative to achieve the objective of a shared radio, music and scouting centre on the lands indicated, with the constituent bodies being the anchor tenants, subject to agreed criteria being reached and the facility being open for use by other community groups as appropriate.

Mot (542)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

 Insert COS 11 SLO: To promote and support the development of a multi-use community building and community radio centre on the lands indicated.

Mot (543)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8. 8.5 To make provision for an expanded community facility for the Esker area of Lucan, on Council lands in Esker

Mot (544)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That the Development Plan commits the Council to the provision of additional arts, culture and performing arts facilities in the County, taking account of transport links.

Mot (545)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open space under 8.13 Arts and Cultural facilities to add a new objective: COS 11 Objective 7: To support the development of a new Arts Centre in Clonburris SDZ.

Mot (546)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 - COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPEN SPACE - Policy 11- Art Cultural Facilities (Page 234) INSERT SLO: 'To pursue and support the development of a local Lucan Cultural and Heritage Office Centre in Lucan village promoting sites of interest, popularising local tourism and protecting heritage, language and history.'

Mot (547)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 234 Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space (COS) Add in a new objective. To pursue the development of a Heritage Centre in the Lucan Village area

Mot (548)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure & Open Spaces COS 11 Objective 6 Amend Objective to To pursue the development of a Heritage Centre in the Tallaght village with an agreed timeline for the feasibility study and site selection process in the county town of Tallaght within the lifetime of the County Development Plan

Mot (550)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Gogarty
Siobhan Duff

Insert additional Policy COS 11 Objective: To pursue the development of a multi-use Civic Theatre building in North Clondalkin to serve the Clondalkin, Lucan and Palmerstown areas.

Mot (551)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space (COS) Add in a new objective. To facilitate the development of an Arts & Culture theatre in the Lucan & Adamstown area.

Mot (552)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 234 Motion: To insert a new objective to Policy COS 11: To pursue the development of a community theatre space in the Clondalkin area.

Mot (553)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

COS 11 Objective 3, insert 'and to invite local artists to participate where appropriate' To read: 'To require new commercial developments greater than 5,000 sqm in size, in the case of non-residential development, and in excess of 500 units in the case of residential development, to incorporate a physical artistic feature into the scheme to improve the built environment / public realm, which could include high quality features within the environment / landscaping, in agreement with the Council, and to invite local artists to participate where appropriate,'

Mot (554)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 234 Motion: To insert a new objective to Policy COS 11 To support the arts and culture by facilitating community groups to use vacant or unused council premises for exhibitions, performances and other uses related to community arts.

Mot (555)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Community - pg 233 Motion: To insert a new objective to Policy COS 10: To support the delivery of a new library service in the Citywest area, to meet the needs of the expanding population.

Mot (556)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this Council make a statement of intent that South Dublin County Council is an LGBT safe and friedly county and that this is written into the Development plan

Mot (557)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That this council has a SLO to work with the Department of Youth and Children that will remember all Survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions in marking, in way of remembrance a memorial park and memorial and this is written in the County Development plan - A Garden of light " For all who suffered"

Mot (558)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In section 8.5 Community Centres, amend paragraph three section … 'the Council will apply a standard of one large district level multi-functional community centre per 9,000 population' to read 'the Council will apply a standard of one large district level multi-functional community centre per 5,000 population.'

Mot (559)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Under heading 8.4.1 Social/Community Infrastructure Audit, amend paragraph commencing with 'Community Centres' to read: Community Centres - 1 large multifunctional centre of approximately 1,200sq m - 1,800 sq m per 5,000 population or smaller local community centres (350-650 sq m) as may be identified by the local authority to meet local need…

Mot (560)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend all references to one large district level multi-functional community centre per 9,000 population to read 'per 5,000 population'

Mot (561)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Under heading 8.4.1 Social/Community Infrastructure Audit, amend paragraph commencing with 'Public Open Space and Parks' to read: Public Open Space and Parks - 2.8 hectares per 1,000 population.

Mot (562)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend COS 5 Objective 1 to read: To support a hierarchy of multi-functional, accessible parks and public open spaces across the County based on existing populations and planned growth in accordance with the overall standard of 2.8ha per 1,000 population.

Mot (563)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Change all references to Public Open Space Standards From 2.4 to 2.8 Ha per 1,000 Population

Mot (564)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Amend table 8.2: Public Open Space Standards From 2.4 to 2.8 Ha per 1,000 Population

Mot (565)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 225 COS 5 Objective 16 Add in the inclusion of CCTV

Mot (566)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 220 Table 8.1 add in 'toilet facilities' after changing rooms.

Mot (567)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In table 8.2 amend percentage in Institutional Lands / 'Windfall' Sites from 20% to 25%

Mot (568)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

In table 8.2 amend percentage in New Residential Development on Lands in Other Zones from 10% to 15%

Mot (569)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

COS 5 SLO2:  “To protect green spaces in Stonepark Abbey and Willbrook Estate in Rathfarnham by designating them or continuing to designate them as OS” 

Mot (570)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8: Community Infrastructure & Open Space - 8.7.4 That the Plan be amended to completely delete section 8.7.4 (Delivery of open space and 'Contributions in Lieu') and instead employ a strict policy of adherence to the Public Open Space Standards (Table 8.2) and if a development is deemed unable to deliver the required open space as determined under the standards set out then it be deemed an unsuitable and unsustainable Development in keeping with our 'Healthy Placemaking' statements and Policy's.

Mot (571)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Pilot CCTV supervision in the planned 3 x Dodder Valley play areas trail to enhance sustainable movement

Mot (572)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

The old bridge way in Sean Walsh Park needs to be retained as a parkland feature, with relevant signage

Mot (573)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Green Infrastructure • Bio diversity To facilitate the provision of an apiary colony within Lucan, Adamstown subject to appropriate location and design and regard to public amenity.

Mot (574)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS 4 SLO: To provide three full-size tennis courts at a suitable location in Griffeen Valley park, in consultation with Tennis Ireland, ideally adjacent to the new swimming pool and leisure centre campus

Mot (575)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS4 SLO: To support the ongoing development and future expansion of Lucan Pitch & Putt Club

Mot (576)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS 4 Objective: To provide a sports and recreational amenity in Newcastle, incorporating a full-size GAA, multi-use, all-weather playing pitch, 2 basketball courts, tennis court, dressing rooms, a walking/jogging/cycling track as well as parking areas and related additional open space.

Mot (577)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Insert COS 4 SLO: To provide a sports and recreational amenity on the lands identified in map at Newcastle, incorporating a full-size GAA, multi-use, all-weather playing pitch, 2 basketball courts, tennis court, dressing rooms, a walking/jogging/cycling track as well as parking areas and related additional open space.

Mot (578)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That an SLO is incorporated in the plan for a permanent home for Esker Boxing Club

Mot (579)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Siobhan Duff

• To amend the Draft County Development to include the provision of, rather than to investigate the provision of a swimming pool in the Knocklyon / Firhouse area 

Mot (580)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Siobhan Duff

Ch9 - 9.9 EDE21 Ob 3 That the County Development Plan strategically reflects the pressing need for the development of a swimming pool with leisure facilities for the greater Firhouse, Rathfarnham, Knocklyon areas.

Mot (581)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Siobhan Duff

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS2 SL01: To consider providing a community swimming pool for the Rathfarnham Knocklyon area.

Mot (582)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Holohan
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 8 cos 6 objective 5 To promote and encourage facilities/projects that help boost natural immunity, improve general and mental health in community's and general public.

Mot (583)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

Page 229 8.10 Primary and Post Primary Schools Second last paragraph on page, add in list of the schools regarding granted planning permission and school extensions.

Mot (584)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

4. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell • To add in following SLO: RE CARELINE educational site. 'That the school site in Careline be further developed for educational and youth purposes.'

Mot (585)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

Proactive Services Assessment : Tallaght hospital, Tallaght Gardai and Dublin Fire Brigade should be contacted and asked what additional resources they would need to safely service an additional 30K people over the next 15 years in Tallaght town centre area

Economic Development & Employment


Mot (586)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment - pg 261 Motion:To amend EDE20 Objective 2 as follows: To support the development of local tourist and heritage trails at suitable locations including across the Dublin Mountains, and between and within Brittas-Saggart-Rathcoole; Clondalkin; Lucan; Newcastle-Lyons; Rathfarnham; and Tallaght and seek to make such trails interactive through the use of sensitive signage and the further development of mobile application software

Mot (587)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Anne Hyland

Chapter 3: (P73) NCBH 7 Objective 9: To facilitate the reuse of an appropriate existing building in Lucan or Palmerstown as a tourist amenity and educational/interpretive centre. Amend to replace "Lucan or Palmerstown" with "Lucan and Palmerstown"

Mot (588)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Section 9.0.4 EDE 1 Objective 7 Insert the words "hydro" at end of 3rd bullet point to read "The sourcing of power from district heating and renewables including wind, hydro and solar"

Mot (589)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment - pg 264 Motion: To amend EDE24 Objective 1 as follows: To facilitate mineral extraction in suitable locations subject to the protection of amenity and environmental quality, including air quality and noise pollution.

Mot (590)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

That this Development Plan confirms the current zoning status of the 'Foxhunter site' in Lucan and maintains it as Retail Warehousing (Map2, between Hermitage Gardens and Hermitage Walk)

Mot (591)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment - Pg244 Motion: To amend EDE3 Objective 6 as follows: To support the development of new and existing enterprise centres to provide locally based affordable work facilities such as co-working space and to improve employment opportunities and creative networks for local communities.

Mot (592)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor E. Ó Broin
Anne Hyland

Remove references to Permissive Access Routes from Section 9.9.1, Public Rights of Way and create a new Section 9.9.2 for them as laid out in the attached document. This is to comply with both the Planning and Development(Amendment) Act 2000 and the Planning Regulator with regard to Public Rights of Way and not to give undue status to Permissive Access Route which unlike Public Rights of Way confer no inalienable rights on users.

Mot (593)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment - Pg 248 Motion: To amend EDE7 Objective 2 as follows: To require that space extensive enterprises demonstrate the following: • The appropriateness of the site for the proposed use having regard to EDE7 Objective 1; • Strong energy efficiency measures to reduce their carbon footprint in support of national targets towards a net zero carbon economy, including renewable energy generation; • Sufficient capacity within the relevant energy network to accommodate the use proposed; • Sufficient capacity within the relevant water and wastewater network to accommodate the use proposed; • Measures to support the just transition to a circular economy; • Measures to facilitate district heating or heat networks where excess heat is produced; • A high-quality design approach to buildings which reduces the massing and visual impact; • A comprehensive understanding of employment once operational; • A comprehensive understanding of levels of traffic to and from the site at construction and operation stage.

Mot (594)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Old Bawn and Jobstowns are traditional residential hubs from before the 19th century, that grew into neighbourhood centres. Motions to consider Citywest, Firhouse, Knocklyon to be granted village status were tabled in January 2021 - using the rationale there, Old Bawn & Jobstown should be included in this review and change.

Mot (595)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

Ch 2 - 2.7 That under this Development Plan that South Dublin County Council gives consideration for 'Village Status' to Knocklyon.

Mot (596)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

Ch 2 - 2.7 That under this Development Plan that South Dublin County Council gives consideration for 'Village Status' to Firhouse.

Mot (597)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Page 250, Retail Hierarchy for the Region - South Dublin, Level 4, insert 'Rowlagh Village' into the South Dublin Centres list between 'Palmerstown Village' and 'Templeogue Village'

Mot (598)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Anne Hyland, Stephen Willoughby

To change the Firhouse designation from a District Centre to a Village Centre, to give a focal point to the residents and visitors of this vast area.

Mot (599)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Anne Hyland, Stephen Willoughby

• To change the Knocklyon designation from a District Centre to a Village Centre, to give a focal point to the residents and visitors of this vast area.

Mot (600)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor D. McManus, Councillor Baby. Pereppadan
Anne Hyland

• That the Draft County Development Plan be amended to include provision for the use of Tallaght Stadium as a concert venue

Mot (601)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9: EDE1 Objective 6: Amend-Intensification of industrial lands & mixed use development at Naas Road/Ballymount & in Tallaght Town Centre/Cookstown to add "while ensuring sustainability of existing businesses and employment"

Mot (602)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Anne Hyland

Add new EDE11 Objective 5: To explore possibilities with pedestrianization in order to meet these objectives.

Mot (603)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

In Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment under Policy 8 Retail to add a new objective: EDE8 Objective 10: To ensure that all new retail developments provide public bring banks, unless there are existing facilities within a 1km radius. To promote the circular economy by ensuring that all retail developments provide space for reverse vending machines.

Mot (604)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

To support and facilitate the future development of tourism related infrastructure and promote events such as markets, festivals and concerts in the traditional village of Palmerstown.

Mot (605)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to restore the former Harris Farmhouse at Waterstown Park at Palmerstown and to open it as a Liffey Valley Museum, CoffeeTourist Centre, Shop and Interpretive Centre

Mot (606)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor E. Ó Broin, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that SDCC investigate, secure, signpost and open up to the public the traditional right of way from the cottages on the Old Street, Mill Lane, Palmerstown, to where it enters Waterstown Park and from Waterstown Park to Hermitage Golf Club with a footbridge over the Liffey at this point to continue the right of way along the Strawberry Beds..


Mot (607)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that the right of way, included as part of the planning permission for the extension of the Hermitage Clinic, from the Old Lucan Road to the River Liffey be signposted and opened up to the public within two years of the approval of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028.

Mot (608)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Anne Hyland

To amend the Draft County Development Plan to include the provision of and signage for the Slade Valley Heritage Trail

Mot (609)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Economic Development and Employment Motion: To add a new objective to EDE3: To ensure that land-intensive and carbon-intensive industry provides ample secure, sustainable employment, where development is permitted.

Mot (610)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

EDE8 Objective 10: Before granting planning permission for businesses in our villages and urban centres, to have regard to the types of businesses already there, to ensure a proper mix of complementary and compatible uses, with a view to attracting as high a footfall as possible.

Mot (611)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment: EDE22 Objective 5: add the following words at the end of EDE22 Objective 5 “including outdoor festivals as a key driver for tourism growth”.

Mot (612)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9 Economic Development & Employment Tourism Promote and facilitate the sustainable growth of South Dublin's tourism offer in both urban and rural areas, including by improving active travel opportunities for people to access these destinations and the introduction of Local Heritage centres to showcase the history and heritage of the county.

Mot (613)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

EDE20: Objective 2. Add text, 'ensuring in HA DM that all such trails are soft landscaped and designed to have the least possible impact in terms of biodiversity and visual amenity.'

Mot (614)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Need a proactive SLO for the lands zoned regeneration in Central Tallaght - a strong mix of land uses that intensify enterprise, industry and emnployment is needed. The LAP and rezone has not delivered regeneration - unprecedented SHDs only have flooded in - no new jobs to regenerate or transform these lands for Tallaght. A proactive strategy and program for these lands is required to deliver intensive industry and employment into these areas as well as the SHD apartment applications.

Mot (615)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9 To carry out a detailed report and action plan strategy on how the balance between industry / employment retention and growth and population growth can be maintained in the Tallaght Town Centre Area

Mot (616)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

We request that Tallaght village gets the black village style Welcome to Tallaght Village sign - like Templeogue, Rathcoole, Blessington, Brittas, Clondalkin

Mot (617)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to work in collaboration with the owners of lands at St. Edmundsbury, Lucan to seek to provide appropriate public access to these lands in the Liffey Valley.

Mot (618)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9: Economic Development & Employment - 9.2.2 Amend EDE4 Objective 11: To support the regeneration of the Tallaght LAP lands in a co-ordinated and sustainable manner in accordance with the Tallaght Town Centre LAP 2020 or any superseding plan whilst ensuring the lands Particularly Cookstown, remains a sustainable employment area to ensure environmentally short journeys to places of employment and to ensure the residential impact of the regen zoning does not instigate the decline in the employment capacity and sustainability of the area.

Mot (619)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Anne Hyland

Chapter 9: EDE3 Objective 7: Amend To; remove 'seek' and replace with 'ensure' the provision of workspace as part of any mixed-use development on REGEN zone lands

Mot (620)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Section 9.0.4 EDE 1 Objective 7 On the 4th bullet point, insert the words "existing enterprise zones and" to read "Additional native tree planting and landscaping on existing enterprise zones and development sites to aid with carbon sequestration........"

Mot (621)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Section 9.9 EDE19 New Objective To support tourism-related enterprises along existing and proposed Green Routes subject to sensitive design and development safeguards.

