Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Amend H7 Objective 2 to read: To ensure that all new residential developments to A1 rated (SAP) standard, incorporate energy efficiency measures and promote innovation in renewable energy opportunities.
The motion seeks to amend H7 Objective 2 as follows:
From: ‘To ensure that new residential developments incorporate energy efficiency measures and promote innovation in renewable energy opportunities.’
To: ‘To ensure that all new residential developments to A1 rated (SAP) standard, incorporate energy efficiency measures and promote innovation in renewable energy opportunities.’
All new buildings owned and occupied after the 31st December 2020 are required to comply with the nZEB standard. nZEB (near zero energy building) is defined as a building that has a very high energy performance, as determined in accordance with Annex I of the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive. Regulations for energy ratings of buildings come under the Building Regulations and while the merit of the motion is welcome it is not a consideration for the Development Plan to explicitly state the rating of buildings.
Notwithstanding, the motion is reflected under Energy Policy 3: Energy Performance in Existing and New Buildings which seeks to ‘Support high levels of energy conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in new and existing buildings including the retro fitting of energy efficiency measures in the existing building stock in accordance with relevant building regulations, national policy and guidance and the targets of the National and South Dublin Climate Change Action Plans.’ And specifically; E3 Objective 1 which states: ‘To reduce the need for energy, enhance energy efficiency and secure the use of renewable energy sources in refurbished and upgraded dwellings and other buildings through the design and location of new development, in accordance with relevant building regulations and national policy and guidance.’
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing E3 Objective 1 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan is sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion: ‘To reduce the need for energy, enhance energy efficiency and secure the use of renewable energy sources in refurbished and upgraded dwellings and other buildings through the design and location of new development, in accordance with relevant building regulations and national policy and guidance.’