Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Alan Hayes
Chapter 3. P92. Natural Cultural and Built Heritage. To amend NCBH 19 SLO 1: To support the refurbishment of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council. Amend to read: To support the refurbishment and reinstatement of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council.
NCBH 19 SLO1 states ‘To support the refurbishment of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council’.
The motion proposes to amend the SLO by adding the words ‘and reinstatement’ so that the SLO reads ‘To support the refurbishment and reinstatement of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council’.
However, having regard to the fact that the metal bridge exists, it is considered that the term ‘re-use’ would be more appropriate than ‘reinstatement’.
It should be noted that as part of Motion Item ID 71360 and the reply to that motion, the following wording for this SLO was proposed: ‘To support the refurbishment of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County'. Considering the latter proposed amendment and the amendment proposed on foot of the subject motion, the revised motion would state:
‘To support the refurbishment and re-use of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County'.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments such that NCBH 19 SLO 1 would state:
‘To support the refurbishment and re-use of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County'.