South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor L. Dunne

Specific local Objective: This Development Plan will support the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that promotes & facilitates the development of the Citywest/Fortunestown area in accordance with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan that ensures that phasing is not contravened and appropriate levels of services, social & sports infrastructure, facilities & economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current & future population growth.


The aim of the motion is noted which seeks to ensure the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that promotes and facilitates the development of the Citywest/ Fortunestown area in accordance with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan and its phasing requirements. This is to ensure that appropriate levels of services, social & sports infrastructure, facilities & economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current & future population growth.

A new objective is proposed under Chapter 2 Corey Strategy and Settlement Strategy Item ID 71143 which proposes to include a new objective to ensure new development in the County is delivered in a phased manner in tandem with new physical and social infrastructure.

It is proposed that this objective would read as follows:

CS3 Objective 6: To ensure the phased development of new housing areas with the delivery of physical and social infrastructure provision as identified within Local Area Plans or as informed by assessments carried out by the Planning Authority.

However, there is further merit for the inclusion of a new objective within Chapter 5 under section 5.4.1 Local Area Plans as follows:

QDP13 Objective 3

To support the sustainable long-term growth of the Citywest/Fortunestown Area whereby new development is phased with the delivery of physical and social infrastructure provision as identified within the Fortunestown Local Area Plan or as may be informed by assessments carried out by the Planning Authority in order to meet the needs of the current and future population growth.


It is recommended that the motion is adopted with the following amendment.

Insert new objective QDP13 Objective 3 to read as follows:

To support the sustainable long-term growth of Citywest that promotes & facilitates the development of the Citywest/Fortunestown area in accordance with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan that ensures that phasing is not contravened and appropriate levels of services, social & sports infrastructure, facilities & economic activity is met to meet the needs of the current & future population growth