Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor D. Richardson
That this Council being aware of the growing number of individuals with special needs in the County currently living in inappropriate nursing homes or other settings, or more commonly at home with ageing parents or family members, who are eligible and to go on the Council Housing List, agrees to identify and source along with other approved voluntary housing bodies appropriate safe locations for new housing accommodation each year as part of the Development Plan, with a view to supporting a greater number transitioning towards their goal of independent living
In Chapter 6, Section 6.3 Housing for Older People, there are provisions, policy and objectives that are particularly relevant to this motion including the following:
H1 Objective 3: To ensure that housing is available to meet the needs of people of all incomes and needs including older persons, people with disabilities, and the homeless, through an appropriate mix of unit types and tenures provided in appropriate locations and in a manner appropriate to their specific needs.
H3 Objective 2:
To Support housing options for older people and persons with disabilities and/or mental health issues – consistent with NPO 30 in the NPF, RPO 9.1 and 9.12 of the RSES.
H3 Objective 5:
Support the provision of specific purpose-built accommodation, including assisted living units and lifetime housing and adaptation of existing properties.
The Council fulfil numerous housing functions, including the strategic co-ordination of social housing provision by other stakeholders and housing providers that will realise housing solutions for people on Social Housing Lists. The Council also operates the RAS (Rental Accommodation Scheme), the HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) and other housing support schemes as directed by the Department of Housing.
In many cases the housing solution for the individual will also require the support of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and in some instances for the HSE to provide a leadership role in identifying and activating a response to housing need.
The motion as proposed refers to voluntary housing bodies. Approved Housing Bodies (also known as housing associations) are non-profit organisations whose purpose is the provision and management of housing for households who are in housing need. Housing associations primarily provide social housing for the following:
Having regard to the above, it is considered that this motion be adopted with the following amendments:
(i) Amend Section 6.3 from:
6.3 Housing for Older People
6.3 Housing for All
[Note: Amend Table of Contents accordingly]
(ii) Add Sub heading Housing for Older People directly under heading 6.3 Housing for All
[Same paragraphs/Text below new Sub heading Husing for Older People]
(iii) Insert New Sub heading Housing for Persons with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues [below existing paragraphs/Text]
(iv) Insert the following text/paragraphs [after new Sub heading Housing for Persons with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues]
Location is critical when considering housing for people with a disability and/or mental health issues. Access to public transport, local community services and facilities are significant factors in improving quality of life. In terms of housing design, compliance with Part M of the Building Regulations expands options available to persons with a disability. Support is needed for the concept of independent and/or assisted living for those with a disability, and consideration should be given to the fact that some people require live-in care, when designing adapted housing units. The Council will support development which provides respite and/or residential care at appropriate locations and zonings throughout the County. Development should be in accordance with the principles of Universal Design and the National Disability Authority’s publication ‘Building For Everyone: A Universal Design Approach’ and shall have regard to the Government’s ‘National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021’.
The Council works in partnership with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and Approved Housing Bodies to deliver and manage social housing. The Council will promote the provision of public (including social and affordable) housing by prioritising sites for servicing that have a potential for public (including social and affordable) housing.
(v) Amend Policy H3: Housing for Older People from:
Policy H3: Housing for Older People
Policy H3: Housing for All
(vi) Amend the wording of the Policy H3 from:
Support the provision of accommodation for older people in established residential and mixed use
areas offering a choice and mix of accommodation types to older people (independent and semi independent living) within their communities and at locations that are proximate to services and amenities.
Support the provision of accommodation for older people and people with disabilities and/or mental health issues within established residential and mixed-use areas offering a choice and mix of accommodation types within their communities and at locations that are proximate to services and amenities.
And maintain the existing objectives H3 Objective 1 to H3 Objective 8
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment.
(i) Amend Section 6.3 from:
6.3 Housing for Older People
6.3 Housing for All
[Note: Amend Table of Contents accordingly]
(ii) Add Sub heading Housing for Older People directly under heading 6.3 Housing for All
[Same paragraphs/Text below new Sub heading Housing for Older People]
(iii) Insert Sub heading Housing for Persons with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues [below existing paragraphs/Text]
(iv) Insert the following text/paragraphs [after new Sub heading Housing for Persons with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues]
Location is critical when considering housing for older people and people with a disability. Access to public transport, local community services and facilities are significant factors in improving quality of life. In terms of housing design, compliance with Part M of the Building Regulations expands options available to persons with a disability. Support is needed for the concept of independent and/or assisted living for those with a disability, and consideration should be given to the fact that some people require live-in care, when designing adapted housing units. The Council will support development which provides respite and/or residential care at appropriate locations and zonings throughout the County. In all cases, development must be in accordance with the principles of Universal Design and the National Disability Authority’s publication ‘Building For Everyone: A Universal Design Approach’ and shall have regard to the Government’s ‘National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021’.
The Council works in partnership with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and Approved Housing Bodies to deliver and manage social housing. The Council will promote the provision of public (including social and affordable) housing by prioritising sites for servicing that have a potential for public (including social and affordable) housing.
(v) Amend Policy H3: Housing for Older People from:
Policy H3: Housing for Older People
Policy H3: Housing for All
(vi) Amend the wording of Policy H3 from:
Support the provision of accommodation for older people in established residential and mixed use
areas offering a choice and mix of accommodation types to older people (independent and semi independent living) within their communities and at locations that are proximate to services and amenities.
Support the provision of accommodation for older people and people with disabilities and/or mental health issues within established residential and mixed-use areas offering a choice and mix of accommodation types within their communities and at locations that are proximate to services and amenities.
And maintain the existing objectives H3 Objective 1 to H3 Objective 8 below the revised Housing Policy H3.