Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Under heading 8.4.1 Social/Community Infrastructure Audit, amend paragraph commencing with 'Public Open Space and Parks' to read: Public Open Space and Parks - 2.8 hectares per 1,000 population.
The proposed motion seeks to amend section 8.4.1 as follows:
Public Open Space and Parks – 2.4 hectares per 1,000 population.
Public Open Space and Parks – 2.8 hectares per 1,000 population.
The proposed motion seeks to increase the quantity of open space per 1,000 population by 0.4ha where a standard of 2.8ha per 1000 population would be applied. No justification is set out in the proposed motion for same.
The standard of 2-2.5 hectares per 1000 population has lasted the test of time and is still seen as a robust standard used by most local authorities in Ireland and the UK. It is accords with the Residential Density Planning Guidelines. The consultants carrying out the GI Strategy and the Parks and Open Space Strategy were tasked with reviewing our current policy and open space hierarchy to ensure it is best practice. The findings of the consultants was such that the standard of 2.4ha /1000 population remains a robust standard to apply.
COS Objective 1 supports a hierarchy of multi-functional, accessible parks and public open spaces across the County based on existing populations and planned growth in accordance with the overall standard of 2.4ha per 1,000 population.
Section 8.7.3 sets out that this standard will be applied to all developments with a residential element. Within that standard, there are specified percentages as set out in Table 8.2 which must, as a minimum, be provided on site. Table 8.2 sets out the overall standard for open space provision as follows:
? New Residential Development on Lands Zone RESN - Minimum 15% of site area
? New Residential Development on Lands in Other Zones including mixed use - Minimum 10% of site area
? Institutional Lands / ‘Windfall’ Sites - Minimum 20% of site area (minimum)
For the first time, the objectives in the draft Plan also provide for a contribution in lieu of public open space where the percentage requirement on site outlined above falls short of the 2.4ha per thousand required by the overall standard. This will ensure that the full standards based on 2.4ha per thousand will be met on-site, or where over and above the required percentage off-site if required or by enhancements to the existing amenities in the area.
It is considered that the provisions as currently set out in the plan are justified and reasonable and therefore it is not recommended that this motion be adopted.
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.