Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Amend CS9 Objective 1 to read: To ensure that development proposals provide for the front-loading of infrastructure, community buildings, sports pitches and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.
The motion seeks to add additional wording to CS9 Objective 1 as follows:
From: To ensure that development proposals provide for infrastructure and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.
To: To ensure that development proposals provide for the front-loading of infrastructure, community buildings, sports pitches and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.
The premise of the motion is noted which aims to ensure that a level of physical and social infrastructure is front-loaded to meet existing and future demand.
However, the objective is referencing the adopted Newcastle LAP and ensuring that the phasing of the adopted LAP is adhered to. Introducing the words ‘front-loading’ would not align with the LAP for the different aspects of required infrastructure in the phasing and therefore the objective would be contradictory and cannot be supported.
It is considered that the objective as currently worded reflects and supports the LAP and adopted phasing requirements. However, it could be amended to read:
To ensure that development proposals provide for infrastructure including community buildings, sports pitches and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.
It is noted that Objective CS 9 Objective 3 is also relevant and that there is an approved motion to amend it to read:
To proactively support and promote the highest levels of service, social infrastructure, facilities, retail and economic activity to meet the needs of current and future growth in line with the scale and function of Newcastle within the settlement hierarchy.
It is considered that the motion can be adopted with amendment noting also that there are a number of objectives in the draft Plan which support the delivery of necessary infrastructure.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to read:
CS9 Objective 1: To ensure that development proposals provide for infrastructure including community buildings, sports pitches and service provision in line with population growth as set out in the Newcastle LAP (2012 extended to December 2022) or any succeeding plan.