Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That this council make a SLO to develop the tourism potential of Saggart: Swift Brook Mill in the County Development plan
That this council make a SLO to develop the tourism potential of Saggart: Swift Brook Mill in the County Development plan.
EDE19 Support the development of a sustainable tourism industry that recognises the recreational and
tourism potential of the County, building on the actions in the South Dublin Tourism Strategy, 2015or any superseding strategy.
EDE19 Objective 1: To support the development of tourism infrastructure, attractions, activities and
facilities at appropriate locations subject to sensitive design and demonstrated environmental safeguards.
The following report from the Economic Development and Tourism Dept to the Clondalking ACM in April of this year.
Swiftbrook Paper Mill was established in the mid eighteenth century and played an important role in the economic and social life of Saggart for over two hundred years. It was recognised as a producer of high quality paper which was used in the production of bank notes and stamps.
Currently the Rag Store, Mill Chimney and single-storey mill building are Protected Structures (RPS Ref. 330) located within the former Swiftbrook Mills. The Rag Store is currently in residential use at first and second floor level and the incubator units at ground floor level are unoccupied. The Mill Chimney and single-storey mill building were restored during 2014 by the owners. The existing Chimney and single storey building have not been taken in charge and therefore remain in private ownership. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the buildings. The original boundary walls and entrance gates are also protected structures (RPS Ref. 314) and repairs and conservation works were carried out during the initial development of the site as part of the overall development for which planning permission was granted during 2001.
A LEADER-funded feasibility study for the Slade Heritage Trail in the vicinity of the Swiftbrook Paper Mill was prepared in 2014 under the County Heritage Plan. This study identified a potential route for a Heritage Trail that would commence in Rathcoole Park, follow a path through Saggart and then proceed southwards up through the Slade Valley to finish at the Brittas Ponds.
In the intervening time since the study was completed, a degree of success has been achieved along the first section of the proposed Trail, between Rathcoole and Saggart. A well-used route is currently being followed by locals which connects Rathcoole Park to the Crossforge/Millrace Estate in Saggart. Issues of Taking in Charge exist for the Estate, so the formalisation of the Heritage Trail Route at this location is postponed.
Given the issues outlined above including the taking in charge constraints at the mill, and the lack of connectivity on the Slade Valley Trail, it would not be feasible to effectively consider the potential of the mill at Swiftbrook from a tourism perspective.
It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.