South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King

Chapter 2: Core Strategy - 2.2, 2.4.1, 2.6.7, Table 9 & 10, Map Sheet 5 (+Chapter 3) That the Plan protects and enhances where possible the Unique Lands known as Newlands Farm Located between the Belgard Rd, Ballymount Road and the Naas Rd N7 found on Map/Sheet 5. These lands are zoned RU and are a unique wildlife Habitat in an Urban setting between two major settings of Human Population of Clondalkin and Tallaght and are the lungs of Tallaght or the 'Stepping stones' for the purposes of Natural infrastructure mentioned in Chapter 3 NCBH 2 Objective 3 which states 'To protect and conserve the natural heritage of the County, and to conserve and manage EU and nationally designated sites and non-designated locally important areas which act as 'stepping stones' for the purposes of green infrastructure and Article 10 of the Habitats Directive'. These Lands with their rich abundance of Flora and Fauna including large numbers of animals offset the enormous carbon Pollution created by the vehicular traffic on the Belgard Road but more specifically the N7 - THE busiest Road in the Country and therefore must be protected. Section 2.2 Clearly states that we have more than enough Residential zoned lands within the County to meet our Ministerial targets of 17,817 and even the top tier target of 23,730 as we currently have enough zoned land to deliver 44,472 Housing units which could cover two development plans over 12 years under current population projections. In addition to the above 2.4.1 states 'The NPF's number one strategic objective: Compact Growth, sets a clear development outcome to grow our existing urban areas creating a priority to build on brownfield / infill development first, before considering greenfield lands.' This statement further supports the argument to protect the current zoning on the aforementioned Lands. Furthermore, 2.6.7 continues to support this zoning by stating 'As set out in Table 9, South Dublin has a physical excess of zoned lands to meet the population and housing targets set out under national and regional policy. These lands are located, for the most part, within existing built-up areas in Dublin City and Suburbs and will, therefore, support compact growth. Lastly, with all of the above in mind, this are of rich Biodiversity must be protected now in this Plan and into the future by ensuring its zoning is enshrined in the plan to ensure the important functions its serves to both the wildlife and the human population that surrounds it and also to ensure we create a plan that is strictly in line with current ministerial targets and National and Local targets, guidelines and Policy's some of which are set out above.


The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with National and Regional Planning policy as required under the Planning and Development Act. South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons with an identified need for over 17,817 households. Chapter 2 also confirms that the County has enough land for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need and therefore there is no need to re-zone or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out under the current 2016 County Development Plan. 

In addition to the above the subject lands are zoned RU ‘Rural and Agricultural’ where it is an objective as per Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring Table 13.1 To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture.  

The Contents of the motion are noted and it is considered that the policies and objectives set out in the Development Plan provide sufficient protection to the subject lands.   

Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted through the retention of the ‘RU’ zoning objective on the lands and the retention of Objective NCBH 2 Objective 3.

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