South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

Carey Chapter 7 - SUSTAINABLE MOVEMENT - Policy 3 - Public Transport - General (Page 193) SM3 Objective 1: Amend From: To achieve and monitor a transition to the County mode share targets of 20% Bus and 5% Rail Amend To: To achieve and monitor a transition to the County mode share targets of 23% Bus and 7% Rail


The proposed motion seeks to increase the targets for modal share in Bus and Rail transport. The proposed amendment is as follows:

SM3 Objective 1: ‘To achieve and monitor a transition to the County mode share targets of 20% 23% Bus and 5% 7% Rail.’

Section 7.6 of the CE Draft Plan ‘Public Transport’ states:

‘Approximately one fifth (20%) of trips originating in South Dublin County are by public transport. This figure is quite low considering the built-up character of much of the County, its proximity to Dublin City and the public transport services available in the developed parts of the County’.

It also states:

‘The Council’s target is to increase public transport use for trips originating within South Dublin County from the current low base of 17% bus and 3% rail, to 20% bus and 5% rail over the lifetime of the plan’.


The targets were devised having regard to mode share for public transport in other comparable settlements within Dublin and having examined mode share in British and European cities. The targets also take into account improvements to public transport that are likely to be delivered or commenced during the Plan period including BusConnects, Dart on the Kildare Route and public transport interchanges at Tallaght and Liffey Valley. Other public transport projects such as Luas to Lucan are likely to be beyond the period of the Plan. Having regard to the above it is considered that the targets are balanced and realistic and that an increase as proposed by the motion would not be useful in encouraging the significant shift to public transport required.

It is therefore recommended that the motion is not adopted.


It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.