Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor V. Casserly, Councillor Alan Hayes
'That South Dublin County Council consider making amendments to the Draft Development Plan 2022-2028 to change the 'Rural and Agriculture' (RU) zoning of land located at Cooldrinagh Lane (See Figure 1 below) to 'Existing Residential' (RES), to facilitate land use which is consistent with the existing and established settlement pattern in this particular area. Figure 1: Current RU zoned land to be rezoned RES (boundary highlighted in red
The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with National and Regional Planning policy as required under the Planning and Development Act. South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons providing a need for over 17,817 households has been identified. Chapter 2 also confirms that the County has enough land for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need and therefore there is no need to re-zone additional lands.
The lands identified for rezoning to RES (existing residential) lie to the east and west of Cooldrinagh Lane which is zoned RU (rural).
The proposed lands to the west of the lane seeking rezoning contain a single ‘one-off’ house adjacent to the boundary of Weston Aerodrome. Lands to the east of the lane at this location contain a cluster of established one and two storey detached and semi-detached houses with long back gardens bounding agricultural fields to the east. The housing units identified are not within a defined CSO settlement boundary and are rural in classification.
To re-zone such land for Existing Residential (RES) would give rise to an inappropriate densification of urban type development in this remaining rural area which acts as a green space separating Leixlip and Lucan, accessed from the Lucan-Celbridge Road.
Furthermore, urban generated housing development within the rural area which would be facilitated through the adoption of this motion, would result in and promote urban sprawl of the Dublin City and Suburbs boundary and be contrary to the rural housing guidelines which seek to prevent urban generated housing in rural areas.
The proximity to Weston Airport and the potential for the intensification of housing units in close proximity to the airport raises concerns of safety and it is noted that part of the site is within the outer public safety zone. Areas of the proposed lands are also within the current noise zones for the airport. It is known that there are already complaints of noise from aircraft flying from Weston – to facilitate increased housing in this area is not recommended from a health perspective of new residents or for the operation of the airport.
It is considered that his motion is contrary to CS6 Objective 2, CS6 Objective 3, NSO 1, RSO 2, NPO 3b, RPO 3.1, RPO 3.2 and should therefore not be adopted.
CE Recommendation
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.