Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Yvonne Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor Shane Moynihan
To amend the Development Plan at Chapter 6, H1 Obj9 to include 'ensure that vacant units are reactivated within 18 weeks of being vacated, except in exceptional circumstances which require structural work where this may not be possible'
The motion seeks to amend Housing Policy 1 Objective 9 by inserting 'ensure that vacant units are reactivated within 18 weeks of being vacated, except in exceptional circumstances which require structural work where this may not be possible.
Housing Policy 1 Objective 9 states ‘To promote the re-use of and reactivation of vacant units within our Urban Areas and pursue through the application of the vacant site levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and through the implementation of the South Dublin Vacant Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2021. The Council shall review and update this programme as deemed necessary.’
The above objective provides for the planning authority to investigate sites which are brought to its attention for inclusion on the vacant sites register. It is considered inappropriate to include a timeframe of 18 weeks from the date of being vacated for each site can be turned around however it is considered reasonable to text include which states: ‘As soon as possible’ which recognises the intent of the motion and potential circumstances . It recommended that this motion seeks to amend Policy 1 Objective 9 reads;
‘To promote the re-use of and reactivation of vacant units within our Urban Areas and pursue as soon as possible, through the application of the vacant site levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and through the implementation of the South Dublin Vacant Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2021. The Council shall review and update this programme as deemed necessary.’
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendments such that Housing Policy 1 Objective 9 reads: To promote the re-use of and reactivation of vacant units within our Urban Areas and pursue as soon as possible, through the application of the vacant site levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and through the implementation of the South Dublin Vacant Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2021. The Council shall review and update this programme as deemed necessary.’