Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor Alan Edge
H8, Add Objective: To ensure that the requirements for high quality open space are met in respect of each development separately and individually in cases where a particular development is envisaged as a phase of a larger development.
The motion seeks a new objective under Policy 8 which states: ‘Ensure that all residential development is served by a clear hierarchy and network of high quality public open spaces that provide for active and passive recreation and enhances the visual character, identity and amenity of the area.’.
The motion proposes a new objective: ‘To ensure that the requirements for high quality open space are met in respect of each development separately and individually in cases where a particular development is envisaged as a phase of a larger development.’
Chapter 8 contains policies and objectives in relation to public open space ensuring that new residential development delivers on open space which is quantitatively appropriate and of a high qualitative standard. H8 Objective 1 refers to these policies by requiring public open space in new developments to comply with the quantitative and qualitative requirements of the policy set out.
The intent of the motion is acknowledged. However, there may be some instances where the full quantity of open space will not be delivered in a phased development because the phasing of the LAP allows for the larger elements of public open space to take place within a phasing which may be after the earliest planning applications within that LAP or SDZ. Equally, the motion could also result in each phase of a very large housing development providing small meaningless open spaces in each phase as opposed to a bigger open space in a more meaningful way. In all instances, what is defined as ‘small parks’ (0.2-2ha) and ‘smaller residential open spaces’ (up to 0.2ha) will be delivered as part of each relevant development in accordance with the quantitative standards applied. However, it is not always reasonable to have larger ‘Local Parks’ (2 to 20ha) delivered with every individual development where it is part of a wider LAP area.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that H8 Objective 1 requires compliance with open space policy:
H8 Objective 1: To ensure that public open space in new residential developments complies with the quantitative and qualitative standards set out in Section 8.7 of Chapter 8: Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space and Chapter 13: Implementation and Monitoring.