South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor V. Casserly

Motion 'It is considered appropriate that South Dublin County Council amends the Draft Development Plan 2022- 2028 to include a single, overarching objective that provides for the consolidation and implementation of the objectives mentioned above regarding the future of the Liffey Valley area, in the form of the following: - To carry out a study for the lands that comprise Liffey Valley inclusive of the Special Area Amenity Order (SAAO) and adjacent lands so as to investigate and determine viable and appropriate uses to support and facilitate the development of a Regional Park (Liffey Valley Park), with particular emphasis on enhancing the recreation, amenity value and accessibility of the area, in accordance with the Council's published document Towards a Liffey Valley Park (2007). This new Regional Park will serve the needs of existing communities of Lucan as well as the wider Greater Dublin area. The study will be carried out in consultation with the surrounding Local Authorities, State Agencies, existing landowners, sectoral, community and commercial interests.


The Liffey Valley SAAO was declared an area of special amenity by Dublin County Council in 1987 for the stated reasons of:

(a) its outstanding natural beauty;

(b) the inclusion therein of areas which are of special recreational value, and

(c) the inclusion therein of areas which exhibit a need for nature conservation.

Subject to amendment of the map, the SAAO was confirmed by the Minister through the Dublin County Council (Lucan Bridge to Palmerstown) Special Amenity Area Order (Confirmation) Order, 1990, S.I. No. 59 of 1990

The CE Draft Plan contains several policies and objectives which reflect elements of the motion, particularly NCBH 7 Objective 4 which states:

To facilitate and support the development of the Liffey Valley (Zoning Objective ‘HA – LV’) as an interconnected green space and park in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Kildare County Council, the OPW, existing landowners and community groups to include the identification and designation of possible future new pedestrian routes and footbridge locations in accordance with Towards a Liffey Valley Park (2007) or any superseding plan. Universal accessibility for all should be balanced with ensuring that environmental and built heritage sensitivities are not negatively impacted upon’.

However, it is considered that the above objective could be modified to reflect aspects of the motion that are not already set out in policies or objectives.

The modified NCBH 7 Objective 4 would read as follows:

‘To facilitate and support the development of the Liffey Valley (Zoning Objective ‘HA – LV’) as an interconnected green space and park in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Kildare County Council, the OPW and other State agencies, existing landowners, and community groups and sectoral and commercial interests in accordance with the Ministerial Order for the Liffey Valley SAAO by:

Universal accessibility for all should be balanced with ensuring that environmental and built heritage sensitivities are not negatively impacted upon’.


It is recommended that the motion be adopted with amendments: Amend NCBH 7 Objective 4 to reflect aspects of the motion not already provided for in the CE Draft Plan, as follows:

‘To facilitate and support the development of the Liffey Valley (Zoning Objective ‘HA – LV’) as an interconnected green space and park in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Kildare County Council, the OPW and other State agencies, existing landowners, community groups and sectoral and commercial interests in accordance with the Ministerial Order for the Liffey Valley SAAO by:

Universal accessibility for all should be balanced with ensuring that environmental and built heritage sensitivities are not negatively impacted upon’.

Link to Map