Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That this council agree a SLO that private paid parking is relocated out of Clondallkin village and the area pedestrianised. Pedestrianised area to include Main Street and Tower Rd. Tuthills car park area if purchased could be generated as a Plaza for Community use such as a Farmer's Market and festivals. The area also includes 'cycle points such as Dublin Bikes' That funding is budgeted and invested in Streetscaping - seating; signage; notice boards; - highlighting Clondalkin's rich heritage. Improved planting structures including trees, Roads to include solar bins.
The proposed motion seeks to include an SLO covering the following issues:
It is noted that some of the issues raised by the motion are outside the scope of a County Development Plan. It is not the role of the Development Plan to identify or agree lands for purchase by the Council or for operational matters to be set out.
However, it is proposed to include a new objective in the Development Plan for the preparation of a LAP for Clondalkin. A wide variety of issues would be dealt with as part of the LAP. It will include a vision for the development of Clondalkin and a transport and movement study, which would deal with many of the issues raised in the motion. The new objective would read as follows:
‘To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate:
It is considered that the objective above will address many of the issues raised by the motion.
It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments to include an objective for the preparation of a LAP for Clondalkin in the Development Plan as follows:
‘To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate: