South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor T. Costello

Chapter 9 Economic Development & Employment Tourism Promote and facilitate the sustainable growth of South Dublin's tourism offer in both urban and rural areas, including by improving active travel opportunities for people to access these destinations and the introduction of Local Heritage centres to showcase the history and heritage of the county.


The proposed motion seeks the inclusion of two separate issues. The first, to promote and facilitate the sustainable growth of South Dublin's tourism offer in both urban and rural areas, including by improving active travel opportunities for people to access these destinations. The second, the introduction of Local Heritage centres to showcase the history and heritage of the county.

On the first issues, it is noted that the County Development is a strategic county wide document and in relation to tourism the role of the County Development Plan is to promote and facilitate the sustainable growth of South Dublin’s tourism offer across the County at a strategic level. The importance of tourism infrastructure, the hospitality industry and the very significant tourist attractions in the county are a source of pride to the local authority and those who live and work in the county. In this regard the following provisions of the CE Draft Plan are noted:

Policy EDE19: “Support the development of a sustainable tourism industry that recognises the recreational and

tourism potential of the County, building on the actions in the South Dublin Tourism Strategy, 2015 or any superseding strategy.”


EDE19 Objective 1: To support the development of tourism infrastructure, attractions, activities and facilities at appropriate locations subject to sensitive design and demonstrated environmental safeguards’

EDE19 Objective 2: To direct tourist facilities into established centres, in particular town and village centres, where they can contribute to the wider economic vitality of urban centres”.

Furthermore, and with regard to active travel to tourism destinations, it is noted that the overarching approach of the Sustainable Movement provisions of the CE Draft Plan is stated in Policy SM1 ‘Promote ease of movement within, and access to South Dublin County, by integrating sustainable land-use planning with a high-quality sustainable transport and movement network for people and goods.’

Specifically related to Tourism, it should be noted that the Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development Department of the Council has made submissions on transport infrastructure proposals in the County including Bus Connects in order to maximise accessibility to these locations. It is a key objective of the Dublin Mountain Partnership to achieve see the delivery of multi-modal access to the Dublin Mountains. NCBH 6 Objective 1 states “To support the Dublin Mountains Partnership Strategic Plan (2021-2025) in conjunction with other stakeholders in order to develop co-ordinated and sustainable amenity initiatives for the wider Dublin Mountains, recognising and protecting the ecological, geological, archaeological, and cultural heritage of the Mountain landscape.”

It is therefore considered that the first issues of tourism offer, and active travel is adequately promoted within the CE Draft Plan.

With regard to the second issues of the promotion of Heritage Centres, it is noted the CE Draft Plan under COS 11 Objective 6 seeks to pursue the development of a Heritage Centre in Tallaght Village. COS 11 Objective 6:‘To pursue the development of a Heritage Centre in the Tallaght Village area’.

Furthermore, its noted that under Motion IDs 71243 and 70864 on Chapter 8: Community Infrastructure and Open Space, the Chief Executive has recommended to adopt the motions with amendment and insert a new objective under Policy COS 11 as follows: 'To pursue the development of a Heritage Centre in Lucan Village area’. It is therefore considered that this issue is adequately addressed in the CE Draft Plan.


With regard to the first issue, it is recommended that this motion be adopted with amendment to reflect the provisions set out above and it is considered they adequately address by the provisions of EDE 19 and EDE 19 Objectives 1 and 2, NCBH 6 Objective 1.

With regard to the second issue, it is recommended that it is adopted with amendment to reflect agreed Motion IDs 71243 and 70864 and Policy COS 11 as set out in the CE Draft Plan.