South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor T. Costello

Chapter 3 Natural Cultural & Built Heritage That all of the SDCC Traditional village centres should be kept as vibrant and sustainable centres and follow a consistent design statement befitting their historic character and origins


The motion is unclear as to whether this is a proposed new objective for the Plan. Assuming this is the case, it is considered that there are several objectives contained within the Draft Plan in Chapter 3 Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage, Chapter 5 Quality Design and Placemaking and Chapter 9, Economic Development and Employment which seek to bring vibrancy and vitality to traditional villages yet maintaining their historic character, such as: 

QDP1 Objective 4 – “Reinforce the network of urban centres as the appropriate locations for new mixed-use development, ensuring that the existing context including identified built and natural assets, urban design, integration and potential for connectivity fully inform development”.

QDP3 Objective 2 – “To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of the villages and ensure that a full understanding of the archaeological, architectural, urban design and landscape heritage of each village informs the design approach to new development and renewal, recognising the particular character context in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)”.

NCBH 23 Objective 3 – “To support the development of sustainable back land and infill development that is appropriate in scale and character to historic town and village centres, that transitions appropriately, accommodates surviving structures where appropriate and retains the historic streetscape form particularly within sensitive areas of architectural importance”.

EDE 8 Objective 9 – “To support place-making enhancements and upgrades to our villages and centres to create vibrant and attractive places for people and businesses”.

EDE13 Objective 4 – “To support the viability and vitality of the existing retail centres in the County, in particular in town, village and district centres and to facilitate a competitive and healthy environment for the retail industry, while reinforcing sustainable development.”

EDE13 Objective 2 – “To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of traditional villages and to support their enhancement and upgrade”.

The objectives outlined above relate to the vibrancy, sustainability and design of our traditional village centres and therefore it is considered that the Motion can be adopted with amendment whereby the existing objectives NCBH Policy 23 Objective 3, QDP1 Objective 4, QDP3 Objective 2, EDE8 Objective 9, EDE13 Objective 4 and EDE13 Objective 2 as set out in the CE Draft Plan adequately cover the intent of the motion.

Recommenation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objectives NCBH Policy 23 Objective 3, QDP1 Objective 4, QDP3 Objective 2, EDE8 Objective 9, EDE13 Objective 4 and EDE13 Objective 2 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan are sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:

NCBH 23 Objective 3 – “To support the development of sustainable back land and infill development that is appropriate in scale and character to historic town and village centres, that transitions appropriately, accommodates surviving structures where appropriate and retains the historic streetscape form particularly within sensitive areas of architectural importance”.

QDP1 Objective 4 – “Reinforce the network of urban centres as the appropriate locations for new mixed-use development, ensuring that the existing context including identified built and natural assets, urban design, integration and potential for connectivity fully inform development”. 

QDP3 Objective 2 – “To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of the villages and ensure that a full understanding of the archaeological, architectural, urban design and landscape heritage of each village informs the design approach to new development and renewal, recognising the particular character context in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)”. 


EDE 8 Objective 9 – “To support place-making enhancements and upgrades to our villages and centres to create vibrant and attractive places for people and businesses”. 

EDE13 Objective 4 – “To support the viability and vitality of the existing retail centres in the County, in particular in town, village and district centres and to facilitate a competitive and healthy environment for the retail industry, while reinforcing sustainable development.”

EDE13 Objective 2 – “To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of traditional villages and to support their enhancement and upgrade”.