South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor M. Duff

COS 4 Object 4 add SLO to commit to providing a Sports Hub in the Kingswood Heights area.


The motion proposes an SLO to commit to providing a sports hub in Kingswood Heights.

Provisions, policies and objectives pertaining to the provision of community facilities to meet needs of existing and growing populations are set out under Chapter 8, Section 8.4 Social/Community Infrastructure and 8.6 Sports Facilities and Centres of the CE Draft Plan including the following:

COS 4 Objective 1- To promote the provision and management of high-quality,  multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs,  to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership,  consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

COS 4 Objective 3: To support the preparation of a Sports Plan for the County, where this provides for the sustainable development of sports facilities, in accordance with the National Sports Policy.

Policy COS 2 Social/Community Infrastructure- Support the planned provision of a range of universally accessible and well-connected social, community, cultural and recreational facilities, close to the communities they serve, in accordance with RPO 9.14 of the RSES. (See also Chapter 5, Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking)

COS 2 Objective 1 - To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new communities in tandem with housing development, and in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.

COS 2 Objective 2 - To promote the timely provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan.

COS 2 Objective 3 - To protect and enhance existing community facilities, and to support the development and expansion of new and existing facilities and services, in proximity to the populations they serve, where their need is identified.

It is noted that there are a number of motions looking for similar objectives as this but relating to different areas. It is not considered that the Development Plan needs to, or that it is appropriate to, list specific areas individually given the purpose of the objectives listed above.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objectives COS 4 Objective 1, COS 4 Objective 3 and COS 2 Objectives 1-3 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan and are sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:

COS 4 Objective 1- To promote the provision and management of high-quality,  multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs,  to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership,  consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

COS 4 Objective 3: To support the preparation of a Sports Plan for the County, where this provides for the sustainable development of sports facilities, in accordance with the National Sports Policy.

Policy COS 2 Social/Community Infrastructure:

Support the planned provision of a range of universally accessible and well-connected social, community, cultural and recreational facilities, close to the communities they serve, in accordance with RPO 9.14 of the RSES. (See also Chapter 5, Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking)

COS 2 Objective 1 - To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new communities in tandem with housing development, and in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.

COS 2 Objective 2 - To promote the timely provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan.

COS 2 Objective 3 - To protect and enhance existing community facilities, and to support the development and expansion of new and existing facilities and services, in proximity to the populations they serve, where their need is identified.

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