Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor M. Johansson
In Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.15 Zoning Objective OS to move Residential from Open for Consideration to Not Permitted.
The motion seeks that residential use would move from ‘Open for Consideration’ to ‘Not Permitted’ within zoning objective ‘OS’ - Open Space.
There are many open spaces within the County that attract anti-social behaviour and that serve no recreation or setting function. Some of these are left-over spaces after developments that may date from a time when there was a different approach to planning, layout and design. In some cases, these spaces have houses and other development backing onto them. In such cases, they are not supervised and often attract anti-social behaviour. The Council needs to have the ability to consider such spaces for residential development, particularly when this form of development may ameliorate problematic layouts. For example, by aligning new housing to face onto open space, this allows for passive surveillance, the reduction in opportunities for anti-social behaviour and the creation of better layout and design, while also facilitating an important contribution to satisfying the need for social housing.
It is noted that a previous motion relating to Chapter 6 Housing put a caveat on the development of residential on open space such that it would only be acceptable where the remaining open space is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved, thus creating a further safeguard. The recommendation in relation to that motion (ID 71132) was to amend H3 Objective 4 to read:
‘To support community led housing developments for older people and social and Council affordable housing in established areas on lands designated with Zoning Objective “OS” (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities), only where the quality and quantum of remaining public open spaces is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved'
For the above reasons, it is considered that the motion should not be adopted.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted