Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
In table 8.2 amend percentage in Institutional Lands / 'Windfall' Sites from 20% to 25%
Table 8.2 below sets out public open space standards for different types of land use.
Table 8.2: Public Open Space Standards
Lands Use | Public Open Space Standards (Minimum) |
Overall Standard | 2.4 Ha per 1,000 Population |
New Residential Development on Lands Zone RES-N | Minimum 15% of the site area |
New Residential Development on Lands in Other Zones including mixed use | Minimum of 10% of site area |
Institutional Lands/'Windfall' Sites | Minimum 20% of site area |
The standard proposed in the CE Draft Plan for ‘Institutional Lands/’Windfall Sites’’ is in line with the Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas – Cities, Towns and Villages, DoEHLG (2009) which state the following:
‘In institutional lands and ‘windfall’ sites which are often characterised by a large private or institutional building set in substantial open lands and which in some cases may be accessible as an amenity to the wider community, any proposals for higher density residential development must take into account the objective of retaining the “open character” of these lands, while at the same time ensuring that an efficient use is made of the land. In these cases, a minimum requirement of 20% of site area should be specified; however, this should be assessed in the context of the quality and provision of existing or proposed open space in the wider area. Whilst the quantum of open space may be increased vis-à-vis other sites, the amount of residential yield should be no less than would be achieved on any comparable residential site. Increasing densities in selected parts of the site subject to the safeguards expressed elsewhere may be necessary to achieve this.’
It is considered that 20% is a sufficient percentage and balances the retention of the open character of the lands with the potential requirement to support increased densities in other sections of the site, where the site is appropriately located close to urban centres and public transport links.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.