Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That this council has a SLO to work with the Department of Youth and Children that will remember all Survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions in marking, in way of remembrance a memorial park and memorial and this is written in the County Development plan - A Garden of light " For all who suffered"
This motion as proposed is an SLO to work with the Department of Youth and Children that will remember all Survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions in marking, in way of remembrance a memorial park and memorial and this is written in the County Development plan - A Garden of light " For all who suffered".
The intent of the motion is acknowledged. It would be optimal if a memorial park of remembrance for all Survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions be provided in line with any national guidance developed for same. In advance of that it may be premature to develop an objective around the detail of the memorial as it may be superseded by national guidance.
Notwithstanding this, South Dublin County Council have draft policy on Infrastructure Naming, Provision of Memorials and Plaques applies to Infrastructure Assets under the Council’s control .
Proposals for infrastructure naming or for the provision of a memorial or plaque may be initiated on a request by elected members, community groups/ representatives or members of the public or other groups, the following must be adhered to:
It is considered that this motion be adopted with amendment as follows:
To provide a new objective (rather than an SLO) under Chapter 8, Policy COS 5 Parks and Public:
COS 5 Objective (X):
To support and facilitate the provision of a memorial park of remembrance for all survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment.
Insert a new objective under Chapter 8, Section 8.7 Parks and Public Open Space, Policy COS 5 Parks and Public:
COS 5 Objective (X):
To support and facilitate the provision of a memorial park of remembrance for all survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions.