Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor L. Dunne
Chapter 9: EDE1 Objective 6: Amend-Intensification of industrial lands & mixed use development at Naas Road/Ballymount & in Tallaght Town Centre/Cookstown to add "while ensuring sustainability of existing businesses and employment"
The motion seeks adding to EDE1 Objective 1 to read as follows;
EDE1 Objective 6: To support the implementation of the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan to support the
objectives for the South - West Corridor and the area within the M50 by the:
- Promotion of high tech, manufacturing and research and development in Grange Castle
Business Park and Citywest
- Intensification of industrial lands and mixed-use development at Naas Road/Ballymount andi n Tallaght Town Centre/Cookstown while ensuring sustainability of existing businesses and employment"
The following provisions of the Plan are noted.
CS2 Objective 2: states 'Facilitate a co-ordinated approach and vision to any future sustainable development of
the Naas Road Framework area in consultation with Dublin City Council, all relevant stakeholders including
the local community, and ensure that the needs of the existing and new community will be met, and the
provision of necessary community and physical infrastructure is delivered in tandem with any new development.’
The Tallaght LAP also makes provision for the integration of existing businesses into any re-development proposals in as far as is possible
It is the intention that existing businesses and employment should benefit from the re-development of lands at Tallaght and the Naas Road. Provisions are in place to ensure their integration and continued success within the new re-development areas where it is there wish to do so. However, this may not always be feasible or possible. It is therefore recommended that the motion be further amended to reflect this.
It is recommended that the motion be further amended to read as follows.
EDE1 Objective 6: To support the implementation of the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan to support the
objectives for the South - West Corridor and the area within the M50 by the:
- Promotion of high tech, manufacturing and research and development in Grange Castle
Business Park and Citywest
- Intensification of industrial lands and mixed-use development at Naas Road/Ballymount andi n Tallaght Town Centre/Cookstown while ensuring while ensuring, to the greatest extent possible, the sustainability of existing businesses and employment"