South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

In section Corridor 5: Camac River Corridor, under section 'Objectives associated with the Core Areas / Stepping Stones', amend 'To support the development of a masterplan for the zoned lands at Rathcoole and implement the recommendations' to read: To develop a masterplan for the zoned lands at Rathcoole aimed at preserving and protecting the Rathcoole Woodland area, part of which forms the Rural Fringe Corridor, and implement the recommendations.


The proposed motion seeks the amend the objectives associated with the Core Areas / Stepping Stones in Section Corridor 5: Camac River Corridor.

It is considered that an SLO is more appropriate in this instance which would examine the area in combination with other factors and investigates the potential for alternative land uses having regard to existing habitats, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Such an investigation will also have due regard to the biodiversity value of the woodland.

Rathcoole Woodlands adjoins Rathcoole Park which is included in the L7 Citywest-Saggart Corridor set out in Appendix 4 of the CE Draft Plan. Given the proximity of the Woodlands to this corridor any future proposals arising from the investigations to be carried out as part of delivery of the SLO could address the relationship of these lands with the GI Corridor. It is considered premature to insert the objective as proposed however it is considered that a Specific Local Objective (SLO) be included for Rathcoole MP lands and Environs.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment:

Insert SLO (Chapter 2, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 10: Rathcoole, CS 10 SLO1) f for Rathcoole MP lands and environs: “To investigate the potential for alternative land uses for the lands currently zoned RES-N (To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and OS (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities) as identified by the SLO on the CDP land use zoning map, having regard to, existing habitats, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Following this assessment, and where alternative land use arrangements are identified in line with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, to bring forward proposals for re-zoning.”

Link to Map