South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

Page 159, Housing (H) Policy 1, replace all of 'H1 Objective 13' with 'H1 Objective 13: Proposals for residential development shall provide an appropriate mix of one, two, three and four bedroom units as determined by the Housing Needs Demand Assessment for that area in order to ensure that housing delivery is based on need above all other considerations.'


This motion seeks to amend H1 Objective 13 as follows:

From: ‘Proposals for residential development shall provide a minimum of 30% 3-bedroom units

unless it can be demonstrated that:

To: ‘Proposals for residential development shall provide an appropriate mix of one, two, three and four bedroom units as determined by the Housing Needs Demand Assessment for that area in order to ensure that housing delivery is based on need above all other considerations.'

The merit of the motion is noted. However the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA carried out a County-wide analysis which recognises that each part of the County has different housing need depending on the demographic life cycle.

The 30% benchmark for the County of 3-bedrooms is used as a guide and each application must justify their mix in light of this benchmark having regard to the prevailing housing type within a 10-minute walk of the site and to the socio-economic, population and housing data set out in the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.

Until such time as a full HNDA is carried out the interim HNDA will apply. Following the adoption of the Development Plan a HNDA will be carried out on foot of the recently published Government Guidelines and HNDA methodology. Once this is completed, any requirement to vary the County Development Plan will be carried out as per H1 Objective 12:

To examine the need to vary the Development Plan, following the publication of the guidance on HNDA methodology issued by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in April 2020 (sic)

The above objective should read ‘April 2021’, this will be corrected for the Draft Plan public consultation.

It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.


It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.