Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor Eoin Ó Broin
Remove references to Permissive Access Routes from Section 9.9.1, Public Rights of Way and create a new Section 9.9.2 for them as laid out in the attached document. This is to comply with both the Planning and Development(Amendment) Act 2000 and the Planning Regulator with regard to Public Rights of Way and not to give undue status to Permissive Access Route which unlike Public Rights of Way confer no inalienable rights on users.
Policy EDE23 Continue to promote and improve access to high amenity, scenic, and recreational lands throughout
the County and within adjoining counties, including places of natural beauty or recreational utility,
for the purposes of outdoor recreation, while avoiding environmental damage, landscape damage
and impacts to Natura 2000 sites.
EDE23 Objective 1: To promote the preservation of public rights of way that give access to mountain,
lakeshore, riverbank or other places of natural beauty or recreational utility.
EDE23 Objective 2: To identify, in a logical and sequenced way, existing public rights of way in relevant
areas of the County and to investigate the creation of new public rights of way by taking the following steps
within two years of adoption of the Plan:
mountain, lakeshore, riverbank or other places of natural beauty or recreational utility.
understanding that a public right of way may exist undertake the necessary steps for consultation set out
in the Planning Acts.
rights of way agreements available under section 206 of the Planning and Development Acts
orders under section 207 of the Planning and Development Acts.
EDE23 Objective 3: To integrate any identified public rights of way or newly created public rights of way
into the County Development Plan by way of a Variation.
EDE23 Objective 4: To promote and facilitate the creation of Permissive Access Routes and heritage trails,
where they would not compromise environmentally sensitive sites, that provide access to high amenity,
scenic and recreational lands including rural areas, forests, woodlands, waterways, upland/mountain
areas, the Grand Canal, the Dodder Valley, the Liffey Valley and between historic villages, in partnership
with adjoining local authorities, private landowners, semi-state and other public bodies such as Coillte,
Waterways Ireland and the Forest Service.
EDE23 Objective 5: To promote and facilitate the continued development of the Dublin Mountains Way
and the Wicklow Way in association with the Dublin Mountains Partnership, particularly Permissive Access
Routes that provide access to regional and local networks of walking, running, hiking and mountain bike
trails and other recreational facilities provided that such routes/trails and their use does not significantly
impact on environmentally sensitive sites.
EDE23 Objective 6: To promote and improve access, in partnership with the relevant landowners, to all
the historic sites in the County and seek to maximise their tourism potential in partnership with the
relevant landowners.
EDE23 Objective 7: To bring mountain amenities closer to residential communities by promoting the
establishment of a network of formal footpaths, off-road paths and cycleways that facilitate casual walkers
and cyclists.
EDE23 Objective 1: To promote the preservation of public rights of way that give access to mountain,
lakeshore, riverbank or other places of natural beauty or recreational utility.
EDE23 Objective 2: To identify, in a logical and sequenced way, existing public rights of way in relevant
areas of the County and to investigate the creation of new public rights of way by taking the following steps:
mountain, lakeshore, riverbank or other places of natural beauty or recreational utility.
understanding that a public right of way may exist undertake the necessary steps for consultation set out
in the Planning Acts.
rights of way agreements available under section 206 of the Planning and Development Acts
orders under section 207 of the Planning and Development Acts.
EDE23 Objective 3: To integrate any identified public rights of way or newly created public rights of way
into the County Development Plan by way of a Variation.
EDE23 Objective 4: In accordance with the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2000 ‘include in this development plan a list of public rights of way which give access to mountains, lakeshores, riverbanks and other place of natural beauty or recreational utility and identify them by marking them on at least one of the maps forming part of the development plan and on a list appended to this plan.’
EDE24 Objective 1: To promote and facilitate the creation of Permissive Access Routes and heritage trails,
where they would not compromise environmentally sensitive sites, that provide access to high amenity,
scenic and recreational lands including rural areas, forests, woodlands, waterways, upland/mountain
areas, the Grand Canal, the Dodder Valley, the Liffey Valley and between historic villages, in partnership
with adjoining local authorities, private landowners, semi-state and other public bodies such as Coillte,
Waterways Ireland and the Forest Service.
EDE23 Objective 2: To promote and facilitate the continued development of the Dublin Mountains Way
and the Wicklow Way in association with the Dublin Mountains Partnership, particularly Permissive Access
Routes that provide access to regional and local networks of walking, running, hiking and mountain bike
trails and other recreational facilities provided that such routes/trails and their use does not significantly
impact on environmentally sensitive sites.
EDE23 Objective 3: To promote and improve access, in partnership with the relevant landowners, to all
the historic sites in the County and seek to maximise their tourism potential in partnership with the
relevant landowners.
EDE23 Objective 4: To bring mountain amenities closer to residential communities by promoting the
establishment of a network of formal footpaths, off-road paths and cycleways that facilitate casual walkers
and cyclists.
The proposed amendments are considered to be acceptable
It is recommended that this motion be adopted.