Mot (622)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

CH2: That this Development Plan provides for signage in 'District Urban Centres' and not just in the Villages in the County to promote 'pride of place' across the County

Mot (623)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Section 9.4.4 EDE8 Objective 4 To add in the text "which may include directional signage to Local Retail Centres"

Mot (624)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

In EDE7 Objective 2, after 'net zero carbon economy;' insert the following as an additional bullet point: Be powered by 100% renewable energy

Mot (625)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 9, EDE3 Obj 6,to include 'including provision of remote working hubs'

Mot (626)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 9, EDE22 Obj 5 to include 'to ensure appropriate infrastructure to support local outdoor markets'

Mot (627)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

To amend the Development Plan - Chapter 9, EDE20 Obj 3,to include 'the silver bridge in Palmerstown'

Mot (628)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Bailey
Anne Hyland

That data centre permissions will be immediately discouraged given the significant lack of residential and regen zoned land that will be available from 2028.

Mot (629)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Anne Hyland

SLO insertion: To work in collaboration with the owners of lands at St. Edmundsbury, Lucan to seek to provide appropriate public access to these lands in the Liffey Valley.

Mot (630)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That this Council puts in a protection and promotion of Slade Valley Park in Saggart as a tourism spot and place of natural beauty into the development plan

Mot (631)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

EDE19 3. Add Objective: 'To restrict any large scale construction for the purposes of tourism in areas zoned RU and HA.'

Mot (632)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

Delete EDE19 Objective 3

Mot (633)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Anne Hyland

Add the SIAC owned Limestone Quarry on the Monastery Road in Clondalkin to the list of Geological Sites for Protection. The quarries of Clondalkin were rejected for listing in the 2014 study, The Geological Heritage of South Dublin County, stating that there is virtually no quarry still in existence and that they have been filled in. This is not the case at all with the SIAC owned quarry which has 10 metre high cliffs and is used by SIAC Bituminous Products for manufacture and storage.

Mot (634)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

EDE21: Objective 1 - add 'subject to proviso that no large scale construction for the purposes of tourism be permitted in areas zoned HA DM' To read: 'To promote the active use of managed forests for tourism and leisure related activities subject to an appropriate scale of development having regard to the pertaining environmental conditions and sensitivities, scenic amenity band availability of services, subject to proviso that no large scale construction for the purposes of tourism be permitted in areas zoned HA DM'

Mot (635)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Scope the development of a recreational pavillion, with a coffee shop, toilets, trailhead for the Dublin Mountain Way for Sean Walsh Park.

Mot (636)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

CH 13 - 13.7 That a Strategic Local Objective be attached to the lands as outlined in red (Attached Image - Map 10) to facilitate leisure, recreation, outdoor activities, sporting pursuit centre, accommodation and tourism development at Woodtown Manor House and lands Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, subject to due consideration being given to ensuring sensitive design and conservation of historical, architectural and archaeological features of the existing buildings and land.

Mot (637)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

In Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment under 9.9 Tourism and Leisure to remove EDE19 Objective 3 from the plan: To support the development of the Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre at the Hellfire and Massy's Wood in accordance with permission granted by An Bord Pleanala in June 2020 or any amending permissions.

Mot (638)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That this council make a SLO to develop the tourism potential of Saggart: Swift Brook Mill in the County Development plan

Mot (639)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

EDE1 Objective 7: Add 'A limit to the number of data centres permitted in the county.'

Mot (640)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

In Table 9.1: Retail Hierarchy for the Region - South Dublin, create new Level 3A section to include the following under South Dublin Centres: 'Adamstown SDZ District Centre and Clonburris SDZ District Centre (Proposed)'; - with the following wording under RSES Description and Service Type: 'District Centres 'These District centres will provide a good range of comparison shopping, including department stores, other retail, some leisure, activities, a range of cafés and restaurants and other mixed uses. They should contain at least one supermarket and ancillary foodstores alongside financial and other retail services. 'District Centres should generally cater for a population of 10,000-40,000 people.'; - the existing Level 3 to be renamed Level 3B with text to read: 'Town and/or and Sub-County town Centres (Key Service Centres) 'These centres will vary both in the scale of provision and size of catchment depending on proximity to a major town centre, but a good range of comparison shopping would be expected (though no large department store), some leisure activities and a range of cafés and restaurants and other mixed uses. They should contain at least one supermarket and ancillary foodstores alongside financial and other retail services.'

Mot (641)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

That this Council set an aim or objective to Work on South Dublin County Council as a Fairtrade County and this is put in the Development plan



Mot (642)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Introduction, Strategic Vision & Climate Action Pg 10 Motion:To amend CA Objective 3 as follows: To implement the South Dublin County Council Climate Change Action Plan 2019 - 2024 (SDCC CCAP) or superseding plans and to facilitate a just transition to a climate resilient low carbon County. (consistent with SO8 of the NPF, RPO 7.32, 7.33 of the RSES)

Mot (643)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

To make solar and wind farms Open To Consideration in Zoning Objective 'RU':

Mot (644)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Chapter 10 - ENERGY - Policy 4 - Electric Vehicles (Page 272) Objective 3 Amend From: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet. Amend To: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet to exceed beyond the minimum 30% transition to electric vehicles as set out in the National Climate Action Plan.

Mot (645)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Replace E4 Objective 3 text with the following: To ensure that all new vehicles purchased or replaced in the Council's fleet are EVs charged from renewable sources or powered by renewable fuels.

Mot (646)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend final paragraph 10.0.1 Planning Policy Context to read: Policy also requires the promotion of renewable energy use and generation at appropriate locations within the built and natural environment to meet national objectives towards achieving a low carbon economy by 2050. South Dublin County Council's strategic aim for the duration of this Development Plan is to exceed national objectives to ensure the county is completely carbon neutral before 2050.

Mot (647)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Insert additional E7 Objective: To support the provision of solar farms in the county in areas zoned RU

Mot (648)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

That this Development Plan mandate the Council to investigate the potential for small-scale hydro-power from the Liffey and the Dodder, given the role played by these rivers in driving water wheels and turbines.

Mot (649)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

E2. Add objective: 'To support existing Sustainable Energy Communities and actively encourage and support new SECs.'

Mot (650)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend E8 Objective 1 to read: To review the current wind energy strategy for the County during the first 12 months of the Plan having regard to any updated wind energy guidelines and to facilitate planning applications on the basis of any revised data.

Mot (651)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Insert E8 Objective: To encourage and support the provision of wind farms as part of an agricultural mix in suitable viable land areas zoned RU within the county.

Mot (652)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Chapter 10 - ENERGY - Policy 13 - Economic and Social Benefits (Page 280) Insert New Objective: To ensure that the transition to more energy efficient homes takes due regard to the need to reduce fuel poverty with particular emphasis on older and lower income households.

Mot (653)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend 10.0 Introduction first paragraph to read: The 'Climate Action Plan 2019 - To Tackle Climate Breakdown' represents the Government's all of society approach, aimed at enabling Ireland to meet its EU targets to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent between 2021 and 2030, and lay the foundations for achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Within that context South Dublin County Council through its strategic County Development Plan seeks to exceed those targets or meet them earlier, creating reliable, robust and efficient energy systems which enable growth across all sectors, and which supports the future development of the County. In line with the LGMAs Delivering on Climate Action 2030, the Council will continue to make every effort to increase energy efficiency and unlock renewable energy potential in the County.

Mot (654)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Anne Hyland

To amend the Development Plan Chapter 10, E10 to include 'explore piloting such an initiative at Mill Lane in Palmerstown'

Mot (655)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Amend E2 Objective 2 to read: To promote the generation and supply of renewable energy alternatives, having regard to the opportunities offered by the settlement hierarchy of the County and to target an increase in the renewable energy fuel mix in the county from 2% to at least 15% by the end of this Development Plan as part of a target to reach carbon-neutral status before 2050.

Mot (656)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Insert additional E7 Objective: To support the installation of solar panels on up to 100% of residential roof space

Infrastructure & Environmental Services


Mot (657)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

Chapter 11: Infrastructure and Environmental Services: IE5 Objective 1: To add in at the end of this objective the following words "in as non-intrusive manner as possible.

Mot (658)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan, Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Infrastructure - Pg 290 To amend IE 6 Objective 1 as follows: To encourage a just transition from a waste management economy to a green circular economy to enhance employment and increase the value, recovery and recirculation of resources through compliance with the provisions of the 'Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy 2020 - 2025'.

Mot (659)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Infrastructure - pg 299 Motion: To amend 13.7.7 Space Extensive Enterprises as follows: To require that space extensive enterprises demonstrate the following: - Strong energy efficiency measures to reduce their carbon footprint in support of national targets for a low carbon economy; - Measures to support the just transition to a circular economy; - Measures to support district heating or heat networks where excess heat is produced; - A design approach to buildings which reduce the massing and visual impact; - A comprehensive understanding of employment once operational; - A comprehensive understanding of levels of traffic to and from the site once operational.

Mot (660)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

IE 3 Objective 7: Add 'and to diagnose and repair any misconnections in Council housing stock as part of the re-letting process ' To read: 'To protect surface water quality by continuing to assess the impact of domestic and industrial misconnections to the drainage network in the County and the associated impact on surface water quality, and by implementing measures to address same, and to diagnose and repair any misconnections in Council housing stock as part of the re-letting process.'

Mot (661)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff, Councillor A. Edge, Councillor Peter Kavanagh
Anne Hyland

GV- 11 p151 and IE 2 objective 2, p. 286. Add: 'Work with Irish Water to tackle quickly the problems created by capacity issues regarding the Dodder Valley Sewer and in particular to encourage a pro-active response to surcharging into Dodder Valley Park to resolve the issue and mitigate the impacts on water quality, biodiversity, amenity and public health.

Mot (662)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Anne Hyland

Can SDCC identify locations where there are 4 or more utility boxes clustered at visible locations in residential areas and pilot an approach for suppliers to work together to trial methods to share cabinets, or locate them underground to minimise the visual impact ? Suggest the Old Bawn Rd junction as a first pilot location. ( Part 8 project will require the ground to be open for cabling etc in 2022, so ideal opportunity).

Mot (663)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

Can SDCC identify locations where there are 4 or more utility boxes clustered at visible locations in residential areas and pilot an approach for suppliers to work together to trial methods to share cabinets, or locate them underground to minimise the visual impact ? Suggest the Old Bawn Rd junction as a first pilot location. ( Part 8 project will require the ground to be open for cabling etc in 2022, so ideal opportunity)

Mot (664)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Anne Hyland

To amend by adding an additional Objective: IE 5 Objective 8: To promote and facilitate the provision of fibre optic cables to facilitate the delivery of high speed broadband where it has been identified in our previous mapping studies that they are lacking particularly but not exclusively in our urban centres and districts and to work collaboratively and promptly to achieve this within the lifetime of the plan.

Mot (665)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Anne Hyland

Infrastructure - pg 295 Motion:To amend IE 9 Objective 5 as follows: The Planning Authority will engage with Kildare County Council, to guide the consideration of applications for development at Weston Airport in line with national, regional and local climate action plans.

Mot (666)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

 Insert new objective: To review the Council litter bin policy within the lifetime of the Development Plan

Mot (667)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

2. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole all co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell • Page 292 Infrastructure and Environmental services To include the following into the objectives: 'To work alongside relevant stakeholders NTA, TII, EPA to promote and improve a safer noise protection infrastructure in line with population growth and traffic increase along all our national roads. '

Mot (668)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 that special measures be put in place to alleviate the effects of air pollution in Palmerstown (noting that Urban air quality modelling of Dublin 2019' prepared for the EPA in 2015, demonstrates that the Kennelsfort Road Lower junction and the Oval junction on the R148 show an Annual Ave NO2 [µg/m3] at 40-45 ug/m3). The EU NO2 annual limit value is 40ug/m3. The M50 which abounds the Old Lucan Road at the western end of Palmerstown Village is 60-100ug/m3.

Mot (669)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Chapter 11 - INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES - Policy 2 - Water Supply and Waste Water (Page 286) Insert New Objective: To promote and encourage that all newly homes within the county are fitted with a reliable rainwater harvesting system, helping to conserve water, reducing ground water and providing many benefits to the environment including being a supply source for gardening and other non-drinking purposes.

Mot (670)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

In Chapter 11 Infrastructure and Environmental Services under 11.5.0 Waste Management to amend IE6 Objective 5 to replace the word "seek" with "ensure". To ensure the provision of adequately sized public recycling facilities in association with new commercial developments and in tandem with significant change of use/extensions of existing commercial developments where appropriate.

Mot (671)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

In Chapter 11 Infrastructure and Environmental Services to add the following sentence to 11.7.1 National Aviation Policy: Recognising the considerable contribution that aviation makes to carbon emissions activities in this sector shall not be promoted.

Mot (672)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Anne Hyland

Given the obscene squandering nonsense of the Irish Water proposals to pump water from the River Shannon to Dublin for drinking water supply, remove 'The Eastern and Midlands Region Water Supply Project' from IE 2 Objective 2.

Mot (673)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Ó Broin
Anne Hyland

Insert new IE 2 Objective 11 : To work with Irish Water to pilot the deployment of toilets in new residential developments that separate urine at source to allow for Phosphorous recovery. The motivation is that the discharge of phosphorus (P)-laden wastewater not only results in the loss of non-renewable P resources, but also causes the eutrophication of natural water sources, which has become a serious environmental problem worldwide. Thus, recovering P from wastewater for reuse as fertilizer in agriculture provides a 'double benefit', i.e., to recycle the non-renewable phosphorus resource from wastewater and to protect closed water bodies such as lakes, ponds and reservoirs from eutrophication by reducing the input of phosphorus (reference :

Our Neighbourhoods


Mot (674)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

In Chapter 12 Our Neighbourhoods under the Lucan/Palmerstown/Adamstown Point 9 Economic Development and Employment to add: The old Shackleton Mills at the River Liffey has the potential to be developed into a heritage and tourism centre for Lucan.

Implementation & Monitoring


Mot (675)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring under 13.8.2 Car Parking Standards to add the following sentence: -The provision of parking spaces for car sharing/pooling will be encouraged and will not impact on the maximum rates in Table 13.25.

Mot (676)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Siobhan Duff

• To amend matrix zoning that the land use type 'Embassy' be removed from the HA zoning.

Mot (677)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

Chapter 13 H2 Supply of Housing To monitor and report on the occupancy levels in the newly built build to rent properties across the county

Mot (678)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Y. Collins, Councillor S. Moynihan
Siobhan Duff

That the Manager amends Chapter 13, 13.8.5, paragraph two to include the following: 'And ensures that any Traffic Impact Assessment takes place during normal school term, where applicable.'

Mot (679)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Siobhan Duff

To deliver better for accessibility for wheelchair users in our parks, across all features ( pathways, furniture, sensory and recreational amenities etc), an inclusion checkpoint should be included as part of the design process

Mot (680)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Siobhan Duff

That SDCC review and commit to greater enforcement of policies and procedures as outlined in the development plan over the course of the next plan.

Mot (681)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.2 Zoning Objective RES to move Advertisements and Advertising Structures from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (682)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.3 Zoning Objective RES-N to move Advertisements and Advertising Structures from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (683)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.4 Zoning REGEN to move Data Centre from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (684)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.7 Zoning VC Village Centre to move Advertisements and Advertising Structures from Open For Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (685)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.8 Zoning Objective MRC to move Data Centre from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (686)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.10 Zoning Objective EE to move Data Centre from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (687)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

Table 13.12, zoning HA-DM: under Open for Consideration amend 'Cultural use' by adding to it footnote (a) 'in existing premises'.

Mot (688)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Siobhan Duff

Table 13.12 zoning HA-DM: under Open for Consideration amend 'Recreational facility', by adding footnote (h) 'for small-scale amenity or recreational purposes only'

Mot (689)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor K. Egan
Siobhan Duff

To include under the zoning matrix for the RW zoning, or whichever zoning is applied to Fonthill Retail Park, that 'Shop Neighbourhood' is open for consideration and by the insertion of 'Specialist Forms of Retailing' as open for consideration. The insertion of 'Specialist Forms of Retailing' relates to those forms of retail that do not fall within the definitions shop local, shop neighbourhood or shop-major sales outlet.

Mot (690)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring table 13.7.2 to add the following under Built Form and Corporate Identity: -All developments must provide adequate facilities for staff such as canteen, staff room and showers.

Mot (691)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring under 13.7.3 Retail Development (i) Retail Criteria to add the following point: -All retail development must provide adequate facilities for staff including canteen, staff room and showers.

Mot (692)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Siobhan Duff

In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.15 Zoning Objective OS to move Residential from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.

Mot (693)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor L. Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
Siobhan Duff

Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy Motion: That any ambiguity is removed from land zoning objectives that may inhibit their implementation. Each land zoning objective needs to be reviewed for such ambiguity. For example Objective RES-N: To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans. There is no clarity around that approved area plans are those produced by the Council, and not private developers..



Mot (694)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - 2.7.4 (Additional section) CS12 Objective 1: That a Local Area Plan be initiated for the Community of Kingswood (Naas Rd) with a view to the sustainability of this Community being protected and which provides for retail and other Commercial opportunities and amenities, Community facilities, Employment opportunities and Connectivity to the adjoining residential and commercial areas. Proposed by Cllrs Cathal King & Louise Dunne.