South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King

Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure - Corridor 2 M50 Corridor Core areas and Stepping Stones: Where the areas of Ballymount Park and Collinstown Park are identified as 'Stepping Stones' to amend to either incorporate the adjoining Lands of Newlands Farm (Area Zoned RU - Map 5) into the stepping stone identified here as Ballymount park or create a third stepping stone in this section named Newlands Farm (Area zoned RU - Map 5) taking into account its importance as an area of rich biodiversity and a decarbonisation zone.


 The content of the motion acknowledges the amenity and GI value of existing rural zoned areas of the County.

While the M50 has been identified as a core corridor with associated stepping stones, the lands in question are more properly identified in Appendix 4, Green Infrastructure - Local Objectives and Case Studies, as a secondary corridor linking to the M50, the L8 Belgard Quarry – M50 Corridor. This corridor links Ballymount Park to Newlands Golf Course to Belgard Quarry and onward towards Citywest via the L7 corridor. The text contained within this corridor description indicates that it is adjacent to Newlands Golf Club and agricultural lands, which are subdivided with trees and hedgerows. These lands are the lands identified in the motion as Newlands Farm. It is indicated that intensified planting on these lands will help improve local biodiversity and placemaking. An objective in the L8 corridor is:

 To ensure no net loss of existing hedgerows in agricultural lands to the east of Belgard Quarry and Belgard Road.

 Should future development of any sort be proposed on these lands it will be required as per the provisions of Section 13.3.2 to provide detailed proposals for the delivery of this corridor, incorporating existing stepping stones and creating new stepping stones where feasible. It considered that the intention of this is motion is adequately addressed under the objectives and requirements of the draft Plan. However, the words ‘Newlands Farm’ could be incorporated into the text to avoid doubt.

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendment to include the name ‘Newlands Farm’ in the body of the existing text which describes the rural lands of the L8 corridor to read:

 It is adjacent to Newlands Golf Club and agricultural lands at Newlands Farm, which are subdivided with trees and hedgerows.