South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor Shane Moynihan

That this Council reaffirms its commitment to the protection of the Liffey Valley and directs the Chief Executive, at a strategic level: - to retain the existing 'I' zoning objective in the new Development Plan: - to ensure the ongoing restriction of any inappropriate developments or land-use.


 It is assumed that the motion is referring to the ‘HA-LV’ zoning objective which seeks ‘To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley’ (there was a similar zoning objective ‘I’ in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan).  The ‘HA-LV’ zoning objective has been retained in the Draft Plan, as sought by the motion. 

In addition, NCBH Policy 7 sets out objectives in relation to the Liffey River Valley and Special Amenity Area Order.  In particular, Policy NCBH 7 Objectives 1 and 2 set out the restrictions to development in the ‘HA-LV’ zone, thus satisfying the requirements of the motion.

NCBH 7 Objective 1 states: 

‘To restrict development within areas designated with Zoning Objective ‘HA – LV’ (To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley) and to ensure that new development:

?        does not significantly impact on built or cultural heritage assets, on sensitive habitats, species, or ecosystem services,

?        is related to the area’s amenity potential,

?        is designed and sited to minimise environmental and visual impacts,

?        and enhances the County’s green infrastructure network’.

NCBH 7 Policy 2 states:

‘Within areas designated ‘High Amenity – Liffey Valley’ (‘HA-LV’), non-residential development will only be permitted where it;

?        relates to the area’s amenity potential or to its use for agriculture or recreational purposes, including recreational buildings; or

?        comprises the redevelopment of or extensions to existing commercial or civic uses or development of new commercial or civic uses within an existing established area of commercial or civic activity; and

?        preserves the amenity value of the river valley including its biodiversity value, its landscape value, and views or vistas of the river valley’.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendment to retain the CE Draft Plan zoning HA-LV (High Amenity – Liffey Valley)

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