Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
To set a SLO that SDCC will engage with the Four Districts Day Care Centre and the HSE in providing senior accommodation on the Green site at the Four Districts Day Care Centre
The motion relates to a site in Rathcoole which hosts Rathcoole Health Centre as well as the Four Districts Day Care Centre referred to by the motion. The building is a protected structure Ref. 316 on the RPS with the description ‘Rathcoole Health Centre, Rathcoole; Detached Five Bay two Storey House’. It is also located within the Rathcoole Architectural Conservation Area.
The site is zoned ‘RES’ ‘To protect and/or improve residential amenity’ and directly adjoins the ‘VC’ (Village Centre) zone.
The motion seeks an SLO on the site for SDCC to engage with the Day Care Centre and the HSE regarding provision of senior accommodation.
The proposed use for senior accommodation would be in accordance with the ‘RES’ zoning objective which seeks ‘To protect and/or improve residential amenity’. ‘Housing for older people’, ‘Residential Institution’ and ‘Retirement Home’ are all permitted in principle within this zone. The location adjacent to the village centre would also be appropriate in terms of access to public transport, facilities and amenities. However, any future development would require to be mindful of the setting and integrity of the protected structure, the location of the site within an ACA and the proximity of the housing on Beechwood Lawns and Coolamber Drive.
It is therefore considered that the motion is reasonable but that it should be reworded to state:
‘To engage with stakeholders and to investigate the possibility of providing senior accommodation on the Rathcoole Health Centre site (protected structure RPS 316), ensuring that any future development is appropriate, having full regard to the setting and integrity of the protected structure, the location of the site within the Rathcoole Architectural Conservation Area, and the amenities of adjoining housing and other land-uses’.
It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments to include an SLO as follows: ‘To engage with stakeholders and to investigate the possibility of providing senior accommodation on the Rathcoole Health Centre site (protected structure RPS 316), ensuring that any future development is appropriate, having full regard to the setting and integrity of the protected structure, the location of the site within the Rathcoole Architectural Conservation Area, and the amenities of adjoining housing and other land-uses’.