Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Councillor Liam Sinclair, Councillor L. Donaghy, Councillor S.McEneaney
To amend CS1 Objective 2 as follows: Support continued collaboration between infrastructure providers, state agencies and local authorities to inform cross sectoral investment plans and capital spending plans to accelerate the development of strategic development areas and secure the best use of public lands in the Dublin Metropolitan Area - consistent with RPO 5.1. This includes but is not limited to supporting increased rail capacity under DART+ or any succeeding plan, increased capacity on the Luas Red Line, and development of a metro rail link serving the south of the county.
The motion seeks to amend CS1 Objective 2 as follows:
From: ‘To Support continued collaboration between infrastructure providers, state agencies and local authorities to inform cross sectoral investment plans and capital spending plans to accelerate the development of strategic development areas and secure the best use of public lands in the Dublin Metropolitan Area – consistent with RPO 5.1’
To: Support continued collaboration between infrastructure providers, state agencies and local authorities to inform cross sectoral investment plans and capital spending plans to accelerate the development of strategic development areas and secure the best use of public lands in the Dublin Metropolitan Area – consistent with RPO 5.1 This includes but is not limited to supporting increased rail capacity under DART+ or any succeeding plan, increased capacity on the Luas Red Line, and development of a metro rail link serving the south of the county.
While the intent of the motion is noted it is considered that in addition to the provisions set out under CS1 Objective 2 that further objectives within the plan sufficiently address the aim of the motion in particular objectives located within Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement section 7.6.2 Rail namely;
SM 1 Objective 3: To support the delivery of key sustainable transport projects including DART and Luas expansion programmes, Bus Connects and the Greater Dublin Metropolitan Cycle Network in accordance with RPO 5.2 of the RSES/MASP.
SM3 Objective 2: To facilitate and secure the implementation of major public transport projects as identified within the NTA Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016-2015), or any superseding document, including BusConnects, the DART expansion programme along the Kildare route, the opening of the new rail station at Kishogue and the Luas to Lucan.
SM3 Objective 16: To promote the delivery of the Luas to Lucan and facilitate the reservation of any identified or emerging route.
SM3 Objective 17: To support additional capacity on the Luas Red Line, to service the intensification of development in Tallaght and Fortunestown and the future development of the Naas Road lands.
SM3 Objective 18: To support the opening of the Kishogue rail station to align with the delivery of homes within the Clonburris SDZ area, in accordance with SDZ Planning Scheme phasing
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objectives CS1 Objective 2 and the provisions set out in Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement SM1 Objective 3 and SM3 Objectives 2,16,17 and 18 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan are sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
CS1 Objective 2: ‘To Support continued collaboration between infrastructure providers, state agencies and local authorities to inform cross sectoral investment plans and capital spending plans to accelerate the development of strategic development areas and secure the best use of public lands in the Dublin Metropolitan Area – consistent with RPO 5.1’
SM1 Objective 3: To support the delivery of key sustainable transport projects including DART and Luas expansion programmes, Bus Connects and the Greater Dublin Metropolitan Cycle Network in accordance with RPO 5.2 of the RSES/MASP.
SM3 Objective 2: To facilitate and secure the implementation of major public transport projects as identified within the NTA Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016-2015), or any superseding document, including BusConnects, the DART expansion programme along the Kildare route, the opening of the new rail station at Kishogue and the Luas to Lucan.
SM3 Objective 16: To promote the delivery of the Luas to Lucan and facilitate the reservation of any identified or emerging route.
SM3 Objective 17: To support additional capacity on the Luas Red Line, to service the intensification of development in Tallaght and Fortunestown and the future development of the Naas Road lands.
SM3 Objective 18: To support the opening of the Kishogue rail station to align with the delivery of homes within the Clonburris SDZ area, in accordance with SDZ Planning Scheme phasing.