Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
"SLO - Access points to the Dodder valley need park info boards, with by laws, nature info. SLO - Signpost our rivers clearly, at regular intervals on the rivers to help embed a greater awareness and value of the river."
The motion as proposes consists of two parts as follows:
In relation to part (i), signage is planned to be provided as part of the Dodder Greenway proposals. In addition, there are provisions, policies and objectives relating to the Dodder valley and Dodder Greenway project set out in the CE Draft including the following in Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4 Recreation and Amenity (Human Health and Wellbeing):
Over the period of this plan the Council will preserve these existing recreational opportunities and support new projects and innovations, such as the Dodder Greenway, that will further enhance and diversify the ways in which residents and visitors can access and enjoy nature in the County. A collaborative project with DLRCC, DCC and the NTA, the Dodder Greenway will be over 17km long, providing an integrated pedestrian and cycle route from the quays in Dublin City Centre to Glenasmole in the foothills of the Dublin Mountains. This significant infrastructure will be integrated within the existing park system in order to provide safe and attractive access throughout to open space throughout the County.
Therefore, it is considered that part (i) of this motion is covered by the Dodder Greenway project and existing signage strategy.
In relation to part (ii), it should be noted that there is an existing signage strategy for the county. In addition, the Tourism Strategy for South Dublin County sets out provisions in relation to signage around tourism including the following which directly relates to the Dodder Greenway in Section 4.3.2 Signage and access (Page 53):
South Dublin County Council should:
Develop and implement branded signage and interpretation for the products articulated in this strategy – Liffey Villages, Dodder Greenway etc.,
Having regard to the above, it is considered that part (ii) of the motion as proposed be addressed by way of an Objective (instead of an SLO) under Chapter 9, Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure, Policy EDE 21 Tourism and Leisure Activities:
EDE21 Objective (X):
To implement signage in the County in accordance with the adopted County wide Signage Strategy (Sept 2020) to include consideration of information signage on nature and other features to be found along the rivers in the county at strategic locations.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment.
Insert new Objective under Chapter 9, Section 9.9 Tourism and Leisure, Policy EDE 21 Tourism and Leisure Activities:
EDE21 Objective (X):
To implement signage in the County in accordance with the adopted County wide Signage Strategy (Sept 2020), to include consideration of information signage on nature and other features to be found along the rivers in the county at strategic locations