Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
To add a new objective, CS5 Objective 5: To ensure an even geographical spread within the county for intensive employment expansion so that varied local employment opportunities exist to cut commute times for residents in the county's major population centres, even along public transport nodes.
This motion seeks a new objective:
To ensure an even geographical spread within the county for intensive employment expansion so that varied local employment opportunities exist to cut commute times for residents in the county's major population centres, even along public transport nodes.
The policy under which the new objective is sought is Policy 5 which states: ‘Ensure that sufficient serviced lands continue to be available in the right place for employment generation over the lifetime of the Development Plan.’
The new objective seeks to ensure an even geographical spread within the county for intensive employment expansion so that varied local employment opportunities exist to cut commute times for residents in the county's major population centres. This approach is promoted under National Policy to locate people near jobs through the model of compact growth.
South Dublin is well served by public transport corridors along which intensive employment is encouraged. Higher intensity employment can be facilitated in a number of zoning objectives including REGEN and EE and in mixed-use zonings in urban centres. These zonings are located within and in close proximity to the County’s main population centres providing for local communities to avail of different employment opportunities.
It is considered that such an objective is sufficiently covered under objectives under the Draft Plan as follows:
CS5 Objective 1: To focus high intensity employment generating uses around high-capacity public transport nodes.
CS5 Objective 2: To ensure that, insofar as possible, space extensive enterprise is located on lands which are outside the M50 and which do not compromise labour intensive opportunity on zoned lands adjacent to public transport.
CS5 Objective 3: To support mixed use employment activities in our urban areas in accordance with the settlement and retail hierarchies.
CS7 Objective 1: Promote more intensive population and employment uses within the key urban centres, consistent with RPO 4.3.
EDE1 Objective 2: To develop and support the Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) through growth in the identified strategic development and employment areas of South Dublin, as part of the growth of the Dublin Region to a sufficient scale and quality to compete internationally and to be drivers of national and regional growth, investment, and prosperity consistent with NSO 5 of the NPF.
EDE1 Objective 7: To ensure that economic and enterprise related development is provided in a manner which facilitates a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by supporting and promoting the following measures:
- An increase in employment densities within walkable distances of communities and on public transport routes;
- Promotion of walking and cycling and use of public transport through increased permeability andmobility management measures within and outside employment areas;
The sourcing of power from district heating and renewables including wind and solar
- Additional native tree planting and landscaping on development sites to aid with carbon
sequestration, contribute to the green infrastructure network of the County and promote quality placemaking.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objectives CS5 Objectives 1, 2 and 3 and EDE1 Objective 7 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan provide for the intent of the motion.