Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That this council set an objective for a 3rd level College in the Clondalkin area. In view of the New Towns and a lot of apartments built being, and the further explosion In population it is imperative that we have a Third Level College. New industries coming to Clondalkin require a Third Level Education.
The motion seeks to include an objective for a 3rd level College in the Clondalkin area having regard to the increase in population and the need for a high level of education for new industries.
The content of the motion is noted. Section 8.11 ‘Higher Level Education and Further Education Facilities’ which recognises the importance of the role of higher and further education in providing for the economic and social wellbeing of the County’s population.
The overall policy relating to Higher Level Education is Policy COS 9 which states ‘Support the development and ongoing provision of higher-level education and further education in the County, and develop Tallaght as a hub for education, cross collaboration and employment to provide further opportunities for the County’s workforce.’
Under this policy, Objective 1 states: ‘To support the role of Higher Education Institutions and Educational Training Boards in addressing skills shortages and life-long learning needs in the County, in accordance with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.22 of the RSES.’
In addition, Chapter 9 ‘Employment’ Policy 6 seeks to ' Support an entrepreneurial environment to protect and enhance smart specialisations with a strong learning economy culture.’ With Policy 6 Objective 1 stating:
EDE6 Objective 1: ‘To support the development of skills and innovation through collaboration with the Regional Skills Fora managers, Higher Education Institutes, Education and Training Boards and local stakeholders to address skills shortages and lifelong learning challenges in the county consistent with RPO 6.25.’
While a 3rd level College in Clondalkin would be welcome and would be facilitated by the policy and objectives in the Plan, it is not considered appropriate for inclusion as an objective in one area of the County over another. However, the existing policies and objectives in the CE Draft Plan under Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 reflect the intent of the motion and will facilitate education providers should they come forward.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the intent of the motion is reflected in the following Objectives:
Policy COS 9 which states ‘Support the development and ongoing provision of higher-level education and further education in the County, and develop Tallaght as a hub for education, cross collaboration and employment to provide further opportunities for the County’s workforce.’
Policy COS 9 Objective 1 states: ‘To support the role of Higher Education Institutions and Educational Training Boards in addressing skills shortages and life-long learning needs in the County, in accordance with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.22 of the RSES.’
Chapter 9 ‘Employment’ Policy 6 seeks to ' Support an entrepreneurial environment to protect and enhance smart specialisations with a strong learning economy culture.
EDE6 Objective 1: ‘To support the development of skills and innovation through collaboration with the Regional Skills Fora managers, Higher Education Institutes, Education and Training Boards and local stakeholders to address skills shortages and lifelong learning challenges in the county consistent with RPO 6.25.’