Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That this council recognise the buildings of Thomas J Byrne (Builder) and that the council set an objective to protect the buildings he built, Many spread out throughout SDCC and are of historical importance to our history and heritage , these houses should be categorised and listed (Reference SDCC Libraries published book Nation Builder (2013)
A number of TJ Byrne houses and public buildings are currently listed on the Record of Protected Structures and are found throughout the County, offering fine examples of his architectural style. It is also noted that many TJ Byrne houses are currently designated Architectural Conservation Areas within the County, such as St Patrick’s Cottages, Grange Rd, Rathfarnham, Balrothery Cottages, Tallaght and Riverside Cottages Templeogue.
The draft Plan contains policy and objectives to protect these buildings such as:
NCBH Policy 20 - “Preserve and enhance the historic character and visual setting of Architectural Conservation Areas and carefully consider any proposals for development that would affect the special value of such areas”.
NCBH 20 Objective 1 - “To avoid removal of distinctive features that positively contribute to the character of Architectural Conservation Areas including building features, shop fronts, boundary treatments, street furniture, landscaping and paving”.
NCBH Policy 19 - “Conserve and protect buildings, structures and sites contained in the RPS and carefully consider any proposals that would affect the setting, special character or appearance of a Protected Structure including its historic curtilage, both directly and indirectly”.
NCBH19 Objective 1 – “To ensure the protection of all structures (or parts of structures) and their immediate surroundings including the curtilage and attendant grounds of structures identified in the Record of Protected Structures”.
As indicated, many of Thomas Byrnes buildings are already included on the record of protected structures and more are included within existing ACAs. It is considered that the policies and objectives outlined above, in addition to the RPS and ACAs, sufficiently protect a variety of TJ Byrne buildings. It is considered that the Motion can be adopted with amendment whereby the existing objective NCBH Policy 20, NCBH 20 Objective 1, NCBH Policy 19 and NCBH 19 Objective 1, NCBH 23 Objective 2 are sufficient to ensure the protection of the said buildings.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing policies and objectives, including the relevant list of protected structures and ACAs and NCBH Policy 20, NCBH 20 Objective 1, NCBH Policy 19 and NCBH 19 Objective 1, NCBH 23 Objective 2 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan is sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
NCBH Policy 20 - “Preserve and enhance the historic character and visual setting of Architectural Conservation Areas and carefully consider any proposals for development that would affect the special value of such areas”.
NCBH 20 Objective 1 - “To avoid removal of distinctive features that positively contribute to the character of Architectural Conservation Areas including building features, shop fronts, boundary treatments, street furniture, landscaping and paving”.
NCBH Policy 19 - “Conserve and protect buildings, structures and sites contained in the RPS and carefully consider any proposals that would affect the setting, special character or appearance of a Protected Structure including its historic curtilage, both directly and indirectly”.
NCBH19 Objective 1 – “To ensure the protection of all structures (or parts of structures) and their immediate surroundings including the curtilage and attendant grounds of structures identified in the Record of Protected Structures”.
NCBH23 Objective 2 – “To ensure that conservation is a key design principle underpinning any redevelopment/regeneration schemes that affect the historic built environments of the County”.