Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor L. Dunne
Core Strategy CS Policy 7 To amend section CS7 Objective 2: Promote & support the regeneration of underutilized industrial areas designated with zoning objective REGEN (to facilitate enterprise, to add the following: that in addition addresses the needs of the low skilled workforce and/or that provides for social and affordable residential led regen subject to a development framework or plan for the area incorporating phasing and infrastructure delivery)
The motion seeks to add additional wording to CS7 Objective 2 as follows:
From: Promote and support the regeneration of underutilised industrial areas designated with Zoning Objective Regeneration ‘REGEN’ (‘to facilitate enterprise and/or residential led regeneration subject to a development framework or plan for the area incorporating phasing and infrastructure delivery)
To: Promote and support the regeneration of underutilised industrial areas designated with Zoning Objective Regeneration ‘REGEN’ (‘to facilitate enterprise that in addition addresses the needs of the low skilled workforce and/or that provides for social and affordable residential led regeneration subject to a development framework or plan for the area incorporating phasing and infrastructure delivery)
The brackets in the objective in the draft Plan simply state the zoning objective in the Plan for the shorthand ‘REGEN’. Should this be amended, it will mean that the zoning objective itself has been changed, not just for this objective but for any objectives where it is set out in full, by way of clarification, throughout the Plan.
There are a number of other objectives in the Plan which do what the intent of the motion reflects. These include:
EDE 1 Objective 3: To ensure that there is a sufficient supply of zoned and serviced lands at suitable locations to accommodate a range of enterprise and employment development types and to promote compact growth by strengthening the integration between employment, housing and transportation.
EDE3 Objective 2: To support the delivery of a strong, resilient economy, capable of an agile and flexible response to short-term stresses and cycles through the promotion of a broad economic base, appropriately zoned land and ongoing stakeholder engagement.
EDE4 Objective 8: To support the provision of a broad diversity of employment opportunities in the County that can attract a wide range of skills, training and educational qualifications for a resilient and inclusive economy.
The existing REGEN objective facilitates the provision of enterprise and/or residential development subject to a development framework or plan for the area. The key lands zoned for REGEN are in Tallaght for which there is an existing LAP and the Naas Road lands which will be subject to a land use plan. These plans, which will have or have had stakeholder and public input, are the appropriate mechanism for the detail intended by the motion.
CS2 Objective 1: To prepare a Local Area Plan or other appropriate mechanism for the zoned Regeneration (REGEN) lands at Naas Road/Ballymount to include the Local Centre zoning (LC) at Walkinstown. The LAP or equivalent will provide a framework for the sequential and phased development of the lands, integrating sustainable transport, land use and blue and green infrastructure. The spatial planning of the area will be informed by the Naas Road Framework until such time as a Statutory Plan is in place.
CS2 Objective 2: Facilitate a co-ordinated approach and vision to any future sustainable development of the Naas Road Framework area in consultation with Dublin City Council, all relevant stakeholders including the local community, and ensure that the needs of the existing and new community will be met, and the provision of necessary community and physical infrastructure is delivered in tandem with any new development.
The strategic zoning objective in the draft Plan, as is appropriate for a Development Plan, provides for flexibility for the detail of policies to be contained in the lower-level plans. In addition, just as for any other zoning which provides for residential use, the provisions of Part V are applicable for the delivery of social and affordable units on REGEN lands.
The proposed additional wording is not considered appropriate for the objective of the REGEN zoning.
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.