Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins
Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS2 New Objective: To include sensory play units and accessible changing units in our public buildings, particularly our libraries.
Cllr Collins requested change to New objective?
The motion as proposed is seeking sensory play units/ Changing Place toilet facilities in public buildings, particularly libraries.
In respect to sensory play units/facilities, the South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 – 2022 sets out the following Action (Page 50):
Pilot a project in support of children with special needs and their parents, specifically around the provision of toys, technology and training identified through liaison with healthcare professionals.
It recommended that the inclusion of sensory play units (facilities) in all public buildings including libraries would be premature of this indicated Action by SDCC on this issue.
In respect to changing units, Changing Places toilet facilities are a significant improvement on standard accessible toilets as they provide a larger floor area of approximately 12 square metres and additional equipment such as a height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench, a full room coverage ceiling track hoist system, a centrally located toilet bowl with space either side for transfers/assistants and a safe and clean environment.
South Dublin County Council has been very proactive in respect to the provision of Changing Places facilities and has installed a Changing Places toilet facility at County Hall Tallaght. There is currently one other Changing Places facility in the county at North Clondalkin Library. This facility has all the features of a Changing Places Toilet Facility except it is a smaller space at 8 square metres. There is also a Changing Places facility currently under construction in the new Lucan Swimming Pool and a Changing Places facility will be installed in Tallaght Stadium as part of the planned Stadium upgrade and extension.
It is noted that a motion has been recommended to provide for a new objective in this section relating to changing places facilities.
It is considered that the proposed motion be adopted with amendment as follows:
Insert as a new objective under Chapter 8, Section 8.4.3 Universally Accessible Social/Community Facilities, Policy COS 2 Social/Community Infrastructure which aligns with the Library Development Plan:
COS 2 Objective 8 (or as may be numbered within this Policy):
To pilot a project in support of children with special needs and their parents, specifically around the provision of toys, technology and training identified through liaison with healthcare professionals.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to read:
Insert as a new objective under Chapter 8, Section 8.4.3 Universally Accessible Social/Community Facilities, Policy COS 2 Social/Community Infrastructure:
COS 2 Objective 7 (or as may be numbered within this Policy)
To include ‘changing place' facilities in all community and county buildings being newly constructed and where feasible, where being refurbished, during the lifetime of this County Development Plan.
COS 2 Objective 8 (or as may be numbered within this Policy):
To pilot a project in support of children with special needs and their parents, specifically around the provision of toys, technology and training identified through liaison with healthcare professionals.