Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
In Table 9.1: Retail Hierarchy for the Region - South Dublin, create new Level 3A section to include the following under South Dublin Centres: 'Adamstown SDZ District Centre and Clonburris SDZ District Centre (Proposed)'; - with the following wording under RSES Description and Service Type: 'District Centres 'These District centres will provide a good range of comparison shopping, including department stores, other retail, some leisure, activities, a range of cafés and restaurants and other mixed uses. They should contain at least one supermarket and ancillary foodstores alongside financial and other retail services. 'District Centres should generally cater for a population of 10,000-40,000 people.'; - the existing Level 3 to be renamed Level 3B with text to read: 'Town and/or and Sub-County town Centres (Key Service Centres) 'These centres will vary both in the scale of provision and size of catchment depending on proximity to a major town centre, but a good range of comparison shopping would be expected (though no large department store), some leisure activities and a range of cafés and restaurants and other mixed uses. They should contain at least one supermarket and ancillary foodstores alongside financial and other retail services.'
Section 9.4.2 of the CE Draft Plan notes that ‘the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities, DECLG (2012) and the retail hierarchy set out in the RSES, form the basis for retail planning in South Dublin. The Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities seek to ensure that the planning system continues to play a key role in supporting competitiveness in the retail sector for the benefit of the consumer and that it also promotes and supports the vitality and viability of city and town centres.’
It also notes states that ‘In recognising that the last Regional Retail Strategy was carried out for the Greater Dublin Region in 2008 under Regional Planning Guidelines, RPO 6.10 of the RSES supports the preparation of an updated Retail Strategy/Strategies for the Region in accordance with the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012. Any such Strategy will include a review of the retail hierarchy and retail floorspace requirements for the Region. In the absence of any update, the RSES sets out the retail hierarchy for the region, substantially reflecting the retail hierarchy in the 2008 Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area. Should any future regional strategy or update of the guidelines provide a different planning context to that presented in this section consideration will be given to the need for a Variation to the County Development Plan.’
It is recommended that the motion not be adopted.