South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor M. Duff, Councillor Alan Edge, Councillor Peter Kavanagh

GV- 11 p151 and IE 2 objective 2, p. 286. Add: 'Work with Irish Water to tackle quickly the problems created by capacity issues regarding the Dodder Valley Sewer and in particular to encourage a pro-active response to surcharging into Dodder Valley Park to resolve the issue and mitigate the impacts on water quality, biodiversity, amenity and public health.


The proposed motion seeks to include additional working to IE 2 Objective 2 regarding the capacity issues regarding the Dodder Valley Sewer. IE 2 Objective 2 currently states:

To support Irish Water in delivering key water service projects in the County including:

The merits of the motion are noted. The County Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes for SDZ lands and framework/masterplans are the primary mechanisms for identifying the infrastructure requirements for an area and planning for the timely provision and delivery of same in tandem with development by working closely with all infrastructure providers such as Irish Water. In this regard, the CE Draft Plan includes the following policy and objectives, in addition to the IE 2 Objective 2 stated above, that acknowledge and support this:

“IE Policy 2 Water Supply and Wastewater: Ensure that water supply and wastewater infrastructure is sufficient to meet the growing needs of the population and to support growth in jobs over the lifetime of the Development Plan facilitating environmental protection and sustainable growth.

IE 2 Objective 1: To work in conjunction with Irish Water to protect existing water and drainage infrastructure and to promote the ongoing upgrade and expansion of water supply and wastewater services to meet the future needs of the County and the Region.”

IE 2 Objective 4: To support Irish Water in the delivery of the strategic objectives and strategic water and wastewater projects and infrastructure as set out in the ‘Water Services Strategic Plan’ (2015), any subsequent plan, Irish Water’s Capital Investment Plan 2020 – 2024, any subsequent Capital Investment Plans and the forthcoming National Water Resources Plan

IE 2 Objective 8:  To ensure on-going liaison and consultation with Irish Water to ensure that the water services infrastructure for the planned growth of the County, in line with the County’s Core Strategy, is integrated into the relevant plans and capital programmes and to ensure that the design and layout of water services is fully considered to deliver sustainable growth.”

It is considered that this is an issue for Irish Water and the policies and objectives set out in this CE Draft plan have been framed in a manner to ensure there is ongoing collaboration with infrastructure providers such as Irish Water in the delivery of water and wastewater and protection of the environment.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amended to reflect IE Policy 2, IE 2 Objective 1, IE 2 Objective 4 and IE 2 Objective 8 as set out in this CE Draft plan.