South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins

NCBH 11 Objective 5: To require developers as a condition of their planning permissions, to retain existing trees and hedgerows on the property being developed where possible, or where not so possible, to furnish replacement trees and hedgerows with an equivalent or improved amenity or biodiversity value as soon as practicable.

REPORT:  The motion proposes a new objective NCHB Objective 5.

The existing provisions of Section 13.3.2 and 13.3.3 are relevant to the requirements of this motion. These sections, in the Implementation Chapter 13, require a green infrastructure plan to be submitted with proposed restoration proposals, identification of trees removed, retained and planted and the use of a greening factor as a tool to assess and quantify the amount and quality of urban greening that a scheme provides.

Having regard to the above, it is considered that an amendment to NCBH Objective 3 would be appropriate and would meet with the intent of the motion as follows:

“To protect and retain existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity or biodiversity value and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management taking into account Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council’s Tree Management Policy (2015-2020) or any superseding document and to ensure that where retention is not possible that a high value biodiversity provision is secured as part of the phasing of any development to protect the amenity of the area.”


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to NCBH Objective 3 to read:

To protect and retain existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity or biodiversity value and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management taking into account Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council’s Tree Management Policy (2015-2020) or any superseding document and to ensure that where retention is not possible that a high value biodiversity provision is secured as part of the phasing of any development to protect the amenity of the area.