South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor K. Egan, Councillor Alan Hayes

That South Dublin County Council include an install guidance strips for future footpath programme of works in our main village thoroughfares to include but not limited to, main street Lucan, Palmerstown, Rathcoole, Saggart, Newcastle, Clondalkin Tallaght, Templeogue to ensure improved accessibility for visually impaired in our communities.


The motion relates to the installation of guidance strips for future footpath works programmes in the main village thoroughfares.

The Draft Plan contains policies and objectives regarding universal design in several chapters. 

Objectives contained in Chapter 5 Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking which address universal design include the following:

QDP7 Objective 10 states: ‘To promote and support the principles of universal design, ensuring that all environments are inclusive and can be used to the fullest extent possible by users regardless of age, ability or disability consistent with RPO 9.12 and 9.13 of the RSES’.

QDP7 Objective 12 states: ‘To develop a network of pedestrian footpaths and public spaces which include facilities for people with disabilities and/or mobility impairments based on the principles of universal design’.

There is also a general policy SM2 Objective 5 in Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement which references designing streets for all abilities, as follows:

‘To ensure that all streets and street networks are designed in accordance with the principles, approaches and standards contained in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets so that the movement of pedestrians and cyclists is prioritised within a safe and comfortable environment for a wide range of ages, abilities and journey types.’

Reference to the installation of guidance strips as sought by the motion is an inappropriate level of detail for a Development Plan. Specifications and designs standards are set out by TII/DMURS including disability standards /recommendations. SDDC will comply with all relevant legislation and in particular with any National Disability Authority guidance in relation to disability access on all future public footpaths.  These existing polices and guidance set out when guidance strips should be used and the Council will ensure their use at appropriate times, accordingly. 


It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments as there are several policies and objectives within the Draft Plan which reflect the intent of the motion including QDP7 Objectives 10 and 12 and SM2 Objective 5.