Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
26. Motion Cllr Liona O'Toole co-signed Cllrs Paul Gogarty and Cllr Guss O'Connell Map's index To amend the legend 'Road Proposal-Long Term' which is identified by OOOO on the maps, to insert a timeline of planning and development within 2 years of adopting this plan. This would ensure consistency with other 'Road Proposals'.
In relation to road proposals, the legend for the County Development Plan zoning maps identify two types:
‘Road Proposals – Long Term’
‘Road Proposals – 6 Years’.
The motion seeks a time frame of two years following adoption of the Development Plan to be included in the legend for long term road proposals.
Section 7.7.2 ‘New Street and Road Proposals’ provides a definition for both six year and long-term road programmes and objectives and states:
‘Table 7.5 outlines a Six Year Road Programme, which is subject to available funding. Designs have been prepared in respect of some of these proposals. The Council may, at its discretion, introduce an additional road proposal, where such a proposal benefits economic and population growth.
Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives outlines corridors that are considered necessary to providing a long-term road network and to provide access between major areas of economic activity and the national and regional road network. Some of these roads have been the subject of preliminary design studies and their detailed design will be undertaken and phased according to need. Where the opportunity arises, roads shown as long-term may be brought forward for construction at an earlier date, subject to funding being available.’
There are many factors, including external aspects over which the Council has no control, affecting the ability to deliver road projects, including availability of funding, need for CPO and general economic climate. Putting a timeline, and particularly a short timeline (2 years post adoption of Development Plan) on long-term roads objectives, would be inappropriate and overly prescriptive.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.