South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

Amend NCBH 19 SLO 1 to read: To support the refurbishment of the 'Silver Bridge' in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to actively seek direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use.


NCBH 19 SLO 1 states: ‘To support the refurbishment of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council’.

The motion seeks to replace ‘Metal Bridge’ with ‘Silver Bridge’ and to add the wording ‘and to actively seek direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use’ so that the objective reads:

‘To support the refurbishment of the metal silver bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to actively seek direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use’.

It should be noted that recommendations have already been made for this objective to be amended on foot of motions 71360 and 71139 to read: ‘To support the refurbishment and re-use of the metal bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County'. 

It is understood that there are considerable access difficulties on the Fingal side which are more critical to safe public use. However, it is considered that South Dublin could seek the acquisition of lands in private ownership within the Council’s area which would facilitate access should it become available in the future from the Fingal side.

It is noted that the term ‘metal bridge’ is the one used in the SAAO and it is appropriate to retain this name. The word ‘silver’ could be incorporated in brackets to allow for the different usage of names to be incorporated.

It is considered that the objective can be amended, having regard to possible related amendments, to read:

To support the refurbishment and re-use of the metal (silver) bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County through the Council actively seeking direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through the acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use’.


It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendment so that NCBH 19 SLO 1 reads:

To support the refurbishment and re-use of the metal (silver) bridge in Palmerstown (the Lower Road, RPS ref. 006) which is in the ownership of Fingal County Council and to promote its usage into the sustainable movement infrastructure of the County through the Council actively seeking direct access to and enhanced enjoyment of this structure through the acquisition of lands in private ownership within South Dublin to facilitate public use.

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