Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Carly Bailey
That the SDCC County Development Plan will ensure the front loading of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure for all new housing developments and will able to respond quickly as communities needs change over time.
The County Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes for SDZ lands and framework/masterplans are the primary mechanisms for identifying the infrastructure requirements for an area and planning for the timely provision and delivery of same in tandem with development by working closely with all infrastructure providers.
Infrastructure providers include state departments, states bodies and national utility providers such as Irish Water, TII, NTA, DES, as well as the Local Authority and private developers.
The Draft County Development Plan includes the following policies, objectives and provisions that acknowledge and support this:
(Chapter 11)
“IE 2 Objective 1:
To work in conjunction with Irish Water to protect existing water and drainage infrastructure and to promote the ongoing upgrade and expansion of water supply and wastewater services to meet the future needs of the County and the Region.”
(Chapter 7)
“SM1 Objective 7:
To engage with relevant agencies including the National Transport Authority (NTA) and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in relation to strategic and local transportation issues including delivery of transport projects.”
(Chapter 4)
“The Council will also continue to proactively engage with developers and other stakeholders to secure the provision of community and social facilities required as part of the phasing of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes within the County.”
(Chapter 4)
“In addition, the Council has engaged extensively with the Department [of Education and Skills (DES)], as part of the preparation of this Plan, to identify school need in each neighbourhood area based on the population growth identified in the core strategy. This engagement involved the review of school reservations on the 2016 Development Plan maps and within LAPs to ascertain whether they should be retained as part of this Plan and an assessment, based on the core strategy, of whether new schools would be required. This is reflected in the objectives contained within the Development Plan maps, and are also identified in Chapter 12, Neighbourhood Areas.
Demand for school provision will continue to inform the preparation of any LAPs, SDZ Planning Schemes and framework/masterplans.”
Having regard to above and the aim of the proposed motion it is considered acceptable that the motion be accepted subject to amendment such that a new Policy would be included under section 5.4 Plans and Frameworks to read as follows:
Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking (QDP) Policy 13 – Plans and Frameworks
Continue to work closely with all infrastructure providers to ensure the timely delivery of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure in tandem with new residential development and in accordance with the provisions of the County Development Plan or any Local Area Plan, SDZ Planning Scheme or framework/masterplan in place in the area.
And to renumber the policies and objectives under sections 5.4.1 Local Area Plans Policy 14, 5.4.2 Strategic Development Zones Policy 15 and 5.4.3 Framework/Masterplans Policy 16 accordingly.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to insert a new policy under Section 5.4. to read:
QDP Policy 13 Plans/Frameworks – General
Continue to work closely with all infrastructure providers to ensure the timely delivery of social, community, economic and sustainable transportation infrastructure in tandem with new residential development and in accordance with the provisions of the County Development Plan or any Local Area Plan, SDZ Planning Scheme or framework/masterplan in place in the area.
And to renumber the policies and objectives under sections 5.4.1 Local Area Plans Policy 14, 5.4.2 Strategic Development Zones Policy 15 and 5.4.3 Framework/Masterplans Policy 16 accordingly.