South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins

Community Infrastructure and Open Space: COS 8 Objective 7: To add in at the end of this objective “and to ensure insofar as possible, that such provision does not result in parking for schools spilling over into, and blocking, access for residents in neighbouring estates”


The motion seeks to add and to ensure insofar as possible, that such provision does not result in parking for schools spilling over into, and blocking, access for residents in neighbouring estates’ at the end of COS 8 Objective 7, as follows:

From: ‘To facilitate provision of parking for staff and parents and ‘drop-off’ areas for new schools, only as part of a mobility management plan, where a need has been demonstrated and where active travel modes (walking and cycling) and public transport have been prioritised.’

To: ‘To facilitate provision of parking for staff and parents and ‘drop-off’ areas for new schools, only as part of a mobility management plan, where a need has been demonstrated and where active travel modes (walking and cycling) and public transport have been prioritised and to ensure insofar as possible, that such provision does not result in parking for schools spilling over into, and blocking, access for residents in neighbouring estates’


The intent of the motion and additional text is noted. It is considered that the proposed amendments are seeking to ensure the protection of nearby residential amenity. As such, it is proposed that the following text is added to capture the intent of the motions Having regard to the protection of nearby residential amenity.’ Whereby COS 8 Objective 7 reads:

‘To facilitate provision of parking for staff and parents and ‘drop-off’ areas for new schools, only as part of a mobility management plan, where a need has been demonstrated and where active travel modes (walking and cycling) and public transport have been prioritised having regard to the protection of nearby residential amenity

The motion is considered acceptable with the revised amendments.


It is recommended that adopted with amendments such that Objective COS 8 Objective 7 reads:

‘To facilitate provision of parking for staff and parents and ‘drop-off’ areas for new schools, only as part of a mobility management plan, where a need has been demonstrated and where active travel modes (walking and cycling) and public transport have been prioritised having regard to the protection of nearby residential amenity’