South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

Amend GI 5 Objective 3 to read: To ensure compliance with the South Dublin Climate Change Action Plan and the provisions of the Council's Tree Management Strategy; - Increase the County's tree canopy cover by promoting annual planting, maintenance, preservation and enhancement of trees, woodlands and hedgerows within the County using locally native species and supporting their integration into new development, while ensuring that any new developments does not lead to the cutting down of existing or developing woodlands - Identify suitable sites for new urban trees, with an emphasis on rapidly-growing pocket Miyawaki urban forests. - Support the implementation of a co-ordinated regional approach to the maintenance of trees and support the work of the Regional Steering Group on Tree Management to which South Dublin County Council is a participant. - Promote the establishment of tree trails in public parks across the County - Promote the planting of new woodlands and forestry within appropriate open space and park locations within the County.


The motion seeks to amend two of the five bullet points within GI 5 Objective 3

Bullet 1 seeks to amend as follows in bold type:

Increase the County's tree canopy cover by promoting annual planting, maintenance, preservation and enhancement of trees, woodlands and hedgerows within the County using locally native species and supporting their integration into new development, while ensuring that any new developments does not lead to the cutting down of existing or developing woodlands

The following provisions of the CE Draft Plan are noted.

NCBH 11 Objective 2: “To identify trees of amenity value within the County and use whatever mechanism is available for their protection.

NCBH 11 Objective 3: “To protect existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity or biodiversity value and/ or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management taking into account Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council’s Tree Management Policy (2015-2020) or any superseding document”.

GI 2 Objective 7: “To enhance the biodiversity value of publicly owned hard infrastructure areas by incorporating the planting of new trees, grasses and other species, thereby integrating this infrastructure into the overall GI network.”

Section 13.3.2 and Sections 13.3.3 of the Plan contain detailed provisions for the identification, protection and enhancement of existing GI elements including trees on development sites. These provisions require the submission of survey of trees on site and proposals for the retention, and replacement of trees where removal is necessary. It is considered appropriate that the plan should include requirement for the retention of trees of amenity value as provided for in NCBH 11 Objective 2 below. The carrying out of surveys provided and other measures provided for in Sections 13.3.2 and 13.3.3 will enable the delivery of this objective.

It is considered that the motion as worded is too prescriptive and could prevent development land throughout the county reasonably being developed. There are sufficient protections in the Plan to ensure a balanced approach to development which supports the protection of trees of amenity value and a requirement for green infrastructure in every development without stopping development on what could be a significant number of sites.

Bullet 2 seeks to amend as follows:

Identify suitable sites for new urban trees, with an emphasis on rapidly-growing pocket Miyawaki urban forests

The Council is trialling Miyawaki planting in Sean Walsh Park and this method is proposed for extensive use in the Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. It also has potential for creating stepping stone areas within the overall GI Strategy.

The bullet point should be amended to read:

Identify suitable sites for new urban trees, including Miyawaki style mini woodlands where feasible.

It is noted that the subject of Miyawaki woodlands is also addressed in motions 70968 and 70969.


It is recommended that the objective is adopted with amendment to read:

GI 5 Objective 3

- Increase the County's tree canopy cover by promoting annual planting, maintenance, preservation and enhancement of trees, woodlands and hedgerows within the County using locally native species and supporting their integration into new development

- Identify suitable sites for new urban trees including Miyawaki style mini woodlands, where feasible

- Support the implementation of a co-ordinated regional approach to the maintenance of trees and support the work of the Regional Steering Group on Tree Management to which South Dublin County Council is a participant.

- Promote the establishment of tree trails in public parks across the County

- promote the planting of new woodlands and forestry within appropriate open space and park locations within the County.”