South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King

To amend by adding an additional Objective: IE 5 Objective 8: To promote and facilitate the provision of fibre optic cables to facilitate the delivery of high speed broadband where it has been identified in our previous mapping studies that they are lacking particularly but not exclusively in our urban centres and districts and to work collaboratively and promptly to achieve this within the lifetime of the plan.


New objective to read as follows is proposed

Objective: IE 5 Objective 8: ‘To promote and facilitate the provision of fibre optic cables to facilitate the delivery of high speed broadband where it has been identified in our previous mapping studies that they are lacking particularly but not exclusively in our urban centres and districts and to work collaboratively and promptly to achieve this within the lifetime of the plan.’

The proposed motion seeks the inclusion of a new objective related to provision and identification for fibre optic cables to facilitate the delivery of high-speed broadband in the County.

The provision of telecommunication infrastructure in Ireland is guided by the Planning Guidelines for Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures (1996) and Circular Letter PL 07/12 issued by the DECLG. The Council is currently working with the NBP contractor (National Broadband Ireland) to plan for the delivery of high-speed broadband in South Dublin. The Council also works with telecommunication operators with their infrastructural investment. Nonetheless the content of the motion is considered appropriate however it is contended that it cannot be site specific and must be investigated County wide. It is considered the motion is adopted with the following amendment:

IE 5 Objective 8: To investigate the potential for the provision of fibre optic cables in the County to facilitate the delivery of high-speed broadband and to work collaboratively with providers in facilitating the same.


It is considered the motion is adopted with amendment.

IE 5 Objective 8: To investigate the potential for the provision of fibre optic cables in the County to facilitate the delivery of high-speed broadband and to work collaboratively with providers in facilitating the same.