South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Yvonne Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor Shane Moynihan

To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 5, QDP1 to include a new objective 'Audit the existing urban centres and neighbourhoods in the County with a view to ensuring that they meet the eight key design principles outlined in this Chapter'


While the aim of motion is welcomed, to carry out an audit of all urban centres and neighbourhoods in the County with a view to ensuring that they meet the eight key design principles outlined in Chapter 5 would require significant resourcing. The proposed motion is an operations matter which is beyond the scope of the County Development Plan.

 Section 5.2.1 The Delivery of Sustainable Neighbourhoods ‘The Plan Approach’ is to ensure that all development is designed and developed around the eight principles so that every opportunity is harnessed to drive and support the vision for South Dublin to create attractive, connected and functional places to live, work, visit, socialise and invest in. Such provisions are applicable to all Urban Centres within the County with QDP1 Objective 5: Promote the re-development of underutilised Local Centres within the County as new mixed use neighbourhood hubs continuing to provide for local retail and services in a manner which respects and consolidates the existing urban character of these areas ensuring quality of design, integration and connections to the surrounding areas.

 Having regard to the aim of the proposed motion it is considered that it could be adopted with amendment whereby QDP1 Objective 5 would be amended as follows:


 QDP1 Objective 5:

Promote the re-development of underutilised Local Centres within the County as new mixed use neighbourhood hubs continuing to provide for local retail and services in a manner which respects and consolidates the existing urban character of these areas ensuring quality of design, integration and connections to the surrounding areas.


 QDP1 Objective 5:

Promote the re-development of underutilised Local Centres within the County as new mixed use

neighbourhood hubs continuing to provide for local retail and services in a manner which respects and consolidates the existing urban character of these areas ensuring adherence to the eight key design principles in ‘The Plan Approach’ including quality of design, integration and connections to the surrounding areas.


 It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to QDP1 Objective 5 to read:

 QDP1 Objective 5:

Promote the re-development of underutilised Local Centres within the County as new mixed use neighbourhood hubs continuing to provide for local retail and services in a manner which respects and consolidates the existing urban character of these areas ensuring adherence to the eight key design principles in ‘The Plan Approach’ including quality of design, integration and connections to the surrounding areas.