Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
That the section of Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate in South Dublin County Ownership be zoned from EE to REGEN with an SLO inserted to develop the area as a 'Non-residential creative enterprise hub' so as to gradually revitalise the area and, over a period of time, vary the usage of buildings from a community and employment perspective.
The motion seeks to re-zone the ‘EE - To provide for enterprise and employment related Uses’ zoned lands at Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate to ‘Regen’ which seeks ‘To facilitate enterprise and/or residential-led regeneration subject to a development framework or plan for the area incorporating phasing and infrastructure delivery’ with a SLO to develop the area as a 'Non-residential creative enterprise hub' to gradually revitalise the area and vary the usage of buildings from a community and employment perspective.
Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate is a commercial based industrial estate which is 19 hectares in size and is made up of 40% Regen Zoning and 60% ‘EE’ zoning. There has been one pre-planning application on the Regen lands making up 10% of the zoning. However, there has been no further progress to date on that application. Based on the performance of the current plan, there has been no granted application or construction for the re-development of the estate which is residential led on the Regen zone of the industrial estate. Based on the analysis carried out under Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, the County has sufficient land capacity to meet Housing Need up to 2031.
There are significant lands within the County zoned REGEN and it is important to have a balance to provide for a mix of employment type provided by the EE zoning. The industrial estate is currently working well providing a range of employment. It would be inappropriate to re-zone the remaining lands from ‘EE’ to ‘REGEN’.
In relation to the SLO for an ‘Enterprise hub’, and to vary the usage of buildings from a community and employment perspective, Policy under the Chapter 9: Economic and Employment promotes and Innovative Economy and specifically, EDE3 Objective 6 seeks ‘To support the development of new and existing enterprise centres to provide locally based affordable work facilities and to improve employment opportunities and creative networks for local communities.’
In carrying this forward, ‘EE’ zoned land facilitates the following uses as ‘permitted in principle: Enterprise Centre, Home Based Economic Activities, Office-Based Industry, Office less than 100 sq.m, and Shop-Local with the following uses open for consideration: Childcare Facilities, Garden Centre, Public House, Restaurant/Café, Social Club, Sports Club/Facility.
Therefore, the Draft Development Plan facilitates the provision of enterprise hub on ‘EE’ zoned land and a range of community uses, subject to safeguards, throughout the County without the need to re-zone lands.
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.