South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

SLO in the County Development Plan to ensure that high quality design is deployed in all County Town projects (public and private). The design should acknowledge the historic profile of Tallaght and it's geography. The design should not become overly monotonous and uniform rows of overly urban massed block buildings. It should be broken up by use of materials, shapes, architectural features and interest.


The proposed motion is for a Specific Local Objective (SLO) in the County Development Plan to ensure that high quality design is deployed in all County Town projects (public and private).

In respect to this motion, Chapter 5, Section 5.2.2 Context of the CE Draft Plan and the provision, policy and objectives set out therein are considered to be particularly relevant:

QDP Policy 3 Neighbourhood Context:

Support and facilitate proposals which contribute in a positive manner to the character and setting of an area.

QDP3 Objective 1:

To ensure new development contributes in a positive manner to the character and setting of the immediate area in which a proposed development is located taking into consideration the

provisions set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan and having regard to the requirements set out in Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring in relation to design statements.

QDP3 Objective 2:

To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of the villages and ensure that a full understanding of the archaeological, architectural, urban design and landscape heritage of each village informs the design approach to new development and renewal, recognising the particular character context in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs).

QDP3 Objective 3:

To promote design standards and densities in village centres that are informed by the surrounding village and historic context and enhance the specific characteristics of each town or village in terms of design, scale, form and external finishes.

QDP Policy 7 High Quality Design – Development General

To promote and facilitate development which incorporates exemplary standards of high-quality,

sustainable and inclusive urban design, urban form and architecture.


QDP7 Objective 1: To actively promote high quality design through the policies and objectives which form the ‘The Plan Approach’ to creating sustainable and successful neighbourhoods and through the implementation of South Dublin’s Building Height and Density Guide.

The CE Draft Plan’s County policies, objectives and provisions, including South Dublin County’s BHDG (Appendix 10), align with national and regional objectives and have regard to and are informed by all relevant Ministerial Guidance documents (and any amendments thereof) and Specific Planning Policy Requirements contained therein.

The Building Height Guidelines provisions in relation to ‘historic environments’ set out how development proposals in such areas should be dealt with by the Planning Authority. The Draft County Development Plan’s BHDG and its policies and objectives support the approach outlined in the Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines relating specifically to increased height in ‘historic environments’.

In respect to implementation of policy relating to quality design and health placemaking, Chapter 13, Section 13.4.2 Design Considerations and Statements, sets out the following requirements:

‘The Plan Approach’ Compliance Report:

Applications for new development shall be accompanied by a statement from a suitably qualified person detailing how ‘the plan approach’ has been taken into consideration and incorporated into the design of the development, including the materials and finishes proposed, and demonstrating how the eight overarching principles for the achievement of successful and sustainable neighbourhoods have been addressed which are:

The principles set out above shall be demonstrated through the submission of a report clearly detailing how careful consideration has been given to each element within the context and character of a site including analysis and integration in so far as possible of natural, cultural and built heritage and key green infrastructure elements in line with the policies and objectives set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan. In addition, all planning applications for development must demonstrate how the proposal constitutes a positive urban design response to the local context and how it contributes to placemaking and the identity of an area.

Design Statements:

In line with the provisions of Policy QDP7 Objective 1, all medium to-large scale and complex planning applications (30 + residential units, commercial development over 1,000 sq.m. or as otherwise required by the Planning Authority) shall be accompanied by a Design Statement. The Design Statement should address contextual and urban design issues and clearly explain the design process, the design options considered and the rationale behind the adopted design development strategy.

All planning applications for development must demonstrate how the proposal constitutes a positive urban design response to the local context and how it contributes to placemaking and the identity of an area. This should form part of ‘The plan approach’ statement demonstrating how the eight principles for sustainable and successful neighbourhood development have been addressed and responded to in the development proposal.

It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the provisions set out under Chapter 5, in conjunction with the South Dublin County’s BHDG (Appendix 10) and Chapters 13, Section 13.4.2 4 are sufficient to provide for the intent of this motion


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the provisions, policies and objectives as currently set out under Chapter 5, in conjunction with the South Dublin County’s BHDG (Appendix 10) and Chapters 13, Section 13.4.2 4 are sufficient to provide for the intent of this motion.

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