Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor David McManus, Councillor Baby Pereppadan
• That Sections 25.3 and 25.4 of the Draft Development Plan be amended to include Persons who have grown up or spent substantial periods of their lives, (12 years), living in the area, who have moved away and who now wish to return to reside near to, or to care for, immediate family members, seeking to build on the family landholding or on a site within 5 km of the original family home, and that immediate family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister or guardian.
This motion seeks to amend Sections 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 of the current County Development Plan Rural Housing with the RU Zone and the Dublin Mountain Zone
The motion seeks to include the following wording:
The introduction of a provision to allow for various family members to build on a site up to 5km away from the family home is not appropriate and would put further, potentially speculative, pressure on the rural and mountain areas for one-off homes. For example, a scenario could arise where a family with two children who both seek to build a house could potentially result in 2 new houses (within 5km from the family home) on a landholding and in time with a similar family scenario result in a further 4 houses in the rural area (within 5km of their family home – which in theory could in fact be up to 10km from the original family home) resulting in 6 new houses and so on. The cumulative impact of this potential exponential growth needs very careful consideration given the impact it could have on unsustainable housing in the rural and Dublin Mountain area.
In addition to the above it should be noted that a working group has been established by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (the Department) to review and, where necessary, recommend changes to the 2005 guidelines. As of the 15th of June 2021, the Department have indicated that work is ongoing in preparing an update to the 2005 Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for planning authorities and it is expected that an initial draft of the updated guidelines will be available following environmental assessment later in 2021.
Having regard to the above it is not considered that proposals to amend the Rural Housing Strategy provisions in the plan in an ad-hoc manner which may have potential unforeseen knock-on effects to be best practice. It is therefore considered that the most prudent path forward in regard to Rural Housing policy provision is to initiate a review of the overall Rural Housing Policy provisions of the Plan following the publication of the updated Rural Housing Guidelines later in 2021. Should changes be recommended during this review they would be brought back to the Members as a Variation to the County Development Plan.
It is considered that an objective to reflect this commitment could be inserted as new objective H17 Objective 1 which will read as follows:
H17 Objective 1 To commence a review of the Rural Housing Policy and Local Need Criteria within six months of the adoption of the Plan and to include a public consultation as part of this process.
It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendment whereby a new objective would be inserted in Chapter 6 titled H17 Objective 1, to read as follows:
To commence a review of the Rural Housing Policy and Local Need Criteria within six months of the adoption of the Plan and to include a public consultation as part of this process