South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

Amend CS6 Objective 4 to read: Promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines, subject to community facilities, retail, usable open space or any infrastructure deemed necessary being included as part of the initial application.


The motion proposes to change CS6 Objective 4 as follows:

From: To promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines.

To: To promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards

at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines, subject to community facilities, retail, usable open space or any infrastructure deemed necessary being included as part of the initial application.

The premise of the motion is noted however it is considered that the wording set out is overly restrictive particularly the wording ‘being included as part of the initial application’

It may not be possible, or desirable, for every planning application to provide for all community and retail need generated by the proposed development on site.

Critically, it is not possible to predetermine what is submitted as part of a planning application beyond what is required by regulation. The need for planning applications to include required infrastructure could not be enforced under the regulations. It is a matter for development management to assess planning applications as they are received based on policy contained within the development plan, government guidelines and national and regional planning policy. The draft plan has sufficient policy to allow a detailed assessment of planning applications when they are received.

However, it is considered that the motion can be adopted with the following amended wording which would require applicants for high density schemes to ensure adequate infrastructure is in place or can be provided;

To promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards

at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines and where it can be demonstrated that the necessary infrastructure is in place or can be provided to facilitate the development. 


It is recommended that the motion be adopted with amendments such that CS6 Objective 4 reads:

To promote higher densities (50+ units per hectare) subject to meeting qualitative standards

at appropriate locations, in urban built-up areas, especially near urban centres and/or high-capacity public transport nodes in line with prevailing Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines and where it can be demonstrated that the necessary infrastructure is in place or can be provided to facilitate the development